How Microsoft IT Planned and Architected an Enterprise Private Cloud Infrastructure
Published:July 2012
Learn howMicrosoft® IT envisioned an enterprise private cloud usingSystem Center and Windows Server technologies. This article discusses theplanning and architecting by Microsoft IT in preparation for movingapplications and services to a private cloud providing increased agility,improved economics and innovative technology to the Microsoft internalorganization.
The Microsoft InformationTechnology (MSIT) organization recognizes that as the company grows and evolvesand business units and product groups mature, the current infrastructure willbe tested. MSIT is consistently working to determine the best ways to balancethe need for increased technological capabilities while simplifying andimproving processes and reducing overall cost.
微软信息技术(MSIT)组织认识到,随着公司的成长和发展,以及业务单位和产品的成熟,现有的基础设施将受到考验。 MSIT是一贯工作在以确定最佳的办法来平衡需要提高技术能力,同时简化和改善流程和降低整体成本。
Thecritical challenge of IT is meeting the needs and pressures of a continuallyevolving, expanding, and robust customer base that has high expectations anddemands of the IT infrastructure.
At Microsoft, it has become increasingly clear that the traditional serverenvironment was not consistently adapting the way that it needed to.Incremental changes and improvements did not resolve the issues thatapplication customers were encountering and did not increasethe efficiencies of infrastructure operations. Even as Microsoft IT madeimprovements with consolidation and virtualization, many problems remained:
Increased Capacity Demands: Microsoftinternal customers often reported that capacity was not available when it wasneeded. If they could plan for demand months in advance, they were able toincorporate the standard lead time for hardware procurement and theconfiguration process into their business planning. However, if their planchanged or the project needed to be expedited, that lead time could create aserious barrier to the success of the project.
Tool, Process, and InfrastructureInconsistencies:
Tools, processes andinfrastructure were not consistent across environments. Hardwareanddata centers were rolled out over time resulting in variation in functions,capabilities, and tools. The customer might develop on one environment anddeploy to production on another, creating uncertainty regarding the applicationperformance and functionality.
Asthe first enterprise customer of Microsoft products, Microsoft IT is anexcellent test case for moving to the cloud. Because of the size and complexityof the organization, they face many challenges throughout the transition to thecloud that other companies will also encounter. Microsoft will be able toprovide real-life solutions, guidance, and best practices to companies whodecide to follow Microsoft's lead.
Microsoftbusiness leaders are committed to a comprehensive cloud solution
SteveBallmer was quoted as saying, "We're all in…" back in 2010when referring to Microsoft's commitment to cloud computing, and he continuesto emphasize that message.
Microsoft'sCFO, COO, and CIO have also made commitments to leading cloud technologyadoption and development.
Microsoft IT's focus has been on findingwhat one IT Professional called the "sweet spot" where technology,infrastructure, and application architecture come together in the perfect storm—creatingthe ideal time to move towards the goal of "making the cloud the center ofour IT development and planning process."
微软IT部门的工作重点已经发现某一 IT专业称为的“甜点”在那里技术,基础设施,和应用程序的架构来一起的完美风暴,创造了理想的时间走向“做我们IT的发展和规划的过程的云中心。“的目标。
Microsoft determined that the solutionshould provide the following characteristics and features that are fundamentalto achieving cloud benefits:
· PooledResources: It is no longernecessary to treat the environment as though it is limited to the constraintsof a server, a set of disks, or a network path. Now there is a pool of compute,storage, and network resources that can be carved up logically and assigned asneeded.
· 汇集的资源:它不再是必要的治疗环境,虽然它被限制到一个服务器,一个组磁盘,或网络路径的约束。现在有一池的计算,存储和网络资源,可以被瓜分逻辑,并根据需要分配。
· Elasticity:By lookingat the environment as pooled capacity, resources can be added or removed inboth a physical and logical way without affecting service.
· 弹性:在汇集能力的环境,资源可以添加或删除的物理和逻辑的方式,而不会影响服务。
· Self-Service:As System Center isused to automate workflows and runbooks, those automated processes can bedelegated directly to the customer to initiate at their convenience.
· 自助服务:使用系统中心自动化的工作流程和运行手册,这些自动化的流程可以直接下放给顾客开始在自己方便的。
· HardwareAbstraction: The application owner or customer is able to convey theirrequirements of availability, capacity, and performance in generic terms ofcompute, storage, and network. They no longer need to understand the specificarchitectural and operational attributes of the hardware platform.
· 硬件抽象:应用程序所有者或客户能够传达他们的要求,通用的计算,存储和网络的可用性,容量和性能。他们不再需要了解具体的建筑和运营的硬件平台的属性。
· Usage-BasedModel: Efficienciesgained by pooling of resources and elasticity of the environment allows forfiner-grained usage and billing models. Where customers previously requested and paid for capacity whether theyactually used it or not, with cloud computing they pay only for what they use.
