Greenplum 表空间和filespace的用法

RDS SQL Server Serverless,2-4RCU 50GB 3个月
云数据库 RDS MySQL,集群系列 2核4GB
云原生数据库 PolarDB 分布式版,标准版 2核8GB
postgres=# \h create tablespace;
Description: define a new tablespace
CREATE TABLESPACE tablespace_name [OWNER username] FILESPACE filespace_name

GP在初始化完后,有一个默认的filespace : pg_system。
postgres=# select oid,* from pg_filespace;
 oid  |  fsname   | fsowner 
 3052 | pg_system |      10
(1 row)
postgres=# select * from pg_tablespace;
  spcname   | spcowner | spclocation | spcacl | spcprilocations | spcmirlocations | spcfsoid 
 pg_default |       10 |             |        |                 |                 |     3052
 pg_global  |       10 |             |        |                 |                 |     3052
(2 rows)

$gpfilespace --showtempfilespace
20151218:16:02:07:063949 gpfilespace:[INFO]:-
A tablespace requires a file system location to store its database
files. A filespace is a collection of file system locations for all components
in a Greenplum system (primary segment, mirror segment and master instances).
Once a filespace is created, it can be used by one or more tablespaces.

20151218:16:02:07:063949 gpfilespace:[INFO]:-Getting filespace information for TEMPORARY_FILES
20151218:16:02:08:063949 gpfilespace:[INFO]:-Checking for filespace consistency
20151218:16:02:08:063949 gpfilespace:[INFO]:-Obtaining current filespace entries used by TEMPORARY_FILES
20151218:16:02:09:063949 gpfilespace:[INFO]:-TEMPORARY_FILES OIDs are consistent for pg_system filespace
20151218:16:02:11:063949 gpfilespace:[INFO]:-TEMPORARY_FILES entries are consistent for pg_system filespace
20151218:16:02:11:063949 gpfilespace:[INFO]:-Obtaining current filespace entries used by TEMPORARY_FILES
20151218:16:02:11:063949 gpfilespace:[INFO]:-Current Filespace for TEMPORARY_FILES is pg_system
20151218:16:02:11:063949 gpfilespace:[INFO]:-1    /disk1/digoal/gpdata/gpseg-1
20151218:16:02:11:063949 gpfilespace:[INFO]:-25    /disk1/digoal/gpdata_mirror/gpseg0
20151218:16:02:11:063949 gpfilespace:[INFO]:-2    /disk1/digoal/gpdata/gpseg0

$gpfilespace --showtransfilespace
20151218:16:09:41:071104 gpfilespace:[INFO]:-
A tablespace requires a file system location to store its database
files. A filespace is a collection of file system locations for all components
in a Greenplum system (primary segment, mirror segment and master instances).
Once a filespace is created, it can be used by one or more tablespaces.

20151218:16:09:41:071104 gpfilespace:[INFO]:-Getting filespace information for TRANSACTION_FILES
20151218:16:09:41:071104 gpfilespace:[INFO]:-Checking for filespace consistency
20151218:16:09:41:071104 gpfilespace:[INFO]:-Obtaining current filespace entries used by TRANSACTION_FILES
20151218:16:09:42:071104 gpfilespace:[INFO]:-TRANSACTION_FILES OIDs are consistent for pg_system filespace
20151218:16:09:44:071104 gpfilespace:[INFO]:-TRANSACTION_FILES entries are consistent for pg_system filespace
20151218:16:09:44:071104 gpfilespace:[INFO]:-Obtaining current filespace entries used by TRANSACTION_FILES
20151218:16:09:44:071104 gpfilespace:[INFO]:-Current Filespace for TRANSACTION_FILES is pg_system
20151218:16:09:44:071104 gpfilespace:[INFO]:-1    /disk1/digoal/gpdata/gpseg-1
20151218:16:09:44:071104 gpfilespace:[INFO]:-25    /disk1/digoal/gpdata_mirror/gpseg0
20151218:16:09:44:071104 gpfilespace:[INFO]:-2    /disk1/digoal/gpdata/gpseg0
20151218:16:09:44:071104 gpfilespace:[INFO]:-26    /disk1/digoal/gpdata_mirror/gpseg1

