.background { background-image: url("@/static/uniappMineBackground.png"); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 100%; width: 100%; padding-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 25rpx; }
.top { background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); border-radius: 15px; box-shadow: 5rpx 10rpx 20rpx rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); margin: 0px 20rpx; height: 350rpx; }
<template> <view class="container"> <view class="background"> <view class="top"> <!-- 头像、昵称展示 --> <view class="userDisplay"> <view class="avatar" @click="this.avatarChangeShow=true"> <u--image :src="userInfo.avatar" width="120rpx" height="120rpx" shape="circle" :lazy-load="true"> <view slot="error" style="font-size: 24rpx;">加载失败</view> </u--image> </view> <view class="nameView"> <view> <view style="font-weight: bold;font-size: 36rpx;color: #000000;">{{userInfo.nickName}} </view> <view style="font-size: 30rpx;display: flex;margin-top: 10rpx;color: #6f6d71;"> <!-- <text class="iconfont" style="margin-right: 7rpx;color: #ffffff;"></text> --> <text class="selfIntroductionText">简介:{{userInfo.selfIntroduction}}</text> </view> </view> </view> </view> <view class="buttonView"> <view class="buttonItem" @click="goToMyPublish"> <text class="iconfont" style="margin-right: 15rpx;font-size: 50rpx;"></text> 我发布的 </view> <!-- 一条竖线 --> <view style="border-right: #2b92ff solid 1px;height: 40rpx;"> </view> <view class="buttonItem"> <text class="iconfont" style="margin-right: 15rpx;font-size: 50rpx;"></text> 我的足迹 </view> </view> </view> </view> <view class="userMessage"> <!-- <view style="font-size: 18px;font-weight: bold; padding: 20rpx;"> <text>我的信息</text> </view> --> <u-cell-group> <u-cell name="userName" :value="userInfo.userName" :isLink="true" @click="editMessage('userName',userInfo.userName,'用户名')"> <view slot="title" class="u-slot-title"> <text class="iconfont" style="margin-right: 10rpx;"></text> <text class="u-cell-text">用户名</text> </view> </u-cell> <u-cell name="nickName" :value="userInfo.nickName" :isLink="true" @click="editMessage('nickName',userInfo.nickName,'昵称')"> <view slot="title" class="u-slot-title"> <text class="iconfont" style="margin-right: 10rpx;"></text> <text class="u-cell-text">昵称</text> </view> </u-cell> <u-cell name="avatar" :isLink="true" @click="editMessage('avatar',userInfo.avatar,'头像')"> <view slot="title" class="u-slot-title"> <text class="iconfont" style="margin-right: 10rpx;"></text> <text class="u-cell-text">头像</text> </view> </u-cell> <u-cell name="schoolName" :value="userInfo.schoolName" :isLink="true" @click="editMessage('schoolId',userInfo.schoolName,'大学',userInfo.schoolId)"> <view slot="title" class="u-slot-title"> <text class="iconfont" style="margin-right: 10rpx;"></text> <text class="u-cell-text">大学</text> </view> </u-cell> <u-cell name="campusName" :value="userInfo.campusName" :isLink="true" @click="editMessage('campusId',userInfo.campusName,'校区',userInfo.campusId,userInfo.schoolId)"> <view slot="title" class="u-slot-title"> <text class="iconfont" style="margin-right: 10rpx;"></text> <text class="u-cell-text">校区</text> </view> </u-cell> <u-cell name="sex" :value="sexName" :isLink="true" @click="editMessage('sex',userInfo.sex,'性别')"> <view slot="title" class="u-slot-title"> <text class="iconfont" style="margin-right: 10rpx;"></text> <text class="u-cell-text">性别</text> </view> </u-cell> <u-cell name="email" :value="userInfo.email" :isLink="true" @click="editMessage('email',userInfo.email,'邮箱')"> <view slot="title" class="u-slot-title"> <text class="iconfont" style="margin-right: 10rpx;"></text> <text class="u-cell-text">邮箱</text> </view> </u-cell> <u-cell name="contactInformation" :isLink="true" @click="editMessage('contactInformation',userInfo.contactInformation,'联系方式')"> <view slot="title" class="u-slot-title"> <text class="iconfont" style="margin-right: 10rpx;"></text> <text