· 使用基于模型:效率获得通过集中资源和环境的弹性,允许细粒度的使用和计费模式。如果客户要求的能力,它们是否真的使用它或不支付,他们只需支付他们所使用的云计算。
Additionally, MSIT has design andimplementation goals that further increase the value of the private cloud:
· End-to-end control of theenvironment
· 终端到终端的控制环境
· Ability to customize theinfrastructure and cloud services
· 可定制的基础设施和云服务
· Isolation for workloads and datawhere required
· 在有需要时为工作负载和数据的分离
· Common capabilities, tools, andprocess with Microsoft Windows Azure™ public cloud solutions where it ispossible
· 通用的功能,工具,与微软WindowsAzure™公共云的解决方案,它是可能的
Throughout the planning and architectingprocess, MSIT has continued to look at the opportunities these various benefitscan provide now and in the future. Other companies can learn from this processas they also begin to move to cloud-based IT solutions. They must understandtheir own current needs and try to predict their future requirements andcapabilities. Because progress and change are a fundamental part of thisprocess, planning for future developments is critical.
Internally, Microsoft IT works to engagewith other teams, as early as possible, to help them with their ITrequirements. An early partnership with product groups as they develop and testnew products and services helps remove barriers to deployment. This also givesMSIT a view into the future of a product or service and allows them toanticipate potential problems as well as new opportunities.
Expected Benefits/AnecdotalEvidence
As businesses evolve and as processes changeand improve, the number of applications, devices, and systems is escalating.This increases IT complexity, requiring a better way to plan for and manage theexponential growth. By moving to a cloud-based infrastructure, MSIT isproactively addressing this challenge and is already recognizing thesepreliminary benefits:
· On-demand services, delivered when they areneeded
· 按需服务,在需要的时候提供
· Scalable capacity, as much as you need foryour applications
· 可扩展的能力,就像你需要为您的应用程序
· Developers can concentrate on improving and optimizingapplications without needing to be concerned with the details of theinfrastructure layer
· 开发人员可以集中精力提高和优化应用程序,而无需关心基础设施层的细节
· Increased focus on innovation andimprovement, as opposed to the majority of effort going into sustainingmaintenance
· 更加注重创新和改进,而不是多数的努力进入维持保养
· Data center administration is simplified andpredictable
· 数据中心管理的简化和可预测的
Although Microsoft IT had virtualized mostof their server environment using Windows Server, Hyper-V®,and System Center products prior to the private cloud efforts, achieving eventhe preliminary benefits described previously required a new set of productsand approach. The specific design of theinfrastructure is being optimized, but general design principles are in place. New Microsoft and partner products have beenchosen. There is the potential to move from 60% virtualized to upwards of 90%of the total server workload population, while also adding process automation improvingour effectiveness with critical applications.
虽然微软IT虚拟化他们的服务器环境中使用WindowsServer中的Hyper-V®和System Center产品之前,私有云的努力,,甚至实现初步的好处,以前需要一套新的产品和方法的描述。基础设施的具体设计正在优化,但一般的设计原则是在地方。微软和合作伙伴的产品已被选定。从60%的虚拟化服务器总工作量的90%的人口以上的有潜力的,同时也增加了关键应用的过程自动化,提高我们的工作效率。
Changes in design and adoption of capabilitiesin new products include, but are not limited to, the following:
· Hardware Infrastructure
· 硬件基础设施
o Fourprocessor socket “many core” systems
o 4个处理器插座“多核心”系统
o Very largememory (512 GB or more) systems
o 非常大的内存(512 GB或更多)
o Increasedper-system I/O for network and storage
o 增加每个系统的网络和存储I / O
o Resiliencyand redundancy built-in for high availability
o 内置的高可用性,弹性和冗余
o Definedfault and mobility domains
o 定义的故障和移动领域
o Scalable“building block” approach
o 可扩展的“积木”的方法
· Windows Server 2012 with Hyper-V
· 带有Hyper-V的Windows Server 2012
o Support forvery large virtual machines
o 支持非常大的虚拟机
§ 32 coresand 1 TB memory
§ 32个内核和1 TB内存
o Improvedmigration technology
o 改进移植技术
§ Concurrentlive migrations
§ 并行实时迁移
§ Inter ornon-cluster migration
§ 集群间或非群集迁移
o Inboxnetwork LBFO (Load Balancing and Failover)
o 收件箱:网络LBFO(负载平衡和故障转移)
§ Also knownas “NIC teaming”
§ 也被称为“NIC合作”
o Virtual FC(Fibre Channel) for VMs
o 虚拟FC(光纤通道)为虚拟机
o Numerousvirtual switching improvements
o 众多的虚拟交换改进
§ Quality ofService
§ 服务质量
§ AccessControl Lists
§ 访问控制列表
§ Network Virtualization
§ 网络虚拟化
§ Extensibility
§ 可扩展性
o Failover replicavirtual machines
o 故障转移副本虚拟机
· System Center 2012
· 系统中心2012
o Creation ofcloud fabrics using Microsoft Virtual Machine Manager (VMM)
o 建立云面料采用微软虚拟机管理器(VMM)
o Dynamichost and power optimization using VMM
o 动态主机和电源优化使用VMM
o Generalautomation and integration using Microsoft System Center Orchestrator
o 一般使用微软系统中心Orchestrator的自动化和集成化
o Comprehensivemonitoring of the infrastructure, including the network, using Microsoft OperationsManager
o 全面监测的基础设施,包括网络,使用Microsoft Operations Manager
o Deepapplication insight and service-centric monitoring using Operations ManagerApplication Performance Monitoring (APM)
o 深入的应用洞察力和服务为中心的监测使用Operations Manager应用性能监控(APM)
o Servicecatalog and process management using Service Manager
o 服务使用服务管理器的目录和流程管理
o Self-serviceenablement using App Controller, Service Manager, and Virtual Machine Manager
o 自我服务支持使用App控制器,服务管理,虚拟机管理器
o Databackup/restore and disaster recovery capability using Data Protection Manager
o 数据备份/恢复和灾难恢复能力,使用数据保护管理器
MicrosoftIT's Journey to Implementation
Throughout the planning process, one of the principalquestions has been how to implement this new infrastructure without limitingits potential. Understanding how to preserve the best of traditional IT whileembracing the advantages of the new thinking related to the private and publiccloud is challenging. MSIT is addressing this challenge by carefully identifyingand recognizing possible pitfalls as well as appreciating the potentialbenefits and capabilities that are inherent to each of these environments. MSITdeveloped their plan for an enterprise private cloud using this information,creating the best possible solution to fit the current organization.
