主程序入口类 WordleApp.java
/* * Click nbfs://nbhost/SystemFileSystem/Templates/Licenses/license-default.txt to change this license * Click nbfs://nbhost/SystemFileSystem/Templates/Classes/Class.java to edit this template */ package wordlegame; import java.io.File; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Scanner; public class WordleApp { public static void main(String[] args) { try{ ArrayList<String> CommonWords = new ArrayList<>(); // Array list to store words. int i = 0; File myObj = new File("common1.txt"); //Read words from test file Scanner myReader = new Scanner(myObj); // Scanner object to scan the input file. while (myReader.hasNextLine()) { // While loop till the end of text file. String data = myReader.nextLine(); // Read each line from text file one by one. CommonWords.add(data.toLowerCase().trim()); // Add words one-by-one in the array list. } myReader.close(); ArrayList<String> Words = new ArrayList<>(); myObj = new File("words1.txt"); //Read words from test file myReader = new Scanner(myObj); // Scanner object to scan the input file. while (myReader.hasNextLine()) { // While loop till the end of text file. String data = myReader.nextLine(); // Read each line from text file one by one. Words.add(data.toLowerCase().trim()); // Add words one-by-one in the array list. } myReader.close(); Random rand = new Random(); //Create instance of random to get random number form the list. int upperbound = CommonWords.size()-1; // set the upperlimit for the random number to be generated. int int_random = rand.nextInt(upperbound); // Generate random number. String actualWord =CommonWords.get(int_random); // Get word form the list. System.out.println("Your have total 6 attempts to predict the word"); System.err.println(actualWord); // actual word uncomment the line if want to keep track. WordleModel m = new WordleModel(false,0,0,actualWord,"",Words,false,false); //Initialize model. WordleView v = new WordleView(); //Create instance of View. WordleController c = new WordleController(m, v); //Create instance of controller. c.initController(); //Initialize controller. System.out.println(actualWord); System.out.println(); } catch(Exception ex){ System.out.println(ex); } } }
/* * Click nbfs://nbhost/SystemFileSystem/Templates/Licenses/license-default.txt to change this license * Click nbfs://nbhost/SystemFileSystem/Templates/Classes/Class.java to edit this template */ package wordlegame; import java.awt.Color; public class Indexes{ public int index; public Color color; public Indexes(int index, Color color){ this.index = index; this.color = color; } }