class="u-cell-text">联系方式</text> </view> </u-cell> <u-cell name="selfIntroduction" :isLink="true" @click="editMessage('selfIntroduction',userInfo.selfIntroduction,'自我介绍')"> <view slot="title" class="u-slot-title"> <text class="iconfont" style="margin-right: 10rpx;"></text> <text class="u-cell-text">自我介绍</text> </view> </u-cell> <u-cell name="password" :isLink="true" @click="editMessage('password','-1','修改密码')"> <view slot="title" class="u-slot-title"> <text class="iconfont" style="margin-right: 10rpx;"></text> <text class="u-cell-text">修改密码</text> </view> </u-cell> <u-cell :isLink="true" @click="logout()"> <view slot="title" class="u-slot-title"> <text class="iconfont" style="margin-right: 10rpx;"></text> <text class="u-cell-text">退出账号</text> </view> </u-cell> </u-cell-group> </view> </view> </template> <script> import { logout } from "@/api/login"; import { getUserProfileVo } from "@/api/user"; export default { data() { return { userInfo: { avatar: '', nickName: "你好呀", userName: "admin", schoolName: "XX大学", campusName: "XX学院", sex: 0, selfIntroduction: "自我介绍,打撒活动啊速宏达搜好滴傻大搜到阿斯顿撒旦好骚", contactInformation: "联系方式", email: "32136712361@qq.com" }, sexName: '其他', } }, created() { // this.getUserProfile(); }, onShow: function() { console.log("查询个人信息") this.getUserProfile(); }, methods: { editMessage(editKey, currentValue, editName, valueId = undefined, schoolId = undefined) { uni.navigateTo({ url: "/pages/my/profileEdit?editKey=" + editKey + "¤tValue=" + currentValue + "&editName=" + editName + "&valueId=" + valueId + "&schoolId=" + schoolId }) }, /** * 登出账号 */ logout() { // console.log("退出账号:") logout().then(res => { // console.log("退出账号:" + JSON.stringify(res)); // 清除所有缓存 uni.clearStorageSync(); // 跳转到登录页 uni.redirectTo({ url: "/pages/login/login" }) }) }, /** * 获取用户信息 */ getUserProfile() { getUserProfileVo().then(res => { // console.log("getUserProfile:" + JSON.stringify(res)); this.userInfo = res.data; this.sexName = this.getSexName(this.userInfo.sex); console.log("头像:" + this.userInfo.avatar); // console.log("this.userInfo.sex:" + this.userInfo.sex + ",this.sexName:" + this.sexName); // console.log("this.userInfo:" + JSON.stringify(this.userInfo)); }) }, getSexName(type) { if (type == 0) { return "男"; } else if (type == 1) { return "女"; } else if (type == 2) { return "其他"; } }, /** * 查看我的发布 */ goToMyPublish(){ uni.navigateTo({ url:"/pages/myPublish/myPublish" }) } } } </script> <style lang="scss"> .container { background: #F4F5F7; min-height: 100vh; font-family: sans-serif; .background { background-image: url("@/static/uniappMineBackground.png"); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 100%; width: 100%; // height: 150px; padding-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 25rpx; .top { background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); border-radius: 15px; box-shadow: 5rpx 10rpx 20rpx rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); margin: 0px 20rpx; height: 350rpx; .userDisplay { display: flex; padding: 25rpx; .avatar { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; margin-right: 20rpx; background: #ffffff; border-radius: 50%; padding: 3px; } .nameView { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; .selfIntroductionText { overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; display: -webkit-box; /* 显示1行 */ -webkit-line-clamp: 1; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; } } } .buttonView { display: flex; height: 180rpx; align-items: center; .buttonItem { flex: 1; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; font-size: 32rpx; } } } } .userMessage { margin: 0rpx 20rpx; background: #F4F5F7; border-radius: 20rpx; } } </style>
/** * 修改商品 */ @PreAuthorize("@ss.hasPermi('market:product:edit')") @Log(title = "商品", businessType = BusinessType.UPDATE) @PutMapping public AjaxResult edit(@RequestBody Product product) { // 设置当前登录用户的用户id product.setUserId(getLoginUser().getUserId()); if (product.getStatus() == 0) { // 如果想要将商品改成发布状态,需要对数据库的商品进行校验 Product productInDatabase = productService.getById(product.getId()); ProductValidate.validate(productInDatabase); } return toAjax(productService.updateProduct(product)); }