用flashcache或bcache,通过device mapper技术,将SSD和SATA绑定,做成块设备。
再通过 逻辑卷管理 或者 软RAID 或者 brtfs or zfs管理起来,做成大的文件系统。
(还有一种方法是用RHEL 7提供的LVM,可以将SSD作为二级缓存)
所以建议只需要一个pg_system filespace就够了(除非容量到了文件系统管理的极限,那样的话可以分成多个文件系统)。


1. 创建目录,需要在所有的角色对应的主机中创建。给予gp 操作系统管理用户对应的权限。
$ mkdir /ssd1/gpdata/master_p
$ chown gpadmin:gpadmin /ssd1/gpdata/master_p

master standby
$ mkdir /ssd1/gpdata/master_s
$ chown gpadmin:gpadmin /ssd1/gpdata/master_s

$ mkdir /ssd1/gpdata_p
$ chown gpadmin:gpadmin /ssd1/gpdata_p

segment mirror
$ mkdir /ssd1/gpdata_s
$ chown gpadmin:gpadmin /ssd1/gpdata_s

2. 查看系统配置
postgres=# select dbid,content,role,preferred_role,hostname,port from gp_segment_configuration order by role,dbid;
 dbid | content | role | preferred_role |     hostname      | port  
    2 |       0 | m    | p              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 40000
    3 |       1 | m    | p              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 40001
    4 |       2 | m    | p              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 40002
    5 |       3 | m    | p              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 40003
    6 |       4 | m    | p              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 40004
    7 |       5 | m    | p              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 40005
    8 |       6 | m    | p              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 40006
    9 |       7 | m    | p              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 40007
   10 |       8 | m    | p              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 40008
   11 |       9 | m    | p              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 40009
   12 |      10 | m    | p              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 40010
   13 |      11 | m    | p              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 40011
   14 |      12 | m    | p              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 40012
   15 |      13 | m    | p              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 40013
   16 |      14 | m    | p              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 40014
   17 |      15 | m    | p              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 40015
   18 |      16 | m    | p              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 40016
   19 |      17 | m    | p              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 40017
   20 |      18 | m    | p              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 40018
   21 |      19 | m    | p              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 40019
   22 |      20 | m    | p              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 40020
   23 |      21 | m    | p              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 40021
   24 |      22 | m    | p              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 50011
    1 |      -1 | p    | p              | digoal.sqa.zmf |  1921
   25 |       0 | p    | m              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 41000
   26 |       1 | p    | m              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 41001
   27 |       2 | p    | m              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 41002
   28 |       3 | p    | m              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 41003
   29 |       4 | p    | m              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 41004
   30 |       5 | p    | m              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 41005
   31 |       6 | p    | m              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 41006
   32 |       7 | p    | m              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 41007
   33 |       8 | p    | m              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 41008
   34 |       9 | p    | m              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 41009
   35 |      10 | p    | m              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 41010
   36 |      11 | p    | m              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 41011
   37 |      12 | p    | m              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 41012
   38 |      13 | p    | m              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 41013
   39 |      14 | p    | m              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 41014
   40 |      15 | p    | m              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 41015
   41 |      16 | p    | m              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 41016
   42 |      17 | p    | m              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 41017
   43 |      18 | p    | m              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 41018
   44 |      19 | p    | m              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 41019
   45 |      20 | p    | m              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 41020
   46 |      21 | p    | m              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 41021
   47 |      22 | p    | m              | digoal.sqa.zmf | 41022
(47 rows)

3. 创建配置文件,格式如下,假如我要创建一个名为ssd1的filespace。
字段包含(hostname, dbid, DIR/$prefix + $content)
$ vi conf

还有一种方法是使用gpfilespace -o conf来生成配置文件。(在提示时输入目录名DIR的部分即可)

