Hi guys, I want to share things what I know about SCSM, thank very much!
---This is an article about Microsoft Private Cloud- System Center Service Manager's knowledge sharing, thanks.
System Center SM Service Manager
1. Administration
a. Announcements
i. Create Announcement
ii. General: Display Name, Announcement Id, Title, Body, Expiration Date, Priority: Critical/Medium/Low
iii. See History of Announcement
iv. Note: All not expired announcement are in Active Announcements.
b. Connectors Using Connectors to Import Data into System Center 2012 - Service Manager
i. Create connector: Active Directory connector
1. General: Name, Description, Enable this connector
2. Domain/OU: Use the domain/Let me choose the domain or OU, Run As account: Operation Database Account/Workflow Account, Test Connection
3. Select objects: computers, printers, users or user groups, Automatically add users ofAD Groups imported by this connector: check/uncheck, Do not write null values for properties that are not set in Active Directory: check/uncheck
4. You can Delete, Disable, Enable, Modify Properties, Search for Knowledge Articles and Synchronize Now of an AD connector
ii. Create connector: Configuration Manager connector
1. General: Name, Description, Enable
2. MP:SCCM Connector Configuration/ SCCM 2012 Connector Configuration
3. Database: Database server name, Database name, Run As account: Operation Database Account/Workflow Account, Test Connection
4. Connections: Choose the collections you want to synchronize: Configuration Manager Collection, Select All: check/uncheck, Do not write null values for properties that are not set in Configuration Manager: check/uncheck
5. Schedule: Synchronize Every day/Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday at 12:00 AM- 11:00 PM
6. You can Delete, Disable, Enable, Modify Properties, Search for Knowledge Articles and Synchronize Now of an CM connector
iii. Create connector: Operations Manager Alert connector
1. General: Name, Description, Enable this connector
2. Alert Routing Rules: Rule Name, Template: Incident portal template/Networking Issue Incident Template/Generic Incident Request/Default Incident/Operations Manager Incident Template/Software Issue Incident Template/High Priority Incident Template/Generic Incident Request/Hardware Issue Incident Template/Printing Issue Incident Template, Select Criteria Type: MP contains/equals XXX/Computer is a member of group XXX(Global Operators Group)/CustomField1-10contains/equals XXX/Monitoring class name contains/equals XXX, Select alert severity(Information/Warning/Critical) and priority(Low/Medium/High), Default Template
3. Schedule: Poll alerts every 30 seconds, Close alert in Operations Manager when incidents are resolved or closed: check/uncheck, Resolve incidents automatically when the alerts in Operations Manager are closed: check/uncheck
iv. Create connector: Operations Manager CI connector
1. General: Name, Description, Enable
2. Alert Routing Rules: Rule Name, Template: Incident portal template/Networking Issue Incident Template/Generic Incident Request/Default Incident/Operations Manager Incident Template/Software Issue Incident Template/High Priority Incident Template/Generic Incident Request/Hardware Issue Incident Template/Printing Issue Incident Template, Select Criteria Type: MP contains/equals XXX/Computer is a member of group XXX(Global Operators Group)/CustomField1-10contains/equals XXX/Monitoring class name contains/equals XXX, Select alert severity(Information/Warning/Critical) and priority(Low/Medium/High), Default Template
3. Management Packs: Select items, Select all: check/uncheck, Do not write null values properties that are not set in Operations Manager: check/uncheck
4. Schedule: Synchronize Every day/Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday at 12:00 AM- 11:00 PM
v. Create connector: Orchestrator connector
1. General: Name, Description, Enable this connector
2. Connection: Orchestrator Web Service URL, Run As account: Operation Database Account/Workflow Account, Test Connection
3. Sync folder: Select which folder to sync
4. Web Console URL: Provide an Orchestrator Web Console URL
5. You can Delete, Disable, Enable, Modify Properties, Search for Knowledge Articles and Synchronize Now of a Orchestrator connector
vi. Create connector: Virtual Machine Manager connector
1. General: Name, Description, Enable this connector
2. Connection: Server Name, Run As account: Operation Database Account/Workflow Account, Test Connection
3. You can Delete, Disable, Enable, Modify Properties, Search for Knowledge Articles and Synchronize Now of a VMM connector