通过添加and user_id = #{userId}
<update id="updateProduct" parameterType="Product"> update product <trim prefix="SET" suffixOverrides=","> <if test="createTime != null">create_time = #{createTime},</if> <if test="updateTime != null">update_time = #{updateTime},</if> <if test="isDeleted != null">is_deleted = #{isDeleted},</if> <if test="name != null and name != ''">name = #{name},</if> <if test="description != null">description = #{description},</if> <if test="originalPrice != null">original_price = #{originalPrice},</if> <if test="price != null">price = #{price},</if> <if test="productCategoryId != null">product_category_id = #{productCategoryId},</if> <if test="userId != null">user_id = #{userId},</if> <if test="reviewerId != null">reviewer_id = #{reviewerId},</if> <if test="fineness != null">fineness = #{fineness},</if> <if test="number != null and number != ''">number = #{number},</if> <if test="unit != null and unit != ''">unit = #{unit},</if> <if test="status != null">status = #{status},</if> <if test="isContribute != null">is_contribute = #{isContribute},</if> <if test="functionalStatus != null">functional_status = #{functionalStatus},</if> <if test="brandId != null">brand_id = #{brandId},</if> </trim> where id = #{id} and user_id = #{userId} </update>
<template> <view class="outside"> <u-toast ref="uToast"></u-toast> <u-tabs :list="tabNameList" @click="tabClick"></u-tabs> <view class="container"> <u-empty mode="data" icon="http://cdn.uviewui.com/uview/empty/data.png" v-if="productVoList.length==0" :text="emptyText"> </u-empty> <view v-for="(productVo,index) in productVoList" class="item"> <view class="productItem"> <u--image v-if="productVo.picList!=null&&productVo.picList.length>0" :showLoading="true" :src="productVo.picList[0].address" width="200rpx" height="200rpx" radius="10" mode="aspectFill" :fade="true" duration="450" @click="seeProductDetail(productVo)"> <view slot="error" style="font-size: 24rpx;">加载失败</view> </u--image> <view style="margin: 10rpx;"></view> <view class="productMessage" style="width: 100%;"> <view @click="seeProductDetail(productVo)"> <view class="productTitle">{{productVo.name}}</view> <view class="price">¥<text class="number">{{productVo.price}}</text></view> </view> <view style="display: flex; justify-content: space-between;align-items: center;width: 100%;"> <view style="font-size: 28rpx;color: #B6B6B6;"> {{formatDateToString(productVo.createTime)}} </view> <view style="display: flex;align-items: center;"> <view class="buttonView" @click="editProduct(productVo)" style="border: #00BFFF solid 1px;color: #00BFFF;">编 辑</view> <view style="width: 15rpx;"></view> <view class="buttonView" @click="offShelf(productVo.id)" style="border: #FF5A5F solid 1px;color: #FF5A5F;" v-if="productStatus==0">下 架 </view> <view class="buttonView" @click="onShelf(productVo.id)" style="border: #76D7C4 solid 1px;color: #76D7C4;" v-if="productStatus==3">上 架 </view> <view class="buttonView" @click="onShelf(productVo.id)" v-if="productStatus==2" style="border: #76D7C4 solid 1px;color: #76D7C4;">重新上架</view> </view> </view> </view> </view> </view> </view> </view> </template> <script> import { listProductVo, updateProduct } from "@/api/market/product.js"; export default { data() { return { tabNameList: [{ name: '在售', }, { name: '草稿', }, { name: '已下架' }], page: { pageNum: 1, pageSize: 10 }, productVoList: [], emptyText: '您还没有商品处于出售状态哟', // 商品状态 0:在售 1:售出 2:下架 3:草稿 productStatus: 0, } }, created() { this.listProductVo(); }, methods: { tabClick(item) { // console.log('item', item); if (item.name == "在售") { this.emptyText = "您还没有商品处于出售状态哟"; this.productStatus = 0; } else if (item.name == "草稿") { this.emptyText = "您的草稿箱是空的"; this.productStatus = 3; } else if (item.name == "已下架") { this.emptyText = "您还没有下架过商品哟"; this.productStatus = 2; } this.listProductVo(); }, /** * 获取商品 */ listProductVo() { listProductVo({ userId: uni.getStorageSync("curUser").userId, status: this.productStatus }, this.page).then(res => { console.log("listProductVo:" + JSON.stringify(res)) this.productVoList = res.data.pageMes.rows; }) }, /** * 查看商品的详情 */ seeProductDetail(productVo) { uni.navigateTo({ url: "/pages/product/detail?productVo=" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(productVo)) }) }, /** * 格式化日期 * @param {Object} date */ formatDateToString(dateStr) { let date = new Date(dateStr); // 今天的日期 let curDate = new Date(); if (date.getFullYear() == curDate.getFullYear() && date.getMonth() == curDate.getMonth() && date .getDate() == curDate.getDate()) { // 如果和今天的年月日都一样,那就只显示时间 return this.toDoubleNum(date.getHours()) + ":" + this.toDoubleNum(date.getMinutes()); } else { // 如果年份一样,就只显示月日 return (curDate.getFullYear() == date.getFullYear() ? "" : (date.getFullYear() + "-")) + this .toDoubleNum(( date .getMonth() + 1)) + "-" + this.toDoubleNum(date.getDate()); } }, /** * 如果传入的数字是两位数,直接返回; * 否则前面拼接一个0 * @param {Object} num */ toDoubleNum(num) { if (num >= 10) { return num; } else { return "0" + num; } }, /** * 编辑商品 */ editProduct(productVo) { uni.navigateTo({ url: "/pages/sellMyProduct/sellMyProduct?productVo=" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify( productVo)) }) }, /** * 下架商品 * @param {Object} productId */ offShelf(productId) { let product = { id: productId, status: 2 }; updateProduct(product).then(res => { this.$refs.uToast.show({ type: 'success', message: "下架成功", duration: 500 }); this.listProductVo(); }) }, /** * 上架商品 * @param {Object} productId */ onShelf(productId) { let product = { id: productId, status: 0 }; updateProduct(product).then(res => { this.$refs.uToast.show({ type: 'success', message: "上架成功", duration: 500 }); this.listProductVo(); }) }, /** * 跳转回来所执行的方法 */ back() { // 重新获取一遍数据 this.listProductVo(); } } } </script> <style lang="scss"> .outside { // background-color: #0093E9; // background-image: linear-gradient(160deg, #0093E9 0%, #80D0C7 100%); font-family: sans-serif; } .container { padding: 25rpx; .item { background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0); border-radius: 5px; box-shadow: 10rpx 10rpx 20rpx rgba(234, 235, 236, 1.0), inset 1rpx 1rpx 1rpx rgba(234, 235, 236, 0.7); padding: 30rpx; margin-bottom: 30rpx; .productItem { display: flex; .productMessage { display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-between; .productTitle { font-weight: 500; margin-bottom: 10rpx; // color: #ffffff; } .price { color: #F84442; // font-weight: bold; .number { font-size: 20px; } } } } .buttonView { padding: 10rpx 20rpx; color: #B6B6B6; border-radius: 10px; // border: #B6B6B6 solid 1px; font-size: 24rpx; font-weight: bold; } } } </style>
// 获取上一页 let pages = getCurrentPages(); let prevPage = pages[pages.length - 2]; // 调用上一页的返回方法 prevPage.$vm.back(); uni.navigateBack();
package com.shm.dataValidate; import com.ruoyi.common.core.domain.entity.Product; import com.ruoyi.common.enums.ErrorCode; import com.ruoyi.common.exception.ServiceException; import com.ruoyi.common.utils.StringUtils; import java.math.BigDecimal; /** * @Author dam * @create 2023/9/2 17:14 */ public class ProductValidate { public static void validate(Product product) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(product.getName())) { throw new ServiceException("请填写商品名称", ErrorCode.OPERATION_ERROR.getCode()); } else if (StringUtils.isEmpty(product.getDescription())) { throw new ServiceException("请填写商品描述", ErrorCode.OPERATION_ERROR.getCode()); } else if (product.getOriginalPrice() == null) { throw new ServiceException("请填写商品原价", ErrorCode.OPERATION_ERROR.getCode()); } else if (product.getPrice() == null) { throw new ServiceException("请填写商品现价", ErrorCode.OPERATION_ERROR.getCode()); } else