Diff Utils库是一个开源库,用于在文本或某种数据之间执行比较/差异操作:计算差异,应用补丁,生成统一差异或解析它们,生成差异输出以便将来显示(如并排视图)等。
//create a configured DiffRowGenerator DiffRowGenerator generator = DiffRowGenerator.create() .showInlineDiffs(true) .mergeOriginalRevised(true) .inlineDiffByWord(true) .oldTag(f -> "~") //introduce markdown style for strikethrough .newTag(f -> "**") //introduce markdown style for bold .build(); //compute the differences for two test texts. List<DiffRow> rows = generator.generateDiffRows( Arrays.asList("This is a test senctence."), Arrays.asList("This is a test for diffutils.")); System.out.println(rows.get(0).getOldLine());
会得到:This is a test senctencefor diffutils.
DiffRowGenerator generator = DiffRowGenerator.create() .showInlineDiffs(true) .inlineDiffByWord(true) .oldTag(f -> "~") .newTag(f -> "**") .build(); List<DiffRow> rows = generator.generateDiffRows( Arrays.asList("This is a test senctence.", "This is the second line.", "And here is the finish."), Arrays.asList("This is a test for diffutils.", "This is the second line.")); System.out.println("|original|new|"); System.out.println("|--------|---|"); for (DiffRow row : rows) { System.out.println("|" + row.getOldLine() + "|" + row.getNewLine() + "|"); }
original | new |
This is a test senctence. | This is a test for diffutils. |
This is the second line. | This is the second line. |
~And here is the finish.~ |