VC6 到 VC8 不支持 模板类 显式实例化?VC9和VC10 可以。
template class CStrBase<char>; template class CStrBase<WCHAR>; error C2949: 'SNXH::SN::CStrBase<CHART>' : explicit instantiation; cannot use 'auto' and 'extern' on the same template-class specialization
VC6 到 VC8 不支持 模板类 显式实例化?VC9和VC10 可以。
template class CStrBase<char>; template class CStrBase<WCHAR>; error C2949: 'SNXH::SN::CStrBase<CHART>' : explicit instantiation; cannot use 'auto' and 'extern' on the same template-class specialization