Linux(14)Debain Make image and module configuration instructions

简介: Linux(14)Debain Make image and module configuration instructions

Images operation:

1、Find a USB flash disk with at least 4G space reserved for storing the final generated file FAT32 format;

2、Insert a USB flash drive into the system and mount it to the/media/usb directory;

cd /mnt/

sudo mkdir usb

sudo fdisk -l

# For example, the result is: /dev/sda1

sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb

3、Enter the U disk mount directory, create a new folder "build_rootfs", and enter;

cd /mnt/usb/

sudo mkdir build_rootfs

cd build_rootfs

4、Create an empty image file with a size of 3G (adjustable):

It will take about 10-15 minutes

dd if=/dev/zero of=linuxroot.img bs=1M count=3500

5、Format to ext4 file system format, and label the volume as linuxroot:

sudo mkfs.ext4 -F -L linuxroot linuxroot.img

6、Mount an empty image file:

sudo mount -o loop linuxroot.img /opt

7、Mount the Ubuntu system partition:

sudo mount /dev/mmcblk2p7 /mnt

sudo mount /dev/mmcblk1p8 /mnt

8、Copy the Ubuntu root file system to an empty image file:

sudo cp -a /mnt/* /opt

9、Create a startup tag file:

touch /opt/firstboot

10、Finally, umount drops all the points mounted by itself:

sudo umount /opt

sudo umount /mnt

11、Check and repair the file system

sudo e2fsck -p -f linuxroot.img

12、Reduce file system mirror size

sudo resize2fs -M linuxroot.img

13、The final file is linuxroot.img

Unplug the USB flash disk and copy it to the computer. Use the tool to burn it. The packaged image is the same as the previous one

14.Update firmware steps

Press and hold, then plug the main board into the power supply, click the run button on the RKDevTool tool, and it will start automatically after brushing

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