vii. Import From CSV file…
c. Deleted Items
i. You can see deleted items here
d. Management Packs UsingManagement Packs in System Center 2012 - Service Manager
i. Create Management Pack
1. Name, Description
2. You can Delete, Export, Modify Properties for a MP
ii. Import Management Pack(MP file: *.xml, *.mp, MPBfile: *.mpb)
e. NotificationsConfiguringSystem Center 2012 - Service Manager Notifications
i. Channels: E-mail Notification Channel: Enable e-mail notifications, Add/Edit/Remove SMTP servers(SMTP Server(FQDN),Port Number, Authentication, Failover Order), Return e-mail address, Retry primary after 30 seconds
ii. Subscriptions
1. General: Notification subscription name, Description, When to notify: When an object of the selected class is created/When an object of the selected class is updated/Periodically notify when objects meets a criteria, Targeted class, Management pack
2. Additional Criteria: Related classes, Available properties, less than/is less than or equal to/greater than/is greater than or equal to/equals/does not equal/contains
3. Template: E-mail template
4. Recipient: Name, User Name, E-Mail Address
5. Related Recipients
6. You can Delete, Disable, Enable, Modify Properties of a subscription
iii. Templates
1. General: Notification subscription name, Description, Targeted class, Management pack
2. Template Design: Insert a substitution string, Send as HTML: check/uncheck, Message subject, Message body, Encoding, Urgency: Low/Medium/High, Language
3. You can Delete, Duplicate, Modify Properties of a template
f. Security
i. Run As Accounts
1. You can delete, Modify properties of a Run As Account
ii. User Roles: You can Create User Role:
1. Activity Implementer,
2. Advanced Operator,
3. Author,
4. Change Initiator,
5. Change Manager,
6. End User,
7. Incident Resolver,
8. Problem Analyst,
9. Read-Only Operator,
10. Release Manager,
11. Service Request Analysts
a. General: Name, Description
b. Management Packs: Select All: check/uncheck
c. Queues: All work items can be accessed/Provide access to only the selected queues: Select All: check/uncheck
d. Configuration item Groups: All configuration items can be accessed/Provide access to only the selected groups: Select All: check/uncheck
e. Catalog item Groups: All catalog items can be accessed/Provide access to only the selected groups: Select All: check/uncheck
f. Tasks: All tasks can be accessed/Provide access to only the selected tasks: Select All: check/uncheck
g. Views: All views can be accessed/Provide access to only the selected views: Select All: check/uncheck
h. From Templates: All forms can be accessed/Provide access to only the selected forms: Select All: check/uncheck
i. Users: Add/Remove User
g. Service Level Management ConfiguringService Level Management in System Center 2012 - Service Manager
i. Calendar
1. Create/Edit Calendar
2. Title, Time zone, Working days and hours: Work day: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Start time, End time
3. Add/Edit/Remove Holidays
4. Related SLO(s)
ii. Metric
1. Create/Edit Metric
2. Title, Description, Class, Start date, End date
3. Related SLO(s)
iii. Service Level Objectives
1. Create SLO
2. General: Title, Description, Class, Management Pack, enable: check/uncheck
3. Queues: New/Modify Properties queue(General: Queue name, Description, Work item type, Management pack; Criteria: Related classes, Add “Available properties” to Criteria)
4. Service Level Criteria: Calendar, Metric, Target: 48 Hours/Minutes, Warning threshold:2 Hours/Minutes
h. Settings
i. Knowledge Management Settings(Knowledge article prefix: KA)
ii. Data Retention Settings(Work item: Specify how long a closed work item can remain in the Service Manager database before it is removed. After a work item has been removed from the database, it is available only for offline reporting from the Service Manager data warehouse: Incident retention time: 90days, Change request retention time: 365 days, Release record retention time:365 days, Service request retention time: 365 days, Problem retention time: 365days, History: Specify how history data can remain in the Service Manager database before it is removed: History retention time: 365 days)
iii. Incident Settings(General: Prefix: IR, Maximum number of attached files: 10, Maximum size (KB): 64, Default support group: Tier 1/Tier 2/Tier 3