4. 创建filespace
gpfilespace -c conf -h -p 1921 -U digoal -W digoal

20151218:17:16:39:108364 gpfilespace:[INFO]:-Connecting to database
20151218:17:16:39:108364 gpfilespace:[INFO]:-Filespace "ssd1" successfully created
然后gpfilespace会自动在数据库执行以下DDL SQL。创建对应的filespace。

  1: '/disk1/digoal/new_p/gp-1',
  2: '/disk1/digoal/new_p/gp0',
  3: '/disk1/digoal/new_p/gp1',
  4: '/disk1/digoal/new_p/gp2',
  5: '/disk1/digoal/new_p/gp3',
  6: '/disk1/digoal/new_p/gp4',
  7: '/disk1/digoal/new_p/gp5',
  8: '/disk1/digoal/new_p/gp6',
  9: '/disk1/digoal/new_p/gp7',
  10: '/disk1/digoal/new_p/gp8',
  11: '/disk1/digoal/new_p/gp9',
  12: '/disk1/digoal/new_p/gp10',
  13: '/disk1/digoal/new_p/gp11',
  14: '/disk1/digoal/new_p/gp12',
  15: '/disk1/digoal/new_p/gp13',
  16: '/disk1/digoal/new_p/gp14',
  17: '/disk1/digoal/new_p/gp15',
  18: '/disk1/digoal/new_p/gp16',
  19: '/disk1/digoal/new_p/gp17',
  20: '/disk1/digoal/new_p/gp18',
  21: '/disk1/digoal/new_p/gp19',
  22: '/disk1/digoal/new_p/gp20',
  23: '/disk1/digoal/new_p/gp21',
  24: '/disk1/digoal/new_p/gp22',
  25: '/disk1/digoal/new_s/gp0',
  26: '/disk1/digoal/new_s/gp1',
  27: '/disk1/digoal/new_s/gp2',
  28: '/disk1/digoal/new_s/gp3',
  29: '/disk1/digoal/new_s/gp4',
  30: '/disk1/digoal/new_s/gp5',
  31: '/disk1/digoal/new_s/gp6',
  32: '/disk1/digoal/new_s/gp7',
  33: '/disk1/digoal/new_s/gp8',
  34: '/disk1/digoal/new_s/gp9',
  35: '/disk1/digoal/new_s/gp10',
  36: '/disk1/digoal/new_s/gp11',
  37: '/disk1/digoal/new_s/gp12',
  38: '/disk1/digoal/new_s/gp13',
  39: '/disk1/digoal/new_s/gp14',
  40: '/disk1/digoal/new_s/gp15',
  41: '/disk1/digoal/new_s/gp16',
  42: '/disk1/digoal/new_s/gp17',
  43: '/disk1/digoal/new_s/gp18',
  44: '/disk1/digoal/new_s/gp19',
  45: '/disk1/digoal/new_s/gp20',
  46: '/disk1/digoal/new_s/gp21',
  47: '/disk1/digoal/new_s/gp22'

1. 将temp , trans移动到这个新的filespace.
$gpfilespace --movetempfilespace ssd1

20151218:17:17:29:008363 gpfilespace:[INFO]:-
A tablespace requires a file system location to store its database
files. A filespace is a collection of file system locations for all components
in a Greenplum system (primary segment, mirror segment and master instances).
Once a filespace is created, it can be used by one or more tablespaces.

