# 人工智能驱动的生产力手册(二)(4)

简介: # 人工智能驱动的生产力手册(二)

# 人工智能驱动的生产力手册(二)(3)https://developer.aliyun.com/article/1486270

输出 - COBOL 模板
Sure, here's a sample code template in COBOL that prints out "Hello World" to the console:
IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. HELLO-WORLD. PROCEDURE DIVISION. DISPLAY 'Hello World'. STOP RUN. The IDENTIFICATION DIVISION specifies the name of the program as HELLO-WORLD, while the PROCEDURE DIVISION contains the instructions to display the message and stop the program. When you run this program, it will simply display the message "Hello World" on the console.

这里有一个更加当前的例子,可能会有用,涉及 HTML 和 Javascript

提示 - html:
i need a code template for an html page with an embedded button that plays 3 beeps written in javascript 
输出 - html
Certainly, here's an HTML code template with an embedded button that plays three beeps using JavaScript:
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Play 3 Beeps</title>
  <button onclick="playBeeps()">Play 3 Beeps</button>
  <script> function playBeeps() { var beepSound = new Audio('beep.mp3'); beepSound.play(); setTimeout(function() { beepSound.play();
      }, 1000); setTimeout(function() { beepSound.play();
      }, 2000);
Here's what each part of the code does:
The button element creates a button that triggers the playBeeps() function when clicked. The script element contains the JavaScript code that defines the playBeeps() function. In the playBeeps() function, we first create a new Audio object that loads the beep.mp3 file. Then, we use the play() method to play the beep sound immediately, and use setTimeout to play the sound again after a delay of 1 second and 2 seconds respectively. Note that you will need to replace the beep.mp3 file with an actual audio file that contains the beep sound you want to play. Additionally, you may need to adjust the file path or change the file format depending on your requirements.


虽然 ChatGPT 可能无法完全取代编码,但它可以通过帮助检测错误、调试、文档编写以及分析他人的代码来显著提高生产力。这些好处真的是无价的。

“一个好的程序员是那种在穿过单行道之前总是看两边的人。” - 道格·林德


“创造力就是连接事物。当你问创意人士他们是如何做到的时候,他们会感到有点内疚,因为他们并没有真正做到,他们只是看到了一些东西。过了一段时间后,这些事情对他们来说似乎是显而易见的。” - 史蒂夫·乔布斯



  1. 准备工作:在这个阶段,您收集信息并探索手头的问题或任务。
  2. 孵化:这个阶段涉及让您的思维漫游并处理收集到的信息。
  3. 洞察:这是“啊哈!”时刻,当一个解决方案或想法突然闪现在您的脑海中。
  4. 评估:在这里,您评估并完善在洞察阶段生成的想法或解决方案。
  5. 实施:最后,您将您的想法或解决方案付诸实施,并采取具体步骤使其成为现实。

作为您的创意助手,ChatGPT 可以在创意过程的每个阶段帮助您。

为了使这些阶段更具相关性,让我们看看 Ahmed 进入创意过程的旅程。

这是 Ahmed 创意过程的真实故事,遵循创意过程的五个阶段,并导致一种革命性小部件的发明:


准备工作 - 由 Midjourney AI 生成的图像

准备工作:Ahmed 是一名机械工程师,已在汽车行业工作了十多年。他热衷于找到创新解决方案,并一直在研究新材料、技术和设计原则。Ahmed 也是播客的粉丝,一直在听有关创业精神和颠覆性技术的节目。有一天,他意识到市场上存在一种可以使汽车更节能环保的小部件的空白。

Ahmed 启动他的 Chat-GPT,并对燃油效率进行了一些研究,从目前可用的内容开始:

提示 - 燃油效率汽车:
give me to top 5 most fuel efficent cars and what makes them fuel efficient, provide the answers in a summarized list
输出 - 燃油效率汽车
Sure, here's a summarized list of the top 5 most fuel-efficient cars and what makes them fuel-efficient:
Toyota Prius Eco - A hybrid vehicle that uses regenerative braking system and achieves a combined fuel economy of 56 MPG. Hyundai Ioniq Blue - A hybrid vehicle that uses a six-speed dual-clutch automatic transmission and achieves a combined fuel economy of 58 MPG. Toyota Prius Prime - A plug-in hybrid electric vehicle that can travel up to 25 miles on electric power alone and achieves a combined fuel economy of 133 MPGe. Tesla Model 3 - An all-electric vehicle that uses a high-capacity battery pack and a highly efficient electric motor to achieve a combined fuel economy of 141 MPGe. Kia Niro FE - A hybrid crossover SUV that uses a six-speed dual-clutch automatic transmission and lightweight materials to achieve a combined fuel economy of 50 MPG. In summary, these cars achieve high fuel efficiency through a combination of hybrid or electric powertrains, regenerative braking systems, advanced transmission systems, high-capacity batteries, and lightweight materials.

现在 Ahmed 有了一些现实世界的例子,他开始思考,如何可以改进?


孵化 - 由 Midjourney AI 生成的图像

孵化:Ahmed 开始为这个小部件构思想法,但发现他最初的概念不切实际或经济。他将问题搁置一旁,开始着手其他项目,但小部件的想法仍在困扰着他。

Ahmed 也咨询 ChatGPT,看看还能做些什么:

提示 - 还能做些什么:
what more can be done to improve on fuel efficiency for cars ? 
输出 - 还能做些什么
There are several ways that car manufacturers and consumers can continue to improve fuel efficiency in cars. Here are some ideas:
Improve engine technology: Car manufacturers can continue to improve internal combustion engines by using turbocharging, direct fuel injection, and other advanced technologies to improve fuel efficiency. Increase use of hybrid and electric powertrains: Hybrid and electric vehicles are already some of the most fuel-efficient cars on the market, but car manufacturers can continue to improve these technologies and make them more affordable for consumers. Reduce weight: By using lightweight materials like aluminum, carbon fiber, and high-strength steel, car manufacturers can reduce the weight of cars, which can lead to improved fuel efficiency. Improve aerodynamics: Cars with lower wind resistance require less power to maintain speed, which can improve fuel efficiency. Car manufacturers can use wind tunnel testing and computer simulations to optimize the aerodynamics of their vehicles. Increase use of alternative fuels: Biofuels, hydrogen fuel cells, and other alternative fuels can reduce the amount of petroleum-based fuels that cars consume, which can improve fuel efficiency and reduce emissions. Improve driving habits: Consumers can improve fuel efficiency by adopting more efficient driving habits, such as reducing speed, avoiding rapid acceleration and braking, and maintaining proper tire pressure. Implement government policies: Governments can implement policies that encourage the development and adoption of more fuel-efficient vehicles, such as tax incentives, fuel efficiency standards, and investments in research and development. In conclusion, there are several ways that car manufacturers and consumers can continue to improve fuel efficiency in cars, including improving engine technology, increasing the use of hybrid and electric powertrains, reducing weight, improving aerodynamics, increasing the use of alternative fuels, improving driving habits, and implementing government policies.

艾哈迈德在通勤途中、洗澡时甚至午餐休息时经常会心不在焉。当他在不同的想法和概念之间建立心理联系时,他意识到他的想法与行业一致,正如 ChatGPT 所建议的那样。这一认识使他考虑到两种可能性:改进现有解决方案或探索全新的解决方案。此外,艾哈迈德发现他一直在研究的新材料可以用来制造既轻便又耐用的小部件,潜在地降低燃油消耗。


洞察 - 由 Midjourney AI 生成的图像


艾哈迈德正在正确的道路上,但想知道在哪里可以利用它来改善燃油消耗。他向 ChatGPT 提出提示。

提示 - 最大摩擦:
where is the most friction in a car that wastes energy and increases fuel consumption ?
输出 - 最大摩擦
The most friction in a car that wastes energy and increases fuel consumption is typically found in the engine and the transmission. Friction can occur in various parts of the engine, including the piston rings, crankshaft bearings, and camshaft bearings. Friction can also occur in the transmission, particularly in the gears and bearings. This friction results in energy losses due to heat generation and other forms of energy dissipation. To reduce this friction, car manufacturers have implemented various technologies such as low-friction coatings, improved lubrication systems, and more efficient transmission designs. Additionally, regular maintenance, such as oil changes and proper tire inflation, can help to reduce friction and improve fuel efficiency.