Parent Incident: Auto resolution of child incidents: Do not resolve child incidents when parent incident is resolved/Automatically resolve child incidents when parent incident is resolved/Let the analyst decide when resolving the parent incident, Child incident resolution category: Same as parent incident category/Choose a child incident category: Auto Resolved by Problem/Canceled/Fixed by analyst/Fixed by higher tier support/Resolved by parent incident/Walk through knowledge article, Auto reactivation of child incidents: : Do not resolve child incidents when parent incident is reactivated/Automatically resolve child incidents when parent incident is reactivated /Let the analyst decide when reactivation the parent incident, Child incident reactivation status: Active/Pending, Status of active child incidents when linked to parent: Do not change the status of child incidents/Automatically change the status of active child incidents when incidents when linking to parent, Child incident status: Active/Pending/Resolved/Closed,
Priority Calculation: Specify how the priority should be calculated for an incident, based on the urgency and impact assigned by the operator: Low, Medium, High:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,
Resolution Time: Priority 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 ‘s Target Resolution Time: 0-2147483647Minutes/Hours/Days/Weeks, Do not use and show legacy Target Resolution Time on Incident Form banner: check/uncheck,
Operations Manager Web Settings: Web console URL,
Incoming E-Mail: SMTP Service drop folder location, SMTP Service bad folder location, Maximum number of e-mail messages to process at a time: 0-2147483647, Turn on incoming e-mail processing: check/uncheck)
iv. Change Request Settings(Change Request ID prefix: CR, Maximum number of attached files: 10, Maximum size (KB): 64)
v. Service Request Settings(Service Request ID prefix: SR, Maximum number of attached files: 10, Maximum size (KB): 64)
Problem Settings(General: Problem ID prefix: PR, Maximum number of attached files: 10, Maximum size (KB):64, Priority: Specify how the priority should be calculated for an incident, based on the urgency and impact assigned by the operator: Low,Medium, High: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
vi. Release Management Settings(Release record ID prefix: RR, Maximum number of attached files: 10, Maximum size (KB): 64)
vii. Activity Settings(Activity prefix AC, Manual activity prefix: MA, Review activity prefix: RA, Parallel activity prefix: PA, Sequential activity prefix: SA, Dependent activity prefix: DA, Runbook automation activity prefix: RB)
i. Workflows ConfiguringWorkflows in System Center 2012 - Service Manager
i. Configuration
1. Service Request Event Workflow Configuration
2. Desired Configuration Management Event Workflow Configuration
3. Change Request Event Workflow Configuration
4. Incident Event Workflow Configuration
5. Release Record Event Workflow Configuration
6. Activity Event Workflow Configuration
ii. Status(Enable/Disable MP’s Workflows)
2. Library
a. Groups About Groups, Queues, and Lists
i. Create Catalog Group
1. General: Group name, Group description, Management pack
2. Included Members: Add/Remove items
3. Dynamic Members: Add Criteria about catalog item’s available properties
4. Subgroups: Add/Remove any groups to include
5. Excluded Members: Add/Remove any groups to be excluded
6. Summary
7. Completion
ii. Create Group How to Create a Group
1. General: Group name, Group description, Management pack
2. Included Members: Add/Remove items
3. Dynamic Members: Add Criteria about catalog item’s available properties
4. Subgroups: Add/Remove any groups to include
5. Excluded Members: Add/Remove any groups to be excluded
6. Summary
7. Completion
b. Knowledge Managing Knowledge Articles in System Center 2012 - Service Manager
1. Create Folder
2. Create Knowledge Article
3. Create View
ii. All Knowledge Articles
1. Create Related Change Request
2. Create Related Incident
3. Create Related Service Request
4. Delete, Edit, Remove items, Restore items
iii. Archived Knowledge Articles
iv. Draft Knowledge Articles
v. Published Knowledge Articles
c. Lists How to Add a List Item
d. Queues How to Create a Queue How to Edit aQueue
e. Runbooks Using Runbooks in System Center 2012 - Service Manager
f. Service Catalog Using the Service Catalog in System Center 2012 - Service Manager
g. Tasks Using Service Manager Tasks to Troubleshoot Computer Problems
h. Templates
3. Work Items
a. Activity Management Managing Changes and Activities in System Center 2012 - Service Manager
i. Dependent Activities (Activities Assigned to Me or My Group, All Activities, Cancelled Activities, Completed Activities, Failed Activities, In-Progress Activities, Unassigned Activities)
