Converts an image collection into an image of 2D arrays. At each pixel, the images that have valid (unmasked) values in all bands are laid out along the first axis of the array in the order they appear in the image collection. The bands of each image are laid out along the second axis of the array, in the order the bands appear in that image. The array element type will be the union of the types of each band.
this:collection (ImageCollection):
Image collection to convert to an array image. Bands must have scalar values, not array values.
Returns: Image
Selects the value of the first value for each matched pair of bands in image1 and image2. If either image1 or image2 has only 1 band, then it is used against all the bands in the other image. If the images have the same number of bands, but not the same names, they're used pairwise in the natural order. The output bands are named for the longer of the two inputs, or if they're equal in length, in image1's order. The type of the output pixels is the union of the input types.
this:image1 (Image):
The image from which the left operand bands are taken.
image2 (Image):
The image from which the right operand bands are taken.
Returns: Image
arraySlice(axis, start, end, step)
Creates a subarray by slicing out each position along the given axis from the 'start' (inclusive) to 'end' (exclusive) by increments of 'step'. The result will have as many dimensions as the input, and the same length in all directions except the slicing axis, where the length will be the number of positions from 'start' to 'end' by 'step' that are in range of the input array's length along 'axis'. This means the result can be length 0 along the given axis if start=end, or if the start or end values are entirely out of range.
this:input (Image):
Input array image.
axis (Integer, default: 0):
Axis to subset.
start (Image, default: null):
The coordinate of the first slice (inclusive) along 'axis'. Negative numbers are used to position the start of slicing relative to the end of the array, where -1 starts at the last position on the axis, -2 starts at the next to last position, etc. There must one band for start indices, or one band per 'input' band. If this argument is not set or masked at some pixel, then the slice at that pixel will start at index 0.
end (Image, default: null):
The coordinate (exclusive) at which to stop taking slices. By default this will be the length of the given axis. Negative numbers are used to position the end of slicing relative to the end of the array, where -1 will exclude the last position, -2 will exclude the last two positions, etc. There must be one band for end indices, or one band per 'input' band. If this argument is not set or masked at some pixel, then the slice at that pixel will end just after the last index.
step (Integer, default: 1):
The separation between slices along 'axis'; a slice will be taken at each whole multiple of 'step' from 'start' (inclusive) to 'end' (exclusive). Must be positive.
Returns: Image
Sorts elements of each array pixel along one axis.沿着一个轴对每个阵列像素的元素进行排序。
this:image (Image):
Array image to sort.
keys (Image, default: null):
Optional keys to sort by. If not provided, the values are used as the keys. The keys can only have multiple elements along one axis, which determines the direction to sort in.
Returns: Image
arrayFlatten(coordinateLabels, separator)
Converts a single band image of equal-shape multidimensional pixels to an image of scalar pixels, with one band for each element of the array.
this:image (Image):
Image of multidimensional pixels to flatten.
coordinateLabels (List):
Name of each position along each axis. For example, 2x2 arrays with axes meaning 'day' and 'color' could have labels like [['monday', 'tuesday'], ['red', 'green']], resulting in band names'monday_red', 'monday_green', 'tuesday_red', and 'tuesday_green'.
separator (String, default: "_"):
Separator between array labels in each band name.
Returns: Image
Projects the array in each pixel to a lower dimensional space by specifying the axes to retain. Dropped axes must be at most length 1.
this:input (Image):
Input image.
axes (List):
The axes to retain. Other axes will be discarded and must be at most length 1.
