new BroadPhase (Sweep and Prune)


I did a quick look through your most recent code and was kind of shocked to find out you still didn’t have a more efficient Broad Phase. So I decided to write one for your engine during my break. I tried to make it simple instead of optimized for ease of understanding. 

public  class SweepAndPrune
    delegate void CollisionCallback(Wrapper w1, Wrapper w2);
    class Wrapper
        public Node xBegin;
        public Node xEnd;
        public Node yBegin;
        public Node yEnd;
        public Geometry geometry;
        public List<Geometry> colliders;
        public Wrapper(Geometry geometry)
            this.geometry = geometry;
            this.colliders = new List<Geometry>();
            this.xBegin = new Node(thistrue);
            this.xEnd = new Node(thisfalse);
            this.yBegin = new Node(thistrue);
            this.yEnd = new Node(thisfalse);

        public void Update()
            xBegin.value = geometry.AABB.Min.X;
            xEnd.value = geometry.AABB.Max.X;
            yBegin.value = geometry.AABB.Min.Y;
            yEnd.value = geometry.AABB.Max.Y;


    class Node
        public bool begin;
        public float value;
        public Wrapper wrapper;
        public Node(Wrapper wrapper, bool begin)
            this.wrapper = wrapper;
            this.begin = begin;


    List<Wrapper> wrappers = new List<Wrapper>();
    List<Node> xList = new List<Node>();
    List<Node> yList = new List<Node>();
    public void AddGeometry(Geometry item)
        Wrapper wrapper = new Wrapper(item);

    public void RemoveDisposed()
        if (wrappers.RemoveAll(delegate(Wrapper w) return w.geometry.Body.IsDisposed; }) > 0)
            xList.RemoveAll(delegate(Node n) return n.wrapper.geometry.Body.IsDisposed; });
            yList.RemoveAll(delegate(Node n) return n.wrapper.geometry.Body.IsDisposed; });


    public void Run()
        RunAxis(xList, HandleFirstCollision);
        RunAxis(yList, HandleSecondCollision);

    /// <summary>
/// Updates the nodes and sorts them.
/// </summary>

    void Update()
        foreach (Wrapper wrapper in wrappers)

        xList.Sort(delegate(Node l, Node r) return l.value.CompareTo(r.value); });
        yList.Sort(delegate(Node l, Node r) return l.value.CompareTo(r.value); });

    /// <summary>
/// Runs the collision detection on a axis
/// </summary>

    void RunAxis(List<Node> list, CollisionCallback callback)
        LinkedList<Wrapper> proximityList = new LinkedList<Wrapper>();
        foreach (Node node in list)
            if (node.begin)
                foreach (Wrapper wrapper in proximityList)
                    callback(node.wrapper, wrapper);





    /// <summary>
/// when there is a collsion along the first axis
/// and if there is no early fail conditions then they are
/// added to each others colliders list
/// </summary>

    void HandleFirstCollision(Wrapper w1, Wrapper w2)
        //if(early fail conditions) {return;}

    /// <summary>
/// when there is a collision along the second axis then 
/// it checks to see if there was a collision along the first. 
/// if there is then the 2 geometries bounding boxes are colliding.
/// </summary>

    void HandleSecondCollision(Wrapper w1, Wrapper w2)
        if (w1.colliders.Contains(w2.geometry))
            //this is a confirmed broadphase collision
//so add a new arbiter or something for 
//w1.geometry and w2.geometry


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