- 核心功能
"ui"; var rootUrl = "http://www.yadinghao.com"; var storageSign = "YadinghaoKSFreeAssist" var softVersion = "1.0.0" var yadinghaoStorages = storages.create(storageSign);//创建本地存储 ui.layout( <vertical> <scroll> <vertical> <vertical> <horizontal > <text text="快手极速版邀请码:460754595 " textColor="#228B22" paddingLeft="14"/> <button text="复制" id="btnCopyText" style="Widget.AppCompat.Button.Borderless" w="52" textColor="#FF7F50" /> </horizontal> </vertical> <vertical> <horizontal > <text text="下载快手极速版v9.2.40.1209 " textColor="#228B22" paddingLeft="14"/> <button text="下载" id="btnDownloadApp" style="Widget.AppCompat.Button.Borderless" w="52" textColor="#FF7F50" /> <text text="别安装最新的最新的刷不了" textColor="#228B22" paddingLeft="2"/> </horizontal> </vertical> {/* 是否开启控制台 */} <vertical> <horizontal > <img w="50" h="50" padding="16" src="https://ucc.alicdn.com/images/user-upload-01/2022010623454366871.png"></img> <Switch id='switchIsShowConsole' text="是否开启控制台(不建议开启偶尔会遮挡点击事件" paddingTop="16" textColor="black" /> </horizontal> </vertical> {/* 是否强制停止 */} <vertical> <horizontal > <img w="50" h="50" padding="16" src="https://ucc.alicdn.com/images/user-upload-01/2022010623454438148.png"></img> <Switch id='switchIsCloseApp' text="是否强制停止(不是所有手机都支持)" paddingTop="16" textColor="black" /> </horizontal> </vertical> {/* 是否自动签到 */} <vertical> <horizontal > <img w="50" h="50" padding="16" src="https://ucc.alicdn.com/images/user-upload-01/2022010623454451151.png"></img> <Switch id='switchIsAutoSign' text="是否自动签到 " paddingTop="16" textColor="black" /> </horizontal> </vertical> <vertical> <horizontal > <img w="50" h="50" padding="16" src="https://ucc.alicdn.com/images/user-upload-01/2022010623454460638.png"></img> <Switch id='switchIsAutoComment' text="是否自动评论" paddingTop="16" textColor="black" /> </horizontal> </vertical> {/* 是否自动清理缓存 */} <vertical> <horizontal > <img w="50" h="50" padding="16" src="https://ucc.alicdn.com/images/user-upload-01/2022010623454423536.png"></img> <Switch id='switchIsClearCache' text="是否自动清理缓存" paddingTop="16" textColor="black" /> </horizontal> </vertical> {/* 屏幕滑动时间间隔 系统内部加减2秒*/} <vertical> <horizontal > <text text="屏幕滑动时间间隔(系统内部加减2秒):" textColor="red" padding="8 8 8 8" /> <input id="txtScreenSileTimesInterval" text="10" hint="视频之间的滑动时间间隔" inputType="number" padding="8 8 8 8" /> </horizontal> </vertical> {/* App启动时间 */} <vertical> <horizontal > <text text="App启动时间(秒):" textColor="red" padding="8 8 8 8" /> <input id="txtAppStartWaiteTime" text="30" hint="App启动时间(秒)" inputType="number" padding="8 8 8 8" /> </horizontal> </vertical> {/* App执行时间 */} <vertical> <horizontal > <text text="App执行时间(分):" textColor="red" padding="8 8 8 8" /> <input id="txtAppExecuteTime" text="120" hint="App执行时间(分)" inputType="number" padding="8 8 8 8" /> </horizontal> </vertical> <horizontal> <button style="Widget.AppCompat.Button.Colored" id="btnStartApp" text="启动" padding="12dp" w="*" /> </horizontal> </vertical> </scroll> <frame id="frameSecondTab"> <scroll> <vertical> <text w="auto" color="#111111" size="26" text="相关软件推荐" textColor="black" padding="8 8 8 8" /> <list id="reItemList" padding="25 0 8 8" > <horizontal h="40"> <text id="appIndex" text="{{this.ProductIndex}}、" inputType="number" w="40" gravity="center" textColor="#228B22" /> <text id="txtSoftName" textSize="18sp" textColor="#000000" text="{{SoftName}}" textColor="#228B22" /> <button text="下载" id="btnDownLoad" style="Widget.AppCompat.Button.Borderless" w="52" textColor="#FF7F50" /> <button text="访问" id="btnVistorWeb" style="Widget.AppCompat.Button.Borderless" w="52" textColor="#FF7F50" /> </horizontal> </list> </vertical> </scroll> </frame> </vertical> ) initializeFrendTipMessage() initializeReItemList() var CommentKeyWord = [ '我是App小助手关注了你你要关注我哦!', '山高路远坑深,大军纵横驰奔,谁敢横刀立马?