if (product.getProductCategoryId() == null) { throw new ServiceException("请选择商品分类", ErrorCode.OPERATION_ERROR.getCode()); } else if (product.getFineness() == null) { throw new ServiceException("请选择商品成色", ErrorCode.OPERATION_ERROR.getCode()); } else if (product.getNumber() == null) { throw new ServiceException("请填写商品数量", ErrorCode.OPERATION_ERROR.getCode()); } else if (StringUtils.isEmpty(product.getUnit())) { throw new ServiceException("请填写商品单位", ErrorCode.OPERATION_ERROR.getCode()); } else if (product.getFunctionalStatus() == null) { throw new ServiceException("请选择商品功能状态", ErrorCode.OPERATION_ERROR.getCode()); } if (product.getPrice().compareTo(product.getOriginalPrice()) == 1) { throw new ServiceException("商品的销售价格比原价高,请重新填写", ErrorCode.OPERATION_ERROR.getCode()); } if (!validateNumber(product.getPrice())) { throw new ServiceException("商品出售价格输入有误,需要是正数且只有两位小数", ErrorCode.OPERATION_ERROR.getCode()); } if (!validateNumber(product.getOriginalPrice())) { throw new ServiceException("商品原价输入有误,需要是正数且只有两位小数", ErrorCode.OPERATION_ERROR.getCode()); } } /** * 校验价格是否符合要求 * 正数 * 小数点后面最多只有两位小数 * @param number * @return */ private static boolean validateNumber(BigDecimal number) { // 判断是否为正数 if (number.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) <= 0) { return false; } // 判断小数位数是否超过两位 BigDecimal fractionalPart = number.remainder(BigDecimal.ONE); if (fractionalPart.scale() > 2) { return false; } return true; } }
/** * 上传商品 */ @PreAuthorize("@ss.hasPermi('market:product:add')") @Log(title = "商品", businessType = BusinessType.INSERT) @PostMapping("/uploadSellProduct") // 因为操作了多个数据表,添加事务注解,要么都成功,要么都失败 @Transactional public AjaxResult uploadSellProduct(@RequestBody ProductVo productVo) { /// 存储商品 Product product = new Product(); BeanUtils.copyProperties(productVo, product); if (product.getStatus() == 0) { //--if-- 如果是要发布商品,要先进行数据校验,确保商品的数据都是合法的 ProductValidate.validate(product); if (product.getId() == null) { // 设置商品主人 product.setUserId(getLoginUser().getUserId()); productService.insertProduct(product); } else { // 更新商品信息 productService.updateProduct(product); } if (productVo.getPicList() == null || productVo.getPicList().size() == 0) { throw new ServiceException("商品没有上传对应的图片", ErrorCode.OPERATION_ERROR.getCode()); } } else if (product.getStatus() == 3) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(product.getName())) { throw new ServiceException("保存草稿时,商品名称不能为空", ErrorCode.OPERATION_ERROR.getCode()); } //--if-- 如果只是保存草稿,不需要进行数据校验 if (product.getId() == null) { // 设置商品主人 product.setUserId(getLoginUser().getUserId()); productService.insertProduct(product); } else { // 更新商品信息 productService.updateProduct(product); } } /// 存储图片 if (product.getId() != null) { // 先将商品绑定的图片删除 pictureService.deletePicturesByItem(product.getId(), 0); } for (Picture picture : productVo.getPicList()) { picture.setItemId(product.getId()); picture.setType(0); } if (productVo.getPicList().size() > 0) { pictureService.insertPictures(productVo.getPicList()); } return AjaxResult.success(); }
<template> <view class="container"> <u-toast ref="uToast"></u-toast> <view class="content"> <view class="item"> <view class="labelName">商品名称</view> <u--input placeholder="请输入商品名称" border="surround" v-model="product.name"></u--input> </view> <u-divider text="商品描述和外观"></u-divider> <!-- 商品描述 --> <u--textarea v-model="product.description" placeholder="请输入商品描述" height="150"></u--textarea> <!-- 图片上传 --> <view> <imageUpload v-model="picList" maxCount="9"></imageUpload> </view> <u-divider text="分类选择/自定义标签"></u-divider> <!-- 分类选择/自定义标签 --> <view class="item"> <view class="labelName">分类</view> <view class="selectTextClass" @click="selectCategory"> {{product.productCategoryName?product.productCategoryName:"请选择分类"}} </view> </view> <!