Policy-based design

简介:        One problem which often arises during programming is how to build a base set of functionality which can be extended by...

       One problem which often arises during programming is how to build a base set of functionality which can be extended by the user, while still being modular enough to make it easy to replace only certain parts of an implementation without having to resort to copy & paste techniques. I guess everybody of us has faced this problem at least once, and came up with different solutions. There is a powerful and elegant technique called policy-based design for solving this kind of problem.

      Simple example

using namespace std;

template<typename output_policy,typename language_policy>
class HelloWorld:public output_policy,public language_policy
    using output_policy::Print;
    using language_policy::Message;

    void Run()

class HelloWorld_OutputPolicy_WriteToCout
	template<typename message_type>
    void Print(message_type message)
		std::cout << message << std::endl;

class HelloWorld_LangguagePolicy_English
	std::string Message()
        return "Hello World!";

class HelloWorld_LanguagePolicy_German
	std::string Message()
        return "Hello Policy!";

int main()
    typedef HelloWorld<HelloWorld_OutputPolicy_WriteToCout,HelloWorld_LangguagePolicy_English> myPolicyClass;
    myPolicyClass hello1;

    typedef HelloWorld<HelloWorld_OutputPolicy_WriteToCout,HelloWorld_LanguagePolicy_German> myOtherPolicyClass;
    myOtherPolicyClass hello2;



# which compiler
# Where are include file kept

# Where to install
INSTDIR = /usr/local/bin

# Options for development
CFLAGS = -g -Wall -ansi

	$(CC) -o policy policy.o

#	$(CC) -I$(INCLUDE) $(CFLAGS) -c msgqueue.c
#	$(CC) -D_REENTRANT -c msgqueue.c -lpthread
	$(CC) -c policy.cpp -o policy.o

	-rm  policy.o policy

	@if [-d $(INSTDIR) ];\
        then \
        cp policy $(INSTDIR);\
        chmod a+x $(INSTDIR)/policy;\
        chmod og-w $(INSTDIR)/policy;\
        echo "Install in $(INSTDIR)";\
    else \
       echo "Sorry,$(INSTDIR) does not exist";\

      Runing result:

       Hello World

       Hello Policy

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