ii. Manual Activities
iii. Parallel Activities
iv. Review Activities
v. Runbook Automation Activities
vi. Sequential Activities
b. Change Management (All Change Requests, CRs: Assigned to Me, Canceled, Closed, Completed, Failed, In Review, Manual Activity In Progress, On Hold, Rejected)
i. Create Change Request
ii. Create Folder
iii. Create View
c. Incident Management Managing Incidents and Problems in System Center 2012 - Service Manager (Create Incident, Create Incident from Template, Create Folder, Create View)
i. All Incidents
ii. All Open Desired Configuration Management Incidents
iii. All Open E-Mail Incidents
iv. All Open Incidents
v. All Open Incidents Extended
vi. All Open Operations Manager Incidents
vii. All Open Parent Incidents
viii. All Open Portal Incidents
ix. All Open Unassigned Incidents
x. Assigned To Me
xi. Escalated Incidents
xii. Incident Support Group
1. All Tire 1 Open Incidents
2. All Tire 2 Open Incidents
3. All Tire 3 Open Incidents
4. Tire1 Open Incidents (unassigned)
5. Tire2 Open Incidents (unassigned)
6. Tire3 Open Incidents (unassigned)
xiii. Incidents with Service Level Breached
xiv. Incidents with Service Level Waringing
xv. My Incidents
xvi. Overdue Incidents
xvii. Pending Incidents
d. Problem Management (Create Problem, Create Folder, Create View)
i. Active Know Errors
ii. Active Problems
iii. Closed Problems
iv. My Problems
v. Needing Review
vi. Resolved Problems
e. Release Management Managing Release Records in System Center 2012 - Service Manager (Create Release Record, Create Folder, Create View)
i. Child Release Records
ii. Release Records: All, Assigned to me or my group, Cancelled, Closed, Completed, Editing, Failed, In Progress, On Hold
f. Service Request Fulfillment Managing Service Requests in System Center 2012 - Service Manager (Create Service Request, Create Service Request from Template, Create Folder, Create View)
i. All Open Service Requests
ii. Assigned To Me
iii. Cancelled Service Requests
iv. Closed Service Requests
v. Completed Service Requests
vi. Failed Service Requests
vii. Service Requests with Service Level Breached
viii. Service Requests with Service Level Warning
4. Configuration Items
a. Builds
i. General: Object>Display Name, Configuration item> Asset Status, Notes, Build> Title, Version, Description,Notes, Source Path, Repository, Instructions, Category
ii. Related items: Work items affecting this configuration item, work items, Configuration Items: Computers, Services and People, Knowledge Articles, Attached Files
b. Business Services
i. General: Service Map Properties>Display Name, Classification, Owned By Organization, Priority, Status,Availability Schedule, Service User> Service owner, Service contacts,Service customers, Affected users
ii. Service Components: Service Components,Properties of the selected item, Related work items for the selected item
iii. Service Dependents: Service Dependents,Properties of the selected item, Related work items for the selected item
iv. Related items: Work items affecting this configuration item, work items, Configuration Items: Computers, Services and People, Knowledge Articles, Attached Files
v. Notes: Notes
vi. Extensions: Business Service> Service ID
c. Computers
i. All Windows Computers
1. General: Computer Identity> Principal name, Primary user, DNS name, DNS Domain Name, NetBIOS Computer Name, NetBIOS Domain Name, IP Address, MAC Addresses, Active Directory SID, Active Directory Site, SMBIOS Asset Tag, Last Inventory Date, Serial Number, Is virtual machine: check/uncheck/default, Operating System> Operating System Version Display Name, Build Number, System Drive, Serial Number, Manufacturer, OS Language, Install Date, Windows Directory, Product Type, Physical Memory (MB), Country Code, Logical Processors, Locale, Computer Details> Manufacturer, Model, Platform Type, ISA, Chassis Type, System Type, Current time zone, Number Of Processors, CIInformation> Status, Custodian
2. Hardware:Processors, Network adapters, Physical hard drives, Logical hard drives
3. Software:Installed software, Software updates, Missing software updates
4. Relateditems: Work items affecting this configuration item, work items, Configuration Items: Computers, Services and People, Knowledge Articles, Attached Files
5. Notes:Notes
ii. Computers with Active Change Requests
iii. Computers with Active Incidents
d. Environments
i. General: Object>Display Name, Configurationitem> Asset Status, Notes, Environment> Title, Description,Notes, Category
e. Printers