20151218:17:17:29:008363 gpfilespace:[INFO]:-Database was started in NORMAL mode
20151218:17:17:29:008363 gpfilespace:[INFO]:-Stopping Greenplum Database
20151218:17:17:57:008363 gpfilespace:[INFO]:-Starting Greenplum Database in master only mode
20151218:17:18:02:008363 gpfilespace:[INFO]:-Checking if filespace ssd1 exists
20151218:17:18:02:008363 gpfilespace:[INFO]:-Checking if filespace is same as current filespace
20151218:17:18:02:008363 gpfilespace:[INFO]:-Stopping Greenplum Database in master only mode
20151218:17:18:04:008363 gpfilespace:[INFO]:-Checking for connectivity
20151218:17:18:04:008363 gpfilespace:[INFO]:-Obtaining current filespace information
20151218:17:18:04:008363 gpfilespace:[INFO]:-Obtaining current filespace entries used by TEMPORARY_FILES
20151218:17:18:04:008363 gpfilespace:[INFO]:-Obtaining segment information ...
20151218:17:18:04:008363 gpfilespace:[INFO]:-Creating RemoteOperations list
20151218:17:18:04:008363 gpfilespace:[INFO]:-Moving TEMPORARY_FILES filespace from pg_system to ssd1 ...
20151218:17:18:06:008363 gpfilespace:[INFO]:-Starting Greenplum Database

$gpfilespace --movetransfilespace ssd1
20151218:17:19:17:055389 gpfilespace:[INFO]:-Moving TRANSACTION_FILES filespace from pg_system to ssd1 ...
20151218:17:21:16:055389 gpfilespace:[INFO]:-Starting Greenplum Database

2. 创建表空间,使用这个filespace.
postgres=# create tablespace tbs_ssd1 filespace ssd1;
postgres=# create table tt(id int) tablespace tbs_ssd1;
NOTICE:  Table doesn't have 'DISTRIBUTED BY' clause -- Using column named 'id' as the Greenplum Database data distribution key for this table.
HINT:  The 'DISTRIBUTED BY' clause determines the distribution of data. Make sure column(s) chosen are the optimal data distribution key to minimize skew.
postgres=# select * from pg_tablespace ;
  spcname   | spcowner | spclocation | spcacl | spcprilocations | spcmirlocations | spcfsoid 
 pg_default |       10 |             |        |                 |                 |     3052
 pg_global  |       10 |             |        |                 |                 |     3052
 tbs_ssd1   |       10 |             |        |                 |                 |    69681
(3 rows)

postgres=# select * from pg_filespace;
  fsname   | fsowner 
 pg_system |      10
 ssd1      |      10
(2 rows)


digoal=# select a.dbid,a.content,a.role,a.port,a.hostname,b.fsname,c.fselocation from gp_segment_configuration a,pg_filespace b,pg_filespace_entry c where a.dbid=c.fsedbid and b.oid=c.fsefsoid order by content;
 dbid | content | role | port  |     hostname      |  fsname   |             fselocation              
    1 |      -1 | p    |  1921 | digoal193096.zmf | pg_system | /data01/gpdata/master_pgdata/gpseg-1
    2 |       0 | p    | 40000 | digoal193096.zmf | pg_system | /data01/gpdata/gpseg0
    3 |       1 | p    | 40001 | digoal193096.zmf | pg_system | /data01/gpdata/gpseg1
    4 |       2 | p    | 40002 | digoal193096.zmf | pg_system | /data01/gpdata/gpseg2
    5 |       3 | p    | 40000 | digoal199092.zmf | pg_system | /data01/gpdata/gpseg3
    6 |       4 | p    | 40001 | digoal199092.zmf | pg_system | /data01/gpdata/gpseg4
    7 |       5 | p    | 40002 | digoal199092.zmf | pg_system | /data01/gpdata/gpseg5
    8 |       6 | p    | 40000 | digoal200164.zmf | pg_system | /data01/gpdata/gpseg6
    9 |       7 | p    | 40001 | digoal200164.zmf | pg_system | /data01/gpdata/gpseg7
   10 |       8 | p    | 40002 | digoal200164.zmf | pg_system | /data01/gpdata/gpseg8
   11 |       9 | p    | 40000 | digoal204016.zmf | pg_system | /data01/gpdata/gpseg9
   12 |      10 | p    | 40001 | digoal204016.zmf | pg_system | /data01/gpdata/gpseg10
   13 |      11 | p    | 40002 | digoal204016.zmf | pg_system | /data01/gpdata/gpseg11
   14 |      12 | p    | 40000 | digoal204063.zmf | pg_system | /data01/gpdata/gpseg12
   15 |      13 | p    | 40001 | digoal204063.zmf | pg_system | /data01/gpdata/gpseg13
   16 |      14 | p    | 40002 | digoal204063.zmf | pg_system | /data01/gpdata/gpseg14
   17 |      15 | p    | 40003 | digoal193096.zmf | pg_system | /data01/gpdata/gpseg15
   18 |      16 | p    | 40003 | digoal199092.zmf | pg_system | /data01/gpdata/gpseg16
   19 |      17 | p    | 40003 | digoal200164.zmf | pg_system | /data01/gpdata/gpseg17
   20 |      18 | p    | 40003 | digoal204016.zmf | pg_system | /data01/gpdata/gpseg18
   21 |      19 | p    | 40003 | digoal204063.zmf | pg_system | /data01/gpdata/gpseg19
   22 |      20 | p    | 40000 | digoal209198.zmf | pg_system | /data01/gpdata/gpseg22
   23 |      21 | p    | 40001 | digoal209198.zmf | pg_system | /data01/gpdata/gpseg23
   24 |      22 | p    | 40002 | digoal209198.zmf | pg_system | /data01/gpdata/gpseg24
   25 |      23 | p    | 40003 | digoal209198.zmf | pg_system | /data01/gpdata/gpseg25
(25 rows)