-- 商品的属性 新度 功能完整性 --> <view class="item"> <view class="labelName">成色</view> <view class="columnClass"> <view :class="product.fineness==index?'selectTextClass':'textClass'" v-for="(finessName,index) in finenessList" :key="index" @click="changeFineness(index)"> {{finessName}} </view> </view> </view> <view class="item"> <view class="labelName">功能状态</view> <view class="columnClass"> <view :class="product.functionalStatus==index?'selectTextClass':'textClass'" v-for="(functionName,index) in functionList" :key="index" @click="changeFunctionalStatus(index)">{{functionName}} </view> </view> </view> <u-row customStyle="margin-bottom: 10px"> <u-col span="5"> <view class="item"> <view class="labelName">数量</view> <u--input placeholder="请输入商品数量" border="surround" v-model="product.number"></u--input> </view> </u-col> <u-col span="7"> <view class="item"> <view class="labelName">计量单位</view> <u--input placeholder="请输入计量单位" border="surround" v-model="product.unit"></u--input> </view> </u-col> </u-row> <!-- 价格 原价 现价 --> <u-divider text="价格"></u-divider> <u-row customStyle="margin-bottom: 10px"> <u-col span="6"> <view class="item"> <view class="labelName">原价</view> <u-input placeholder="请输入原价" border="surround" v-model="product.originalPrice" color="#ff0000" @blur="originalPriceChange"> <u--text text="¥" slot="prefix" margin="0 3px 0 0" type="error"></u--text> </u-input> </view> </u-col> <u-col span="6"> <view class="item"> <view class="labelName">出售价格</view> <u-input placeholder="请输入出售价格" border="surround" v-model="product.price" color="#ff0000" @blur="priceChange"> <u--text text="¥" slot="prefix" margin="0 3px 0 0" type="error"></u--text> </u-input> </view> </u-col> </u-row> <view style="display: flex;margin: 0rpx 60rpx;"> <view style="background:#A9A9A9 ;" class="buttonView" @click="saveDraft">存 草 稿</view> <view style="width: 40rpx;"></view> <view style="background:#3C9CFF ;" class="buttonView" @click="uploadSellProduct">发 布</view> </view> </view> </view> </template> <script> import imageUpload from "@/components/ImageUpload/ImageUpload.vue"; import { uploadSellProduct } from "@/api/market/product.js" export default { components: { imageUpload }, onShow: function() { let categoryNameList = uni.getStorageSync("categoryNameList"); if (categoryNameList) { this.categoryNameList = categoryNameList; this.product.productCategoryId = uni.getStorageSync("productCategoryId"); this.product.productCategoryName = categoryNameList[categoryNameList.length - 1]; uni.removeStorageSync("categoryNameList"); uni.removeStorageSync("productCategoryId"); } }, data() { return { product: { id: undefined, name: '', descripption: '', picList: [], productCategoryId: undefined, productCategoryName: undefined, number: 1, unit: '个', isContribute: 0, originalPrice: 0.00, price: 0.00, // 成色 fineness: 0, // 功能状态 functionalStatus: 0, brandId: 0 }, value: 'dasdas', categoryNameList: ["选择分类"], finenessList: ["全新", "几乎全新", "轻微使用痕迹", "明显使用痕迹", "外观破损"], functionList: ["功能完好无维修", "维修过,可正常使用", "有小问题,不影响使用", "无法正常使用"], picList: [], } }, onLoad(e) { if (e.productVo) { // 路由中携带了产品信息,说明是要修改产品信息 this.product = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(e.productVo)); for (var i = 0; i < this.product.picList.length; i++) { this.picList.push(this.product.picList[i].address); } console.log("this.product:" + JSON.stringify(this.product)); console.log("this.picList:" + JSON.stringify(this.picList)); } }, methods: { getCategoryLayerName() { let str = ''; // for (let i = 0; i < this.categoryNameList.length - 1; i++) { // str += this.categoryNameList[i] + '/'; // } return str + this.categoryNameList[this.categoryNameList.length - 1]; }, /** * 价格校验 * @param {Object} price 价格 */ priceVerify(price) { if (isNaN(price)) { this.$refs.uToast.show({ type: 'error', message: "输入的价格不是数字,请重新输入" }) return false; } if (price < 0) { this.$refs.uToast.show({ type: 'error', message: "输入的价格不能为负数,请重新输入" }) return false; } if (price.toString().indexOf('.') !== -1 && price.toString().split('.')[1].length > 2) { this.