1. 变量类型不能为short
error:Should avoid ood sized primitives;use 'int' instead of 'short' in parameter MkeyOffeset in java.crypt.Cipher. setIdeamKey(int KeyIndex,byte[] Mkey, short MkeyOffset, int intMkeyLen, int KeyType) [NoByteOrShort]
2.方法名称规范要求 驼峰命名法
error: Acronyms should not be capitalized in method names: was `getChipSN`, should this be `getChipSn`? [AcronymName]
3.缺少 非空判断@NonNull
error:Missing nullability on parameter `SNBuf` in method `getChipSN` [MissingNullability]
import android.annotation.NonNull;
@NonNull byte[] SNBuf
make api-stubs-docs-non-updatable
make api-stubs-docs-non-updatable-update-current-api
make api-stubs-docs-update-current-api
make update-api