在整个规划过程中,主要问题之一是如何实施这一新的基础设施,而限制了它的潜力。了解如何保持最好的拥抱,而传统的IT的私有云和公共云的优势的新思维,是具有挑战性的。 MSIT是应对这一挑战,通过仔细鉴别和识别可能存在的缺陷,以及升值的潜在好处和能力,这是固有的这些环境。 MSIT他们的计划使用该信息对于一个企业的私有云,创造最佳的解决方案,以适应当前的组织。
Microsoft IT is also striving to balanceprivate cloud investment with very aggressive efforts to adopt and migrate toMicrosoft public cloud services, such as Microsoft Office 365 and Windows Azure.Enterprise server workloads at various stages of their software life cyclealready occupy the spectrum of cloud solutions, making the concept of “hybridcloud” a reality for MSIT. Understanding the varying characteristics andcapabilities of the public cloud services and then measuring them againstapplication portfolio requirements allows MSIT to determine what to include andhow to invest in developing a private cloud solution. These characteristics andcapabilities are also used as criteria for directing workloads to the mostsuitable cloud when they are ready to adopt or migrate.
微软IT部门还努力来平衡投资与私有云非常积极的努力,通过迁移到微软的公共云服务,如微软Office 365和Windows Azure。在软件生命周期的各个阶段的企业服务器工作负载已经占据了不同的云计算解决方案,使这一概念的“混合云”的现实MSIT。了解不同的公共云服务的特点和能力,然后测量他们对应用程序组合的要求,允许MSIT,以确定什么,包括如何投资于开发私有云解决方案。当他们准备采取或迁移,这些特点和功能也被用来作为标准,将工作负载迁移到最合适的云。
Additionally, MSIT uses this information toselect applications that will get the largest benefit from moving to each cloudsolution. In an environment with tens of thousands of potential cloudcandidates, it is important to prioritize applications that will receive thegreatest and most immediate value from the cloud, rather than simply using a“first come, first served” adoption.
Figure 1 represents MSIT’santicipated cloud migration patterns, methods, and subjective criteriamentioned previously. As cloud technologies and business priorities evolve,these patterns, methods, and criteria will change over time. The goal is tostay on top of this evolution and to adjustto the changes in a way that moves Microsoft most quickly out of"Traditional IT" and into the right cloud environments.
Figure1. Anticipated Cloud Migration Patterns
As part of a long-term ITstrategy, creating a private cloud infrastructure is an effective way forMicrosoft IT to support, manage, and adapt to the growing and changing needs ofthe internal organization. By utilizing best-in-class technologies such asSystem Center 2012 and Windows Server 2012, there is strong, preliminary evidence that Microsoft IT's continuedtransition from a traditional IT environment to a cloud environment willdeliver many advantages and value to MSIT's internal customers as well asexternal Microsoft customers.
创建一个私有云基础设施的长期IT战略的一部分,是一种有效的方式为微软IT支持,管理和适应的内部组织不断增长和变化的需求。通过利用最好的 - 在 -一流的技术如系统中心2012和视窗服务器2012年,那里是强大的,初步的证据显示,微软IT部门的持续转型从传统的IT环境到云环境中会提供许多的优势和价值,以MSIT的内部客户,以及微软外部客户。
For More Information
For more information about Microsoftproducts or services, call the Microsoft Sales Information Center at (800)426-9400. In Canada, call the Microsoft Canada information Centre at (800)563-9048. Outside the 50 United States and Canada, please contact your localMicrosoft subsidiary. To access information through the World Wide Web, go to:
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