Duplicate keys detected: '0'原因及解决方法

简介: Duplicate keys detected: '0'原因及解决方法

Duplicate keys detected: '0'. This may cause an update error.



<div class="info" v-for="(item, index) in currentFriend.content" :key="index">
    <div class="d1">
            <p v-text="item.time" class="timeBox"></p>
<div class="info2" v-for="(item, index) in currentFriend.content" :key="'index">
    <div class="d2">
          <p v-text="item.time" class="timeBox"></p>



<div class="info2" v-for="(item, index) in currentFriend.content" :key="'info2-'+index">
    <div class="d2">
          <p v-text="item.time" class="timeBox"></p>

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安全 关系型数据库 MySQL
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vue报错 | Duplicate keys detected: ‘0’. This may cause an update error.
vue报错 | Duplicate keys detected: ‘0’. This may cause an update error.
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[Vue warn]: Duplicate keys detected: ‘1‘. This may cause an update error. for循环,key重复报错
[Vue warn]: Duplicate keys detected: ‘1‘. This may cause an update error. for循环,key重复报错
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[Vue warn]: Duplicate keys detected: ‘0‘. This may cause an update error.
首先Duplicate keys detected: '0'. This may cause an update error是vue发现key不是唯一的而引发的错误. 译为中文大概是 : 检测到重复键 : '0'. '0'可能会导致一个更新错误. 解决办法网上找的其他也有一些.通过手动进行修改:key进而解决,比如说进行拼接字符串.因为为了解决不报错,而手动修改了数据.个人感觉不应该是这样的.
286 0
[Vue warn]: Duplicate keys detected: ‘0‘. This may cause an update error.
存储 关系型数据库 MySQL
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超详细!Mysql错误1452 - Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails 原因及解决方法
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