How to Install Subversion on Mac OS X

简介: How to Install Subversion on Mac OS X740,518 views17 EditorsEdited 8 days agoTwo Parts:Install From a Binary PackageSet Up Your Subver...

How to Install Subversion on Mac OS X

  • 17 Editors

  • Edited 8 days ago

Two Parts:Install From a Binary PackageSet Up Your Subversion Environment

Subversion, sometimes called SVN, is an open-source system that remembers every change made to your files and directories. It can be helpful if you'd like to track how your documents have changed over time or to recover an older version of a file. Start at Step 1 for detailed instructions for installing Subversion on Mac OS X.

Part 1 of 2: Install From a Binary Package
  1. Install Subversion on Mac OS X Step 1.jpg
    Navigate to There you will find a number of binaries that you can download, each having various requirements. Pick the one most appropriate for your needs.
  2. Install Subversion on Mac OS X Step 2.jpg
    Unzip the .pkg file. It should create a Subversion installer on your desktop. Double click that file, and follow the installation steps as directed.
  3. Install Subversion on Mac OS X Step 3.jpg
    Open the Terminal, located in the Utilities folder. Alternately, search in Spotlight for Terminal. Enter the following at the [username]$ prompt:
    • svn [enter]
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    • If that returns "Type 'svn help' for usage," then svn is working correctly.
      Install Subversion on Mac OS X Step 3Bullet2.jpg
    • If /usr/local/bin is not in your path, edit your .profile and add a line like the following:
      Install Subversion on Mac OS X Step 3Bullet3.jpg
      • export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin
    • Open another Terminal window and try again with: svn [enter]
      Install Subversion on Mac OS X Step 3Bullet4.jpg

Part 2 of 2: Set Up Your Subversion Environment
  1. Install Subversion on Mac OS X Step 4.jpg
    Set up an SVN server. You will need this to distribute a Subversion project.
  2. Install Subversion on Mac OS X Step 5.jpg
    Launch Terminal, then create a directory called svnroot in your account directory, as follows: mkdir svnroot
    • Type: svnadmin create /Users/[your username]/svnroot
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    • That creates your server!
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  3. Install Subversion on Mac OS X Step 6.jpg
    Use the svn server with Terminal. You can checkout in the terminal with this command: svn checkout file:///Users/[your username]/svnroot
    • For remote access, enable "ssh access" (in System Preferences/Sharing) and checkout with: svn checkout svn+ssh://[your username]/svnroot
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  4. Install Subversion on Mac OS X Step 7.jpg
    Set up a Subversion client. For example, svnX supports all current versions of Mac OS X from 10.5 to 10.8. You can get it at
  5. Install Subversion on Mac OS X Step 8.jpg
    After the download, start SVNx and you will see two windows namedWorking Copies and Repositories. Under Repositories, add the URL und Login Data from the SVN Server.
    • Open the window; if you get an error, check the LogIn.
      Install Subversion on Mac OS X Step 8Bullet1.jpg
    • Switch to the Terminal and type: svn import -m "your Import message" /my/local/project/path /my/remote/svn/repository This command adds all files from the local Project to the SVN Server.
      Install Subversion on Mac OS X Step 8Bullet2.jpg
    • Add the path of your SVN repository (from the SVN server) to the list in the Working Copy window in SVNx.
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  6. Install Subversion on Mac OS X Step 9.jpg
    In SVNx open your working copy. When you're working on this Project, you will see your modifications here.
  7. Install Subversion on Mac OS X Step 10.jpg
    Test it. Make a small modification on your working copy, then refresh the the Working Copy window.
    • SVNx displays all files with modifications. Press the Commit button to add it to the SVN Server Repository.
  8. Install Subversion on Mac OS X Step 11.jpg
    If you prefer to work on the Subversion repository directly from the Finder, consider using either SCPlugin or SVN Scripts for Finder.

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  • Various additional documentation exists in the doc/ subdirectory of the Subversion source. See the file doc/README for more information.
  • The primary documentation for Subversion is the free book Version Control with Subversion, a.k.a. "The Subversion Book." You can get it from

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Sources and Citations

Article Info

Categories: Mac OS X

Recent edits by: Yoko Kanai, WanderWoman, Anuj_Kumar1

In other languages:

Español: Cómo instalar Subversión en Mac OS X, Português: Como Instalar o Subversion no Mac OS X, Italiano: Come Installare Subversion su Mac OS X, Русский: установить Subversion на Mac OS X, Deutsch: Subversion unter Mac OS X installieren

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