$ npm i egg-tablestore --save
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// {app_root}/config/plugin.js
exports.TableStore = {
enable: true,
package: 'egg-tablestore',
await app.tabestore.putRow(params);
await ctx.tabestore.putRow(params);
//If you want to access TableStore module, you can:
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Simple database instance
exports.tablestore = {
// database configuration
client: {
accessKeyId: '<your access key id>',
secretAccessKey: '<your access key secret>',
stsToken: '<your stsToken>', /*When you use the STS authorization, you need to fill in. ref:https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/27364.html*/
endpoint: '<your endpoint>',
instancename: '<your instance name>'
// load into app, default is open
app: true,
// load into agent, default is close
agent: false,
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await app.tabestore.putRow(params);
yield app.tabestore.putRow(params);
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Multiple database instance
exports.tablestore = {
clients: {
// clientId, access the client instance by app.tablestore.get('clientId')
db1: {
accessKeyId: '<your access key id>',
secretAccessKey: '<your access key secret>',
stsToken: '<your stsToken>', /*When you use the STS authorization, you need to fill in. ref:https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/27364.html*/
endpoint: '<your endpoint>',
instancename: '<your instance name>'
// ...
// default configuration for all databases
default: {
// load into app, default is open
app: true,
// load into agent, default is close
agent: false,
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const client1 = app.tabestore.get('db1');
await client1.putRow(params);
yield client1.putRow(params);
const client2 = app.tabestore.get('db2');
await client2.putRow(params);
yield client2.putRow(params);
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