评估 - 由 Midjourney AI 生成的图像


提示 - 列出组件:
list out these components
输出 - 列出组件
Sure, here are some of the key components in a car's engine and transmission that can contribute to friction and energy losses:
Piston rings
Crankshaft bearings
Camshaft bearings
Timing belt or chain
Valves and valve guides
Connecting rods
Cylinder walls
Torque converter
Transmission fluid
Shift linkage and cables
It's worth noting that other parts of the car, such as the brakes and tires, can also contribute to energy losses due to friction, so regular maintenance and proper driving habits are important for maximizing fuel efficiency.



实施 - 由 Midjourney AI 生成的图像


尽管艾哈迈德有许多好主意,但在发明世界中还缺乏经验,因此他向 ChatGPT 寻求关于追求自己想法最有效方法的建议。

提示 - 需要计划:
give me an implementation plan for the  widget's prototype, refining the design and testing different materials and manufacturing techniques
输出 - 需要计划
Sure, here's a possible implementation plan for developing and testing the widget's prototype, refining the design, and testing different materials and manufacturing techniques:
Define the Prototype: Ahmed should start by defining the specifications and features of the widget prototype, including the materials, dimensions, and components needed to achieve the desired fuel efficiency improvements. Research and Development: Ahmed should then begin research and development to create the initial prototype, testing different materials and manufacturing techniques to refine the design and optimize the widget's performance. During this stage, he should also consider cost-effectiveness and scalability in the manufacturing process. Testing and Validation: Once the prototype is developed, Ahmed should test it under various conditions to validate its effectiveness in reducing fuel consumption. This testing should involve both laboratory and real-world conditions to ensure that the widget performs as expected. Refine the Design: Based on the results of the testing and validation, Ahmed should refine the design of the widget prototype, incorporating any necessary changes or improvements identified during the testing process. Additional Testing: Once the design is refined, Ahmed should test the updated prototype to ensure that the changes made have resulted in the desired improvements in fuel efficiency. Manufacturing Plan: Once the design is finalized, Ahmed should develop a manufacturing plan for producing the widget at scale. He should consider factors such as sourcing materials, production capacity, cost-effectiveness, and quality control. Continuous Improvement: Ahmed should continue to monitor and improve the widget's performance and refine the manufacturing process to ensure the product is both cost-effective and effective in reducing fuel consumption. Overall, this implementation plan is focused on delivering a high-quality prototype that meets the desired specifications and performance goals, as well as creating a feasible plan for manufacturing the widget at scale.


“创造力就是智慧在玩耍。” - 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦


图书馆 - 由 Midjourney AI 生成的图像

Jamal Faisal Almutawa 是一位经验丰富的电信专业人士,在该行业拥有超过 21 年的经验。他在 IT、软件、电信、金融科技和人工智能等尖端技术领域拥有强大的专业知识。在他的职业生涯中,Jamal 曾在 Zain 担任多个领导职务,并担任 Basket SPC 的创始人兼首席执行官。

除了在科技和电信行业的工作外,Jamal 是一位热情而知识渊博的科技爱好者,对所有新技术都有浓厚兴趣。他时刻关注行业最新趋势,使自己成为一个全面发展的行业专家。


Twitter: @jamalmutawa

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jamal-al-mutawa/

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# 人工智能驱动的生产力手册(二)(3)
# 人工智能驱动的生产力手册(二)
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# 人工智能驱动的生产力手册(二)
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