$refs.uToast.show({ type: 'error', message: "输入的价格小数点后最多只有两位数字,请重新输入" }) return false; } return true; }, originalPriceChange() { let haha = this.priceVerify(this.product.originalPrice); if (haha === false) { console.log("haha:" + haha); this.product.originalPrice = 0.00; console.log("this.product" + JSON.stringify(this.product)); } }, priceChange() { if (this.priceVerify(this.product.price) === false) { this.product.price = 0.00; } }, /** * 修改成色 * @param {Object} index */ changeFineness(index) { this.product.fineness = index; }, /** * 修改功能状态 * @param {Object} index */ changeFunctionalStatus(index) { this.product.functionalStatus = index; }, /** * 上传闲置商品 */ uploadSellProduct() { // console.log("上传闲置商品picList:" + JSON.stringify(this.picList)); if (this.product.productCategoryId) { if (this.picList.length == 0) { this.$refs.uToast.show({ type: 'error', message: "商品图片没有上传成功" }) } else { this.setPicAspectRatio().then(() => { // console.log("即将上传的商品:" + JSON.stringify(this.product)); this.product.status = 0; uploadSellProduct(this.product).then(res => { if (!this.product.id) { this.$refs.uToast.show({ type: 'success', message: "您的商品已经发布到平台" }) } else { this.$refs.uToast.show({ type: 'success', message: "您的商品修改并发布成功" }) } setTimeout(() => { // 获取上一页 let pages = getCurrentPages(); let prevPage = pages[pages.length - 2]; // 调用上一页的返回方法 prevPage.$vm.back(); uni.navigateBack(); }, 500) }).catch(error => { console.log("error:" + JSON.stringify(error)); this.$refs.uToast.show({ type: 'error', message: "商品发布失败" }) }); }); } } else { this.$refs.uToast.show({ type: 'error', message: "请选择分类" }) } }, /** * 保存商品草稿 */ saveDraft() { this.setPicAspectRatio().then(() => { // console.log("即将上传的商品:" + JSON.stringify(this.product)); this.product.status = 3; uploadSellProduct(this.product).then(res => { this.$refs.uToast.show({ type: 'success', message: "您的草稿保存成功" }) setTimeout(() => { // 获取上一页 let pages = getCurrentPages(); let prevPage = pages[pages.length - 2]; // 调用上一页的返回方法 prevPage.$vm.back(); uni.navigateBack(); }, 500) }).catch(error => { // console.log("error:" + JSON.stringify(error)); this.$refs.uToast.show({ type: 'error', message: "草稿保存失败" }) }); }); }, /** * 设置图片的宽高比 */ setPicAspectRatio() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.product.picList = []; let promises = []; for (let i = 0; i < this.picList.length; i++) { let picUrl = this.picList[i]; promises.push(this.getAspectRatio(picUrl).then((res) => { let pic = { address: picUrl, aspectRatio: res } this.product.picList.push(pic); console.log("当前图片高宽比设置完成"); })) } Promise.all(promises).then(() => { console.log("所有图片高宽比设置完成,this.product.picList:" + JSON.stringify(this.product .picList)); resolve(); }) }) }, /** * 获取单个图片的高宽比 * @param {Object} url */ getAspectRatio(url) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { uni.getImageInfo({ src: url, success: function(res) { let aspectRatio = res.height / res.width; resolve(aspectRatio); } }); }) }, /** * 选择分类 */ selectCategory() { uni.navigateTo({ url: "/pages/sellMyProduct/selectCategory" }) } } } </script> <style lang="scss"> .container { background: #F6F6F6; min-height: 100vh; padding: 20rpx; font-family: sans-serif; .content { background: #ffffff; padding: 20rpx; .item { display: flex; align-items: center; height: 50px; margin-bottom: 5px; .labelName { width: 70px; margin-right: 10px; } .textClass { display: inline; background: #F7F7F7; padding: 15rpx; margin-right: 15px; border-radius: 5px; } .selectTextClass { display: inline; background: #2B92FF; padding: 15rpx; margin-right: 15px; border-radius: 5px; color: #ffffff; // font-weight: bold; } .columnClass { // height: 50px; display: flex; align-items: center; width: calc(100% - 70px); overflow-x: auto; // // 让内容只有一行 white-space: nowrap; } .columnClass::-webkit-scrollbar { background-color: transparent; /* 设置滚动条背景颜色 */ // width: 0px; height: 0px; } } .buttonView { padding: 20rpx; flex: 1; text-align: center; border-radius: 10rpx; color: #ffffff; font-weight: bold; } } } </style>