图1 流量监管配置组网图
表1 Switch为上行流量提供的QoS保障
流量类型 |
CIR(kbps) |
PIR(kbps) |
DSCP优先级 |
语音 |
2000 |
10000 |
46 |
视频 |
4000 |
10000 |
30 |
数据 |
4000 |
10000 |
14 |
- 流分类简介
- 配置注意事项
- 组网需求
- 配置思路
- 操作步骤
- 配置文件
除了ACL之外,MQC配置中的流分类定义了大量的二三层匹配规则,如VLAN ID、802.1p优先级、DSCP优先级、源MAC、目的MAC等,设备可以通过配置不同的流分类规则将报文进行分类,并配置限速、统计或者镜像等流行为,以实现不同的策略。
本例就是在流分类中匹配不同的VLAN ID,并对符合规则的报文分别配置不同的限速带宽,以达到对不同的业务流量分配不同带宽的目的。
- 本举例适用的产品包括:
- S2752EI、S2710-SI、S2720-EI、S2750-EI
- S3700-SI、S3700-EI、S3700-HI
- S5700-LI、S5700S-LI、S5700-SI、S5700-EI、S5700-HI、S5710-C-LI、S5710-X-LI、S5710-EI、S5710-HI、S5720-LI、S5720S-LI、S5720-SI、S5720S-SI、S5720I-SI、S5720-EI、S5720-HI、S5730-HI、S5730-SI、S5730S-EI、S5731-H、S5731-S、S5731S-S、S5731S-H、S5731-H-K、S5732-H、S5732-H-K、S2730S-S、S5735-L-I、S5735-L1、S300、S5735-L、S5735S-L1、S5735S-L、S5735S-L-M、S500、S5735-S、S5735S-S、S5735-S-I、S5735S-H、S5736-S
- S6700-EI、S6720-LI、S6720S-LI、S6720-SI、S6720S-SI、S6720-EI、S6720S-EI、S6720-HI、S6730-H、S6730-S、S6730S-S、S6730S-H、S6730-H-K
- S7703、S7706、S7712、S7710、S7703 PoE、S7706 PoE、S7905、S7908、S9703、S9706、S9712
- 本举例中产品的默认适用版本请参见“案例适用的产品和版本说明”中的表1。
S5731-L和S5731S-L属于远端模块,不支持Web管理、YANG和命令行,仅支持通过中心交换机对其下发配置,相关操作请参见《S300, S500, S2700, S5700, S6700 V200R022C00 配置指南-设备管理》中的“智能极简园区网络配置(小行星方案)”。
语音业务对应的VLAN ID为120,视频业务对应的VLAN ID为110,数据业务对应的VLAN ID为100。
- 创建VLAN,并配置各接口,使企业能够通过Switch访问网络。
- 在Switch上配置基于VLAN ID进行流分类的匹配规则。
- 在Switch上配置流行为,对报文进行流量监管并且重标记报文的DSCP优先级。
- 在Switch上配置流量监管策略,绑定已配置的流行为和流分类,并应用到Switch与LSW连接的接口上。
- 创建VLAN并配置各接口# 在Switch上创建VLAN 100、110、120。
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Switch
[Switch] vlan batch 100 110 120
- # 将接口GE1/0/1、GE2/0/1的接入类型分别配置为trunk,并分别将接口GE1/0/1和GE2/0/1加入VLAN 100、VLAN 110、VLAN 120。
[Switch] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Switch-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port link-type trunk
[Switch-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port trunk allow-pass vlan 100 110 120
[Switch-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Switch] interface gigabitethernet 2/0/1
[Switch-GigabitEthernet2/0/1] port link-type trunk
[Switch-GigabitEthernet2/0/1] port trunk allow-pass vlan 100 110 120
[Switch-GigabitEthernet2/0/1] quit
- 配置流分类# 在Switch上创建流分类c1~c3,对不同业务流按照其VLAN ID进行分类。
[Switch] traffic classifier c1 operator and
[Switch-classifier-c1] if-match vlan-id 120 //匹配VLAN ID为120的报文
[Switch-classifier-c1] quit
[Switch] traffic classifier c2 operator and
[Switch-classifier-c2] if-match vlan-id 110 //匹配VLAN ID为110的报文
[Switch-classifier-c2] quit
[Switch] traffic classifier c3 operator and
[Switch-classifier-c3] if-match vlan-id 100 //匹配VLAN ID为100的报文
[Switch-classifier-c3] quit
- 配置流量监管行为# 在Switch上创建流行为b1~b3,对不同业务流进行流量监管以及重标记优先级,并配置流量统计功能。
[Switch] traffic behavior b1
[Switch-behavior-b1] car cir 2000 pir 10000 green pass //对VLAN ID为120的报文限速为2000kbit/s
[Switch-behavior-b1] remark dscp 46 //对VLAN ID为120的报文重标记其DSCP优先级为46
[Switch-behavior-b1] statistic enable //配置流量统计功能
[Switch-behavior-b1] quit
[Switch] traffic behavior b2
[Switch-behavior-b2] car cir 4000 pir 10000 green pass
[Switch-behavior-b2] remark dscp 30
[Switch-behavior-b2] statistic enable
[Switch-behavior-b2] quit
[Switch] traffic behavior b3
[Switch-behavior-b3] car cir 4000 pir 10000 green pass
[Switch-behavior-b3] remark dscp 14
[Switch-behavior-b3] statistic enable
[Switch-behavior-b3] quit
- 配置流量监管策略并应用到接口上# 在Switch上创建流策略p1,将流分类和对应的流行为进行绑定并将流策略应用到接口GE1/0/1入方向上,对报文进行流量监管和重标记。
