Registration of the Integration Pack failed

简介: “Registration of the Integration Pack failed”: Registration of the Integration Pack System Center Integration Pack for Win...

“Registration of the Integration Pack failed”:

Registration of the Integration Pack System Center Integration Pack for Windows Azure with the Orchestrator ManagementServer failed.

Workaround solution:

1.     Uninstall and unregister the IP through DeploymentManager if the old IP is still shown in DeploymentManager

2.     Delete the OIP under C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft System Center2012\Orchestrator\Management Server\Components\Packs

Note: the name of the OIP should be the record of “System Center Integration Pack for Windows Azure” in table “[dbo].[CAPS]” in database “Orchestrator”.

3.     Delete the record of “System Center Integration Pack for Windows Azure” in table“[dbo].[CAPS]” in database “Orchestrator”.


At last, you can register and deploy successfully through DeploymentManager

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