Returns: Image
//导入需要进行采样的点数据 var table = ee.FeatureCollection("projects/ee-nimrabanuhphd18/assets/Karnataka"), fc = /* color: #d63000 */ee.FeatureCollection( [ee.Feature( ee.Geometry.Point([74.99433244730658, 15.254586051704365]), { "system:index": "0" }), ee.Feature( ee.Geometry.Point([74.99438595166671, 15.518067901203736]), { "system:index": "1" }), ee.Feature( ee.Geometry.Point([75.25805782666671, 15.506158494397534]), { "system:index": "2" }), ee.Feature( ee.Geometry.Point([75.26904415479171, 15.402914915549081]), { "system:index": "3" }), ee.Feature( ee.Geometry.Point([75.21685909619796, 15.296970799825159]), { "system:index": "4" })]); var roi = fc //NDVI函数 var getNDVI = function(img){ return img.normalizedDifference(['sur_refl_b02','sur_refl_b01']).rename('ndvi') .copyProperties(img, ['system:time_start']) }; //添加时间属性给每一个需要采样的点 var addTime = function(img){ return img.addBands(ee.Image.constant(img.get('system:time_start')).long().rename('time')) }; //进行应先国家在 var MOD = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MOD09A1'). filterDate('2022-11-15','2023-04-01'). filterBounds(roi); print(MOD) var NDVI = MOD.map(getNDVI).map(addTime); print(NDVI.first()) //讲影像转化为数组 // see https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/guides/arrays_sorting_reducing var array = NDVI.toArray() Map.addLayer(array, {}, 'array', false) // for inspector // 预设要进行数组切片的轴 var imageAxis = 0; var bandAxis = 1; // 获取NDVI切片和感兴趣的波段。 var bandNames = NDVI.first().bandNames(); var bands = array.arraySlice(bandAxis, 0, bandNames.length()); var ndvi = array.arraySlice(bandAxis, 0, 1); // 从高到低筛选数组 var sorted = bands.arraySort(ndvi.multiply(-1)); Map.addLayer(sorted, {}, 'sorted', false) // for inspector, from high to low // 获取每个像素的最高NDVI观测值。 var numImages = 1 var highestNdvi = sorted.arraySlice(imageAxis, 0, numImages); // 将reduce的阵列图像变成多波段图像进行显示。 var maxImage = highestNdvi.arrayProject([bandAxis]).arrayFlatten([bandNames]); print(maxImage) Map.addLayer(maxImage, {}, 'max NDVI value + time', false) // 获取值和事件,因为这里由高到低排行了,所以只选取第一个值即可 var maxValues = maxImage.reduceRegions(fc, ee.Reducer.first(), 100) // 将其事件标准化 maxValues = maxValues.map(function(f) { return f.set({ time: ee.Date(f.get('time')).format('YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') }) }) print(maxValues)
// Define a function that scales and masks Landsat 8 surface reflectance images // and adds an NDVI band. function prepSrL8(image) { // Develop masks for unwanted pixels (fill, cloud, cloud shadow). var qaMask = image.select('QA_PIXEL').bitwiseAnd(parseInt('11111', 2)).eq(0); var saturationMask = image.select('QA_RADSAT').eq(0); // Apply the scaling factors to the appropriate bands. var opticalBands = image.select('SR_B.').multiply(0.0000275).add(-0.2); var thermalBands = image.select('ST_B.*').multiply(0.00341802).add(149.0); // Calculate NDVI. var ndvi = opticalBands.normalizedDifference(['SR_B5', 'SR_B4']) .rename('NDVI'); // Replace original bands with scaled bands, add NDVI band, and apply masks. return image.addBands(opticalBands, null, true) .addBands(thermalBands, null, true) .addBands(ndvi) .updateMask(qaMask) .updateMask(saturationMask); } // Define an arbitrary region of interest as a point. var roi = ee.Geometry.Point(-122.26032, 37.87187); // Load a Landsat 8 surface reflectance collection. var collection = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1_L2') // Filter to get only imagery at a point of interest. .filterBounds(roi) // Filter to get only six months of data. .filterDate('2021-01-01', '2021-07-01') // Prepare images by mapping the prepSrL8 function over the collection. .map(prepSrL8) // Select the bands of interest to avoid taking up unneeded memory. .select('SR_B.|NDVI'); // Convert the collection to an array. var array = collection.toArray(); // Label of the axes. var imageAxis = 0; var bandAxis = 1; // Get the NDVI slice and the bands of interest. var bandNames = collection.first().bandNames(); var bands = array.arraySlice(bandAxis, 0, bandNames.length()); var ndvi = array.arraySlice(bandAxis, -1); // Sort by descending NDVI. var sorted = bands.arraySort(ndvi.multiply(-1)); // Get the highest 20% NDVI observations per pixel. var numImages = sorted.arrayLength(imageAxis).multiply(0.2).int(); var highestNdvi = sorted.arraySlice(imageAxis, 0, numImages); // Get the mean of the highest 20% NDVI observations by reducing // along the image axis. var mean = highestNdvi.arrayReduce({ reducer: ee.Reducer.mean(), axes: [imageAxis] }); // Turn the reduced array image into a multi-band image for display. var meanImage = mean.arrayProject([bandAxis]).arrayFlatten([bandNames]); Map.centerObject(roi, 12); Map.addLayer(meanImage, {bands: ['SR_B6', 'SR_B5', 'SR_B4'], min: 0, max: 0.4});