[Switch] traffic policy p1
[Switch-trafficpolicy-p1] classifier c1 behavior b1
[Switch-trafficpolicy-p1] classifier c2 behavior b2
[Switch-trafficpolicy-p1] classifier c3 behavior b3
[Switch-trafficpolicy-p1] quit
[Switch] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Switch-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] traffic-policy p1 inbound
[Switch-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
- 验证配置结果# 查看流分类的配置信息。
[Switch] display traffic classifier user-defined
User Defined Classifier Information:
Classifier: c2
Precedence: 10
Operator: AND
Rule(s) : if-match vlan-id 110
Classifier: c3
Precedence: 15
Operator: AND
Rule(s) : if-match vlan-id 100
Classifier: c1
Precedence: 5
Operator: AND
Rule(s) : if-match vlan-id 120
Total classifier number is 3
- # 查看流策略的配置信息,以流策略p1为例。
[Switch] display traffic policy user-defined p1
User Defined Traffic Policy Information:
Policy: p1
Classifier: c2
Operator: AND
Behavior: b2
Committed Access Rate:
CIR 4000 (Kbps), PIR 10000 (Kbps), CBS 500000 (byte), PBS 1250000 (byte)
Color Mode: color Blind
Conform Action: pass
Yellow Action: pass
Exceed Action: discard
Remark DSCP af33
Statistic: enable
Classifier: c3
Operator: AND
Behavior: b3
Committed Access Rate:
CIR 4000 (Kbps), PIR 10000 (Kbps), CBS 500000 (byte), PBS 1250000 (byte)
Color Mode: color Blind
Conform Action: pass
Yellow Action: pass
Exceed Action: discard
Remark DSCP af13
Statistic: enable
Classifier: c1
Operator: AND
Behavior: b1
Committed Access Rate:
CIR 2000 (Kbps), PIR 10000 (Kbps), CBS 250000 (byte), PBS 1250000 (byte)
Color Mode: color Blind
Conform Action: pass
Yellow Action: pass
Exceed Action: discard
Remark DSCP ef
Statistic: enable
- # 查看在接口上应用的流策略信息。以接口GE1/0/1上的语音业务报文为例,当报文速率大于10000kbit/s时会出现丢包,语音业务报文的速率被限制在10000kbit/s。
[Switch] display traffic policy statistics interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1 inbound verbose classifier-base class c1
Interface: GigabitEthernet1/0/1
Traffic policy inbound: p1
Rule number: 3
Current status: success
Statistics interval: 300
Board : 1
Matched | Packets: 49,491
| Bytes: -
| Rate(pps): 0
| Rate(bps): -
Passed | Packets: 40,971
| Bytes: -
| Rate(pps): 0
| Rate(bps): -
Dropped | Packets: 8,520
| Bytes: -
| Rate(pps): 0
| Rate(bps): -
Filter | Packets: 0
| Bytes: -
Car | Packets: 8,520
| Bytes: -
sysname Switch
vlan batch 100 110 120
traffic classifier c1 operator and precedence 5
if-match vlan-id 120
traffic classifier c2 operator and precedence 10
if-match vlan-id 110
traffic classifier c3 operator and precedence 15
if-match vlan-id 100
traffic behavior b1
car cir 2000 pir 10000 cbs 250000 pbs 1250000 mode color-blind green pass yellow pass red discard
remark dscp ef
statistic enable
traffic behavior b2
car cir 4000 pir 10000 cbs 500000 pbs 1250000 mode color-blind green pass yellow pass red discard
remark dscp af33
statistic enable
traffic behavior b3
car cir 4000 pir 10000 cbs 500000 pbs 1250000 mode color-blind green pass yellow pass red discard
remark dscp af13
statistic enable
traffic policy p1 match-order config
classifier c1 behavior b1
classifier c2 behavior b2
classifier c3 behavior b3
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
port link-type trunk
port trunk allow-pass vlan 100 110 120
traffic-policy p1 inbound
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/1
port link-type trunk
port trunk allow-pass vlan 100 110 120