惟有点赞加关注大军!', '我的未来不是梦我相信你也是!', '身同感受', '风雨送春归,飞雪迎春到。', '俏也不争春,只把春来报。', '天若有情天亦老...', '...人间正道是沧桑', '...喜欢的人喜欢的事亦不能表达喜欢的心...', '三分春色二分愁,更一分风雨', ]; var isShowConsole = yadinghaoStorages.get("isShowConsole"); if (isShowConsole != null && isShowConsole == "true") { ui.switchIsShowConsole.setChecked(true); } else { ui.switchIsShowConsole.setChecked(false); } var timesInterval = yadinghaoStorages.get("timesInterval"); if (timesInterval != null) { ui.txtScreenSileTimesInterval.setText(timesInterval); } var IsAutoSign = yadinghaoStorages.get("isAutoSign"); var IsClearCache = yadinghaoStorages.get("isClearCache"); var IsCashOut = yadinghaoStorages.get("isCashOut"); var IsAutoComment = yadinghaoStorages.get("isAutoComment"); if (IsAutoComment != null && IsAutoComment == "true") { ui.switchIsAutoComment.setChecked(true); } else { ui.switchIsAutoComment.setChecked(false); } if (IsAutoSign != null && IsAutoSign == "true") { ui.switchIsAutoSign.setChecked(true); } else { ui.switchIsAutoSign.setChecked(false); } if (IsClearCache != null && IsClearCache == "true") { ui.switchIsClearCache.setChecked(true); } else { ui.switchIsClearCache.setChecked(false); } if (IsCashOut != null && IsCashOut == "true") { ui.switchIsCashOut.setChecked(true); } var WateForTime = yadinghaoStorages.get("WateForTime"); if (WateForTime != null) { ui.txtWateForTime.setText(WateForTime); } var exectueTime = yadinghaoStorages.get("exectueTime"); if (exectueTime != null) { ui.txtAppExecuteTime.setText(exectueTime); } var IsCloseApp = yadinghaoStorages.get("isCloseApp"); if (IsCloseApp != null && IsCloseApp == "true") { ui.switchIsCloseApp.setChecked(true); } else { ui.switchIsCloseApp.setChecked(false); } ui.btnCopyText.on("click", function () { let AppCode = "460754595"; toast("复制成功: " + AppCode); setClip(AppCode); }); ui.btnDownloadApp.on("click", function () { try { app.openUrl("https://wwa.lanzoui.com/icST4rzv4kh"); } catch (e) { //悬浮窗爱出错On Windows Shift + Alt + F 代码格式 console.show() toastLog("执行脚本出错...请将此页面截图联系攻城狮" + e) } }); ui.btnStartApp.on("click", function () { let isShowConsole = ui.switchIsShowConsole.isChecked(); let timesInterval = ui.txtScreenSileTimesInterval.getText(); let IsAutoSign = ui.switchIsAutoSign.isChecked(); let IsClearCache = ui.switchIsClearCache.isChecked(); let IsAutoComment = ui.switchIsAutoComment.isChecked(); let wateForTime = parseInt(ui.txtAppStartWaiteTime.getText()); let IsCloseApp = ui.switchIsCloseApp.isChecked(); let probability = 10; let totalTimes = ui.txtAppExecuteTime.getText() //执行时间 let consoleMessage = "不开启控制台"; if (isShowConsole) { consoleMessage = "开启控制台"; } let totalHour = parseFloat(totalTimes / 60).toFixed(2);//转成小时 //let havedHour = parseFloat(totalExecTimes / 60).toFixed(2);//转成小时 let tipMessage = "本次共执行:" + totalHour + "小时." + consoleMessage; confirm(tipMessage).then(value => { if (value) { threads.start(function () { auto.waitFor(); saveConfig()//保存一下配置 threads.start(function () { if (isShowConsole) { console.show(); console.setPosition(0, device.height / 3); } //开启截图功能 if (!requestScreenCapture()) { toastLog("请求截图失败"); stop(); } }); let appName = "快手极速版" 快手极速版(appName, wateForTime, timesInterval, probability, totalTimes, IsAutoSign, IsAutoComment) if (IsClearCache) { clearAppCache() } if (IsCloseApp) { clearCach(appName) } }); } else { toastLog("操作被取消了"); } }); }); function 快手极速版(appName, wateForTime, timesInterval, probability, execTimes, isAutoSign, isAutoComment) { app.launchApp(appName);//启动App toastLog("当前自动阅读程序" + appName + "等待进入");//系统日志提示 cutDownBySleep(wateForTime)//启动App时候等待时间 adolescentWindows();//关闭青少年窗口 closeUpgradetWindows();//关闭升级提示框 if (isAutoSign) autoSign(appName) while (true) { try { var start = new Date().getTime();//App起始时间 let x1 = random(device.width * 0.8, device.width * 0.9); let y1 = device.height - (device.height * 0.15) let x2 = random(device.width * 0.8, device.width * 0.9); let y2 = device.height * 0.2 let pressTime = random(700, 800); keepBrush() randomHeart('like_icon', probability);//随机关注百分之一的概率 randomFollow('series_follow', probability) if (isAutoComment) AutoComment(probability) randomUpSildeScreen(x1, y2, x1, y1, pressTime, probability); randomDownSildeScreen(x1, y1, x2, y2, pressTime, timesInterval, probability); slideScreenDown(x1, y1, x2, y2, pressTime, timesInterval, false); appRunTimeRecord(appName, (new Date().getTime() - start))//记录一次时间 computerExctueTime(appName, execTimes) } catch (error) { toastLog(appName + "刷刷刷时出现错误!" + error); sleep(timesInterval * 1000) } } } function keepBrush(){ if (id("left_btn").exists()) { back() } let return_image_array=["./Image/快手极速版/返回1.png", "./Image/快手极速版/返回2.png", "./Image/快手极速版/返回3.png"] let ad_area_coordinate = [0, 0, device.width, device.height * 0.55] let threshold = 0.8 if (clickAreaForFindImage(return_image_array, ad_area_coordinate, threshold)) { } } /** * 自动签到 */ function autoSign(appName) { let signValue = getSignTime(appName); if (getDate() == signValue) { toastLog("已签到本次签到跳过..."); return; } let ad_area_coordinate = [0, 0, device.width, device.height * 0.55] let threshold = 0.8 let get_coin_image = ["./Image/快手极速版/红包1.png", "./Image/快手极速版/红包2.png"] let ad_image_array = buildADArray("./Image/AD", 12); let sign_image_array= ["./Image/快手极速版/快手立即签到.png", "./Image/快手极速版/立.png", "./Image/快手极速版/即.png"] let return_image_array=["./Image/快手极速版/返回1.png", "./Image/快手极速版/返回2.png", "./Image/快手极速版/返回3.png"] if (clickAreaForFindImage(get_coin_image, ad_area_coordinate, threshold)) { sleepRandom3() //是个网页加载的慢 if (clickAreaForFindImage(sign_image_array, ad_area_coordinate, threshold)) { clickAreaForFindImage(ad_image_array) if (clickAreaForFindImage(return_image_array, ad_area_coordinate, threshold)) { }else{ back() } }else{ if (文字去签到()) { clickAreaForFindImage(ad_image_array) if (clickAreaForFindImage(return_image_array, ad_area_coordinate, threshold)) { }else{ back() } } swipeDown() if (文字去签到()) { clickAreaForFindImage(ad_image_array) if (clickAreaForFindImage(return_image_array, ad_area_coordinate, threshold)) { }else{ back() } } swipeDown() if (文字去签到()) { clickAreaForFindImage(ad_image_array) if (clickAreaForFindImage(return_image_array, ad_area_coordinate, threshold)) { }else{ back() } } swipeDown() if (文字去签到()) { clickAreaForFindImage(ad_image_array) if (clickAreaForFindImage(return_image_array, ad_area_coordinate, threshold)) { }else{ back() } } } if (clickAreaForFindImage(return_image_array, ad_area_coordinate, threshold)) { }else{ back() } } function 文字去签到() { if (text("去签到").exists()) { console.log("快手极速版去签到"); if (clickControlBounds(text("去签到"))) { recordSignTime(appName); return true } else { return false } } else { return false } } } /** * 清理缓存 */ function clearAppCache() { if (className("android.widget.ImageView").id("left_btn").exists()) { className("android.widget.ImageView").id("left_btn").findOnce().click(); sleep(3000); if (className("android.widget.TextView").text("设置").exists()) { toastLog("点击设置"); let b = className("android.widget.TextView").text("设置").findOne().bounds(); click(b.centerX(), b.centerY()); sleep(3000); if (className("android.widget.TextView").text("清除缓存").exists()) { let b = className("android.widget.TextView").text("清除缓存").findOnce().bounds(); let result = click(b.centerX(), b.centerY()); if (result) { toastLog("清理成功"); } } } } } /** * 自动评论 */ function AutoComment(probability) { let randomIndex = random(1, parseInt(probability)); if (randomIndex == 1) { let comment = CommentKeyWord[Math.floor(Math.random() * CommentKeyWord.length)]; let buttons = className("android.widget.LinearLayout").id("comment_button").find(); if (buttons.length > 0) { let clickResult = buttons[0].click(); if (clickResult) { sleep(3000); if (id("comment_editor_holder_text").exists()) { id("comment_editor_holder_text").findOnce().click(); sleep(1000); setText(0, comment); sleep(1000); if (text("发送").exists()) { toastLog("开启自动评论"); if (text("发送").findOnce().click()) { toastLog("自动评论成功"); if (clickControlBounds(id("photo_detail_panel_close"))) { } else { back(); } } } } } } } } function saveConfig() { yadinghaoStorages.put("isShowConsole", "" + ui.switchIsShowConsole.isChecked() + ""); yadinghaoStorages.put("timesInterval", "" + ui.txtScreenSileTimesInterval.getText() + ""); yadinghaoStorages.put("isAutoSign", "" + ui.switchIsAutoSign.isChecked() + ""); yadinghaoStorages.put("isClearCache", "" + ui.switchIsClearCache.isChecked() + ""); yadinghaoStorages.put("isAutoComment", "" + ui.switchIsAutoComment.isChecked() + ""); yadinghaoStorages.put("wateForTime", "" + ui.txtAppStartWaiteTime.getText() + ""); yadinghaoStorages.put("isCloseApp", "" + ui.switchIsCloseApp.isChecked() + ""); yadinghaoStorages.put("exectueTime", "" + ui.txtAppExecuteTime.getText() + ""); } function initializeFrendTipMessage() { try { dialogs.build({ title: "友情提醒", positive: "确定", negative: "复制微信", neutral: "访问官网", items: ["首先此版本是免费版本,核心技术是AutojsPro开发,所以需要开启安卓系统的无障碍服务。\r\n其次本软件【签到】是基于找图技术研发找图技术需要适配分辨率,找图截图是依据OPPOR9SK开发分辨率是1080*1920的,故非此分辨率【签到】将无法运行。谢谢理解!!!\r\n最后作者wx18141782993需要购买收费版本的请联系谢谢!"] }).on("negative", () => { app.openUrl("www.yadinghao.com"); }).on("neutral", () => { app.openUrl("www.yadinghao.com"); }).on("show", (dialog) => { }).show(); } catch (e) { console.show() toastLog("initializeFrendTipMessage出错...