i. General: Object>Display Name, Configuration item> Asset Status, Notes, Active Directory Printer> UNC Name, Server Name, Short Server Name, Printer Name, Print Network Address, Printer Share Name, Is Deleted, Driver Name, Driver Version, Print Memory, Print Collate, Print Owner, Asset Number, Managed By, Print Duplex Supported, Print Color, Print Stapling Supported, Version Number, URL, Print Media Supported, Print Rate Unit, Print Max XExtent, Print Keep Printed Jobs, Print Rate, Print Media Ready, Print Pages Per Minutes, Print Max Resolution Supported, Print Bin Names, Print MAC Address, Port Name, Physical Location Object, Keywords, Print Notify, Web Page, When Changed, Modify Time Stamp, Location, Canonical Name,Full Name, Distinguished Name, Description, Organizational unit
ii. Related items: Work items affecting this configuration item, work items, Configuration Items: Computers, Services and People, Knowledge Articles, Attached Files
f. Software
i. All Software
1. General: Object>Display Name, Configuration item> Asset Status,Notes, Software Items> Publisher, Version String, Product Name, Major Version, Minor Version, Locale ID, Is Virtual Application: True/False, Product Code
2. Related items: Work items affecting this configuration item, work items, Configuration Items: Computers, Services and People, Knowledge Articles, Attached Files
ii. Software with Active Change Requests
iii. Software with Active Incidents
g. Software Updates
i. All Software Updates
1. General: Object>Display Name, Configuration item> Asset Status,Notes, Software Updates> Vendor, Title
2. Related items: Work items affecting this configuration item, work items, Configuration Items: Computers, Services and People, Knowledge Articles, Attached Files
ii. Software Updates with Active Change Requests
iii. Software Updates with Active Incidents
h. Users
i. General: Name> First Name, Initials, Last Name, Display as, User name, >>Street Address, Title, Company, City, Department, State, Office, Zip, Business Phone, Locale, Country, Time zone
ii. Related items: Work items created by this user ,Work items affecting this user, Work items closed by this user, Work items assigned to this user, Configuration items for which this user is a custodian
iii. Organization: Manager, Direct reports
iv. Notification: Add/Remove Notification addresses
v. Computers and Devices: User’s Computers, User’sDevices
5. Data Warehouse Managing the Data Warehouse in System Center 2012 - Service Manager
a. Analysis Libraries How to Manage the Analysis Libraries /How to Use the Analysis Library
b. Cubes Using OLAP Cubes for Advanced Analytics /Advanced Analytical Reports Available in System Center 2012 - Service Manager
c. Data Sources (You can register/unregister data source)
i. Data source type:
1. Service Manager How to Register the System Center Data Warehouse to a Service Manager Source
2. Operations Manager How to Register the System Center Data Warehouse to Operations Manager
3. Configuration Manager How to Register Configuration Manager With the System Center Data Warehouse to
ii. Credentials: Run As account
d. Data Warehouse Jobs (You can Resume/ Suspend/ Modify the Jobs)
i. General
ii. Schedule: Hourly/Daily/Weekly, Run this job every 1-XXX hour(s) 0-59 minute(s)
iii. Job Modules: Show all job modules: check/uncheck
e. Management Packs (You can Create Management Pack depends on existing MP, also, you can modify its Name and Description or Restart Deployment for some MPs)
f. Security
i. Run As Accounts (Display name, Description, Management pack, Account: Local System/Network Service/Windows Account, [Username, Password, Domain])
ii. User Roles (General, Queues, Configuration item Groups, Catalog item Groups, Tasks, Views, From Templates, Users: You can Add/Remove users here) You can delete/modify Administrators and Report Users these2 user roles
6. Reporting Using Data Warehouse Reporting and Analytics in System Center 2012 - Service Manager/ ManagingC hargeback Reports in System Center 2012 SP1 - Service Manager
a. Reports Using and Managing Standard Reports /Customizing the Data Warehouse
b. Favorite Reports
c. Analysis Libraries
7. Others
a. Appendix A -List of User Role Profiles in System Center 2012 - Service Manager
Lists the user role profiles.
Describes the mapping of data that is imported by Active Directory Connector to Service Manager properties.
Describes the mapping of data that is imported by Configuration Manager Connector to Service Manager properties.
d. Appendix D -System Center 2012 - Service Manager Registry Keys
Describes registry settings for System Center 2012 – Service Manager.