RvmTranslator2.1 [20150818]
1. Improve performance for STEP translation;
2. Finish parse all the primitive shapes in RVM file;
RvmTranslator2.0 [20150504]
1. Thanks to SudoSky, RvmTranslator can parse binary RVM files.
RvmTranslator1.0 [20150422]
RvmTranslator - Translate PDMS RVM to STEP, IGES, STL, etc.
1. Standalone program to export PDMS model to STEP, IGES, STL .etc. by RVM file.
2. The RvmTranslator only rely on RVM file, it has no relation with PDMS SP12.0 or SP12.1.
3. The RvmTranslator only can parse ASCII text RVM files.
RvmTranslator Usage:
Version |
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RvmTranslator1.0 |
RvmTranslator2.0 |
RvmTranslator2.1 |
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ModelDataExchangeAddin V1.2
1. Update the ModelDataExchangeAddin to AVEVA 12.1;
ModelDataExchangeAddin V1.1
1. Skip null Catref of Nozzles;
2. Skip some zero primitives shapes;
Download: ModelDataExchangeAddin V1.1
1. 可以导出设备模型(Export equipment model);
2. 可以导出管路模型(Export pipe model);
Download: ModelDataExchangeAddin V1.0
Figure 1.1 Pipe and equipment models in PDMS
Figure 1.2 Pipe and equpment models exported by ModelDataExchange in Google SketchUp