请将此页面截图联系攻城狮" + e) } } function initializeReItemList() { try { var result_threads = threads.disposable(); threads.start(function () { let dict_result = [] try { var url_address = rootUrl + "/api/AppFindRecommendSoft?type=1"; response = http.post(url_address, { "type": "1" }); if (response.statusCode == 200) { var product_json = response.body.json(); if (product_json.success == "true") { var ProducCloudList = []; let recProductList = JSON.parse(product_json.data) for (let i = 0; i < recProductList.length; i++) { let row = { ProductIndex: (i + 1), SoftName: recProductList[i].PRODUCT_NAME, DownURL: recProductList[i].DOWNLOAD_URL, VistorURL: recProductList[i].VISTOR_URL }; ProducCloudList.push(row); } dict_result = [true, ProducCloudList] result_threads.setAndNotify(dict_result); } else { dict_result = [false, "读取云端信息出现问题:" + json.message] result_threads.setAndNotify(dict_result); } } else if (response.statusCode == 404) { dict_result = [false, "读取云端信息出现问题访问服务器出现错误404错误请稍后重试"] result_threads.setAndNotify(dict_result); } else { dict_result = [false, "读取云端信息出现问题无法连接服务器"] result_threads.setAndNotify(dict_result); } } catch (error) { dict_result = [false, "读取云端脚本出现问题:" + error] result_threads.setAndNotify(dict_result); } }); result_threads = result_threads.blockedGet() if (result_threads[0] == false) { toastLog(result_threads[1]) } else { ui.reItemList.setDataSource(result_threads[1]); } } catch (error) { toastLog("initializeReItemList构建推荐脚本出现错误:" + error) } ui.reItemList.on("item_bind", function (itemView, itemHolder) { itemView.btnDownLoad.on("click", function () { try { let item = itemHolder.item; let url = item.DownURL app.openUrl(url); } catch (e) { //悬浮窗爱出错On Windows Shift + Alt + F 代码格式 console.show() toastLog("btnDownLoad执行脚本出错...请将此页面截图联系攻城狮" + e) } }); itemView.btnVistorWeb.on("click", function () { try { let item = itemHolder.item; let url = item.VistorURL app.openUrl(url); } catch (e) { //悬浮窗爱出错On Windows Shift + Alt + F 代码格式 console.show() toastLog("btnVistorWeb执行脚本出错...请将此页面截图联系攻城狮" + e) } }); }); } //#region 公共方法 function buildADArray(ad_path, ad_number) { let ad_array = [] for (let i = 1; i <= ad_number; i++) { let ad_full_path = ad_path + "/ad" + (i) + ".png" ad_array.push(ad_full_path) } return ad_array; } function clearCach(appName) { let deviceModel = device.model if (deviceModel == "OPPO R9sk") { recents() sleep(2000); click(device.width / 2, device.height / 1.19) } else { stopApp(appName) } } /** * 强制停止app * @param {应用名称} appName */ function stopApp(appName) { try { openAppSetting(getPackageName(appName)); sleep(3000); if (className("android.widget.Button").text("强行停止").exists()) { className("android.widget.Button").text("强行停止").findOnce().click(); } else { if (text("强行停止").exists()) { text("强行停止").findOnce().click(); } } sleep(3000); if (className("android.widget.Button").text("确定").exists()) { className("android.widget.Button").text("确定").findOnce().click(); toastLog(appName + "已经停止!"); } else { if (text("强行停止").exists()) { text("强行停止").findOnce().click(); toastLog(appName + "已经停止!"); } else { if (text("结束运行").exists()) { text("结束运行").findOnce().click(); sleep(500); if (text("确定").exists()) { text("确定").findOnce().click(); toastLog("MIUI9 Android7" + appName + "已经停止!"); } } } } } catch (e) { toastLog(e); } } /** * 找图,找到并点击 * @param {可以是数组也可以是字符串,传输数组可以多次找图知道找到为止} img_path_array * @param {找图区域,默认是全屏找图,该参数可以不传输} area_region * @param {相似度,默认是0.8,可以不传输} threshold * @returns true表示执行成功Flase表示失败 */ function clickAreaForFindImage(img_path_array, area_region, threshold, is_continue) { try { area_region = area_region || [0, 0, device.width, device.height] //默认的找图区域 全屏找图 前2位是坐标 后面是长度和宽度 千万别理解成是坐标 threshold = threshold || 0.8 // 默认的相识度0.8 is_continue = is_continue || false if (img_path_array instanceof Array) { let arrayLength = img_path_array.length for (let