gpfilespace -h
存储 关系型数据库 MySQL
MySQL innodb_undo_tablespaces相关参数
在MySQL中,`innodb_undo_tablespaces` 是一个用于配置 InnoDB 回滚段表空间数量的参数。这个参数决定了InnoDB存储引擎在执行事务回滚时使用的回滚段表空间的数量。 下面是关于 `innodb_undo_tablespaces` 的一些相关信息: 1. **默认值:** 在MySQL 5.7和之前的版本中,默认值是1。在MySQL 8.0中,它的默认值被改为2。 2. **作用:** 该参数控制了 InnoDB 存储引擎用于存储回滚段数据的表空间的数量。回滚段用于存储事务未提交的数据,以便在需要回滚时进行恢复。 3. **影响性能:** 调整 `inn
307 0
关系型数据库 MySQL C++
MySQL InnoDB inno_space 工具介绍
**什么是inno_space?** [inno_space ](./ 是一个可以直接访问InnoDB 内部文件的命令行工具, 可以打印出文件的内部结构. Jeremy Cole 用ruby 写了一个类似的工具, 不过不支持MySQL 8.0, 并且ruby 编译以及改动起来特别麻烦, 所以用cpp 重写了一个.
455 0
MySQL InnoDB inno_space 工具介绍
存储 Oracle 关系型数据库
【数据库】解决 oracle: ORA-01653: unable to extend table *.LINEORDER by 1024 in tablespace SYSTEM
【数据库】解决 oracle: ORA-01653: unable to extend table *.LINEORDER by 1024 in tablespace SYSTEM
589 0
【数据库】解决 oracle: ORA-01653: unable to extend table *.LINEORDER by 1024 in tablespace SYSTEM
SQL 关系型数据库 MySQL
前言 InnoDB的undo log从5.6版本开始可以存储到单独的tablespace文件中,在5.7版本支持了在线undo文件truncate,解决了长期以来的undo膨胀问题。而到了8.0版本,对Undo tablespace做了进一步的优化:在新版本中,我们可以拥有更多的回滚段(每个Undo tablespace可以有128个回滚段,而在之前的版本中所有tablespace的回滚段不允许超过128个),减少了由于事务公用回滚段产生的锁冲突;可以在线动态的增删undo tablespace,使得undo的管理更加灵活。
3639 0
关系型数据库 数据库 对象存储
pg_relation_filepath:数据对象存储位置 Name Return Type Description pg_relation_filepath text file path name of specified relation 创建表空间 postgres=# .
3265 0
Oracle 关系型数据库
SQL Oracle 关系型数据库

