【Simulink】报错:Size mismatch (size [2 x 1] ~= size [1 x 1]). The size to the left is the size of the l

简介: 【Simulink】报错:Size mismatch (size [2 x 1] ~= size [1 x 1]). The size to the left is the size of the l



我在 Simulink 里面的 stateflow 里面,写了一个 Matlab Function,参照了实验室往届师兄的代码,同样都是单输入单输出函数,但是用的变量大小不一样。



Simulink does not have enough information to determine output sizes for this block. If you think the errors below are inaccurate, try specifying types for the block inputs and/or sizes for the block outputs.
Component:Stateflow | Category:Coder error
Size mismatch (size [2 x 1] ~= size [1 x 1]).
The size to the left is the size of the left-hand side of the assignment.
Function 'thd_cal' (#135.1133.1141), line 47, column 1:
Launch diagnostic report.
Component:Stateflow | Category:Coder error
Error while generating code for chart Chart.
Component:Stateflow | Category:Coder error
Error while generating code for chart Chart.
Component:Simulink | Category:Model error
Error occurred in 'MPC_SPI6/Chart'.
Component:Simulink | Category:Model error



Size mismatch (size [2 x 1] ~= size [1 x 1]).
The size to the left is the size of the left-hand side of the assignment.
Function 'thd_cal' (#135.1133.1141), line 47, column 1:

从报错信息可以看出,变量 thd_temp 有问题,原本是 size [2 x 1] ,但运行结果是 size [1 x 1] .


点击 MODELING -> Model Explorer

可以看到各种模块变量的信息,在 Stateflow “Chart” 下面除了 State,还有自己写的 Matlab Function “thd_cal”


根据报错信息提示,把 [2, 1] 改成 1 即可。

这时候再运行,就没有 Size 报错了。

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