i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) { //toastLog("正在进行第" + (i + 1) + "次找图...") img_path = img_path_array[i] //小图地址可判断是否存在 if (!files.exists(img_path)) { toastLog(img_path + "文件不存在因此跳过") continue } var little_image = images.read(img_path) //小图 var find_result_bounds = findImage( captureScreen(), little_image, { region: area_region, threshold: threshold }); if (find_result_bounds) { toastLog(img_path + "图找到,准备点击坐标:" + find_result_bounds) click(find_result_bounds.x, find_result_bounds.y) return true } else { //toastLog(img_path+"小图存在但是在大图中未找到图片进入下一次循环...") } } return false } if (typeof (img_path_array) == "string") { img_path = img_path_array//小图地址可判断是否存在 if (!files.exists(img_path)) { toastLog(img_path + "文件不存在因此跳过") return false } var little_image = images.read(img_path) //小图 var find_result_bounds = findImage( captureScreen(), little_image, { region: area_region, threshold: threshold }); if (find_result_bounds) { toastLog(img_path + "图找到,准备点击坐标:" + find_result_bounds) click(find_result_bounds.x, find_result_bounds.y) return true } else { //toastLog(img_path + "小图存在但是在大图中未找到图片") return false } } } catch (error) { toastLog("clickAreaForFindImage方法出现错误:" + error) return false; } } /** * 启动app * @param {*} appName */ function startApp(appName) { sleepRandom3() app.launchApp(appName);//启动App sleep(30000);//启动App时候等待时间 adolescentWindows();//关闭青少年窗口 //closeUpgradetWindows();//关闭升级提示框 } /** * * 判断app今日时间否到达 * 1、完成部分 * 2、全部完成 * 3、继续执行 * @param {App名称} appName * @param {总共执行时间} execTimes * @param {是否碎片化} isFragmentation * @param {碎片化时间} fragmentationTime */ function computerExctueTime(appName, execTimes) { if (appName == app.getAppName(currentPackage())) { //toastLog("Run the same app as the task app") } else { startApp(appName) } let key = appName + storageSign + getDate(); let havedRunTimes = yadinghaoStorages.get("" + key + ""); //系统存储已经执行的时间 let havedMinute = (havedRunTimes / 1000) / 60;//读取到的时间是毫秒需要转换成秒,转换成秒后在转换成分钟 toastLog(appName + "已经执行" + havedMinute.toFixed(2) + '分' + "总计:" + execTimes + "分"); } /** * 贝塞尔曲线 * @param {坐标点} ScreenPoint * @param {偏移量} Offset */ function bezier_curves(ScreenPoint, Offset) { cx = 3.0 * (ScreenPoint[1].x - ScreenPoint[0].x); bx = 3.0 * (ScreenPoint[2].x - ScreenPoint[1].x) - cx; ax = ScreenPoint[3].x - ScreenPoint[0].x - cx - bx; cy = 3.0 * (ScreenPoint[1].y - ScreenPoint[0].y); by = 3.0 * (ScreenPoint[2].y - ScreenPoint[1].y) - cy; ay = ScreenPoint[3].y - ScreenPoint[0].y - cy - by; tSquared = Offset * Offset; tCubed = tSquared * Offset; result = { "x": 0, "y": 0 }; result.x = (ax * tCubed) + (bx * tSquared) + (cx * Offset) + ScreenPoint[0].x; result.y = (ay * tCubed) + (by * tSquared) + (cy * Offset) + ScreenPoint[0].y; return result; } /** * 滑动(默认概率是百分之三十) * @param {*} qx * @param {*} qy * @param {*} zx * @param {*} zy * @param {*} time * @param {*} timesInterval */ function slideScreenDown(qx, qy, zx, zy, time, timesInterval, CurveBrushScreen) { if (CurveBrushScreen) { curveDown(qx, qy, zx, zy, time, timesInterval); //曲线概率 } else { lineDown(qx, qy, zx, zy, time, timesInterval); //直线概率 } } /** * 概率0-9 大于3的时候采用曲线概率 小于3的时候直线概率 */ function randomFunction() { return Math.floor(Math.random() * 10); } /** * * @param {*} qx * @param {*} qy * @param {*} zx * @param {*} zy * @param {*} time * @param {*} timesInterval */ function curveDown(qx, qy, zx, zy, time, timesInterval) { var xxy = [time]; var point = []; var dx0 = { "x": qx, "y": qy }; var dx1 = { "x": random(qx - 100, qx + 100), "y": random(qy, qy + 50) }; var dx2 = { "x": random(zx - 100, zx + 100), "y": random(zy, zy + 50), }; var dx3 = { "x": zx, "y": zy }; for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { eval("point.push(dx" + i + ")"); }; for (let i = 0; i < 1; i += 0.08) { let newPoint = bezier_curves(point, i); xxyy = [parseInt(newPoint.x), parseInt(newPoint.y)] xxy.push(xxyy); } gesture.apply(null, xxy); let randomMin = timesInterval * 1000; let randomMax = (parseInt(timesInterval) + 2) * 1000; let delayTime = random(randomMin, randomMax); sleep(delayTime); } function swipeDown() { let x1 = random(device.width * 0.8, device.width * 0.9); let y1 = device.height - (device.height * 0.2) let x2 = random(device.width * 0.8, device.width * 0.9); let y2 = device.height * 0.1 swipe(x1, y1, x2, y2, 700); sleep(3000); } /** * 屏幕向下滑动并延迟8至12秒 */ function lineDown(startX, startY, endX, endY, pressTime, timesInterval) { swipe(startX, startY, endX, endY, pressTime); let randomMin = timesInterval * 1000; let randomMax = (parseInt(timesInterval) + 2) * 1000; let delayTime = random(randomMin, randomMax); sleep(delayTime); } /** * 按照指定概率随机上滑 * @param {*} startX * @param {*} startY * @param {*} endX * @param {*} endY * @param {*} pressTime * @param {*} probability */ function randomUpSildeScreen(startX, startY, endX, endY, pressTime, probability) { let randomIndex = random(1, parseInt(probability)); if (randomIndex == 1) { swipe(startX, startY, endX, endY, pressTime); delayTime = random(12000, 15000); sleep(delayTime); } } /** * 连续下滑对上一个无兴趣 * 其实得和上滑做个排他,既然无兴趣不要在上滑 */ function randomDownSildeScreen(startX, startY, endX, endY, pressTime, timesInterval, probability) { let randomIndex = random(1, parseInt(probability)); if (randomIndex == 1) { swipe(startX, startY, endX, endY, pressTime); sleep(3500); swipe(startX, startY, endX, endY, pressTime); sleep(timesInterval); } } /** * 随机点赞 * @param {点赞ID}} view_id */ function randomHeart(view_id, probability) { index = random(1, parseInt(probability)); if (index == 1) { var target = id(view_id).findOnce(); if (target == null) { doubleClick() //双击加关注 return; } else { target.click(); } } } /** * 随机关注 * @param {控件ID} follow_view_id * @param {概率} probability */ function randomFollow(follow_view_id, probability) { index = random(1, parseInt(probability)); if (index == 1) { var target = id(follow_view_id).findOnce(); if (target == null) { return; } else { target.click(); sleep(1000); } } } /** * 双击屏幕(很多视频其实就是点赞) */ function doubleClick() { //增加个随机概念 最多敲击三次 click(200, 200) sleep(100) click(202, 210) } /** * 记录App一次运行的时间 * @param {appName} appName * @param {本次运行时间} recordTimes */ function appRunTimeRecord(appName, recordTimes) { let key = appName + storageSign + getDate(); var havedRunTimes = yadinghaoStorages.get("" + key + ""); let value = ""; if (havedRunTimes == null) { yadinghaoStorages.put(key, parseInt(recordTimes)); } else { value = parseInt(havedRunTimes) + parseInt(recordTimes); yadinghaoStorages.put(key, value); } } /** * 获取当前时间格式yyyyMMdd */ function getDate() { var date = new Date(); var year = date.getFullYear(); var month = date.getMonth() + 1; if (month < 10) { month = "0" + month; }; var day = date.getDate(); if (day < 10) { day = "0" + day; }; return year + "-" + month + "-" + day; } /** * */ function getTime() { var date = new Date(); var year = date.getFullYear(); var month = date.getMonth() + 1; if (month < 10) { month = "0" + month; }; var day = date.getDate(); if (day < 10) { day = "0" + day; }; var hour = date.getHours(); if (hour < 10) { hour = "0" + hour; }; var minute = date.getMinutes(); if (minute < 10) { minute = "0" + minute; }; var seconds = date.getSeconds(); //获取当前秒数(0-59) var millisecond = date.getMilliseconds(); //获取当前毫秒数(0-999) return year + "-" + month + "-" + day + " " + hour + ":" + minute + ":" + seconds + ":" + millisecond; } /** * 青少年窗口 */ function adolescentWindows() { if (text("我知道了").exists()) { text("我知道了").findOnce().click(); } if (text("知道了").exists()) { text("知道了").findOnce().click(); } if (text("同意").exists()) { clickControlBounds(text("同意")); } } /** * 升级窗口 */ function closeUpgradetWindows() { clickControlBounds(text("以后再说")) clickControlBounds(text("直接无视")) clickControl(text("我在想想")) clickControl(text("稍候再说")) clickControl(text("以后")) clickControl(text("以后更新")) clickControl(text("回头再说")) clickControl(text("回头在说")) clickControl(text("先去看看")) clickControl(text("先去逛逛")) clickControl(text("以后再说")) clickControl(text("忽略该版本")) clickControl(text("游客逛逛")) clickControl(text("暂不更新")) } /** * 倒计时方法适用于脚本 * @param {倒计时时间} lasterTime */ function cutDownBySleep(lasterTime, message) { message = message || "" for (let i = lasterTime; i => 0; i--) { console.info(message + "剩余" + i + "秒...") sleep(1000) if (i == 1) { return } } } /** * 休眠随机0.1秒至0.5秒 */ function sleepRandom0() { sleep(random(100, 500)); } /** * 休眠随机1秒至3秒 */ function sleepRandom1() { sleep(random(1000, 3000)); } /** * 休眠随机3秒至5秒 */ function sleepRandom3() { sleep(random(3000, 5000)); } /** * 休眠随机5秒至7秒 */ function sleepRandom5() { sleep(random(5000, 7000)); } /** * 休眠随机7秒至9秒 */ function sleepRandom7() { sleep(random(7000, 9000)); } /** * 休眠随机11秒至9秒 */ function sleepRandom9() { sleep(random(9000, 11000)); } /** * 点击屏幕上的坐标 * @param {坐标} b */ function clickBounds(b) { return clickResult = click(b.centerX(), b.centerY()); } /** * 点击屏幕上的坐标 * @param {坐标} b */ function clickControlBounds(element) { let clickResult = false; if (element == null) { return false; } try { if (element.exists()) { toastLog("准备click:" + element); let b = element.findOnce().bounds(); clickResult = click(b.centerX(), b.centerY()); sleep(random(2000, 3200)); } else { } return clickResult; } catch (error) { toastError("clickControlBounds方法出现错误:" + error) return false; } } /** * 点击UI上的控件 * @param {UI上的元素} element */ function clickControl(element) { let clickResult = false; if (element == null) { return false; } try { if (element.exists()) { toastLog("准备click:" + element); let b = element.findOnce().bounds(); clickResult = click(b.centerX(), b.centerY()); sleep(random(2000, 3200)); } else { } return clickResult; } catch (error) { toastError("clickControlBounds方法出现错误:" + error) return false; } } /** * 记录App签到时间 * @param {App名称} appName */ function recordSignTime(appName) { let key = appName + storageSign; let value = getDate(); yadinghaoStorages.put(key, value); } /** * 记录App签到时间 * @param {App名称} appName */ function getSignTime(appName) { let key = appName + storageSign; let value = yadinghaoStorages.get(key); return value; } //#endregion
此次用的是autojsPro7 主要使用了找图功能。友情提醒autojs4支持找图但是会宕掉,而autojsPro8不支持快手无法进行元素分析。
- 机型选择
我开发采用的是OppoR9SK 分辨率是1920*1080的。所以大家尽量和我机器一样,如果不一样分辨率一样也行,实在不一样就自己截图替换一下图片就行了。