Android 完成编译的时候先执行 source build/。 在这个shell 脚本中定义了 help, croot, m, mm, mmm 等 function
之后在当前目录下执行help 可以发现它给出的信息和此前见过linux 下面help 的信息不一样了:
- Invoke ". build/" from your shell to add the following functions to your environment:
- - croot: Changes directory to the top of the tree.
- - m: Makes from the top of the tree.
- - mm: Builds all of the modules in the current directory.
- - mmm: Builds all of the modules in the supplied directories.
- - cgrep: Greps on all local C/C++ files.
- - jgrep: Greps on all local Java files.
- - resgrep: Greps on all local res/*.xml files.
- - godir: Go to the directory containing a file.
source 命令会把对应脚本中的内容读取到当前的bash 解释器中,在当前的执行环境中执行;其中定义的 function 以及通过 export 声明的变量等在 source 执行结束之后依然存在于当前的bash 环境中。比如我们常用的 source .bashrc 或者 source .profile 等目的是为了引用刚刚改动过的环境变量。
m 的解释
m 的定义如下:
- 561 function m()
- 562 {
- 563 T=$(gettop)
- 564 if [ "$T" ]; then
- 565 make -C $T $@
- 566 else
- 567 echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree. Try setting TOP."
- 568 fi
- 569 }
- 570
gettop 返回源码的顶层目录,如果这个目录存在,比如在我的机器上是:
- ~/Android/an403/external/webkit/Source/WebKit/android/jni/test$ gettop
- /home/mypc/Android/an403
比如我们执行 m showcommands -d
经过 function m 的翻译后就执行
当然如果 当前的目录不在源码树里面,gettop 就返回空,这样 m 的结果就时
- make -C /home/yajun/Android/an403 showcommands -d
- ~$ m
- Couldn't locate the top of the tree. Try setting TOP.
mm 的定义如下,功能是 Builds all of the modules in the current directory.
- 591 function mm()
- 592 {
- 593 # If we're sitting in the root of the build tree, just do a
- 594 # normal make.
- 595 if [ -f build/core/ -a -f Makefile ]; then
- 596 make $@
- 597 else
- 598 # Find the closest file.
- 599 T=$(gettop)
- 600 local M=$(findmakefile)
- 601 # Remove the path to top as the makefilepath needs to be relative
- 602 local M=`echo $M|sed 's:'$T'/::'`
- 603 if [ ! "$T" ]; then
- 604 echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree. Try setting TOP."
- 605 elif [ ! "$M" ]; then
- 606 echo "Couldn't locate a makefile from the current directory."
- 607 else
- 608 ONE_SHOT_MAKEFILE=$M make -C $T all_modules $@
- 609 fi
- 610 fi
- 611 }
它首先现判断当前目录是不是 TOP 目录,如果是,就直接开始make 了~
如果不是,就调用findmakefile 寻找 , 搜索的路径是 当前目录-> 父目录 -> 父目录 -> ... -> 到根目录
- 571 function findmakefile()
- 572 {
- 573 TOPFILE=build/core/
- 574 # We redirect cd to /dev/null in case it's aliased to
- 575 # a command that prints something as a side-effect
- 576 # (like pushd)
- 577 local HERE=$PWD
- 578 T=
- 579 while [ \( ! \( -f $TOPFILE \) \) -a \( $PWD != "/" \) ]; do
- 580 T=$PWD
- 581 if [ -f "$T/" ]; then
- 582 echo $T/
- 583 cd $HERE > /dev/null
- 584 return
- 585 fi
- 586 cd .. > /dev/null
- 587 done
- 588 cd $HERE > /dev/null
- 589 }
当在某个目录下找到Android.mk后,就把它echo 出来。然后 cd $HERE 返回调用 findmakefile 的目录。
以我在 /home/yajun/Android/an403/external/webkit/Source/WebKit/android/benchmark/ 下执行 mm 为例
findmakefile 的返回结果是 /home/yajun/Android/an403/external/webkit/Source/WebKit/android/benchmark/
而 gettop 的返回结果是 /home/yajun/Android/an403
所以执行local M=`echo $M|sed 's:'$T'/::'` 之后, M =external/webkit/Source/WebKit/android/benchmark/
ONE_SHOT_MAKEFILE=$M make -C $T all_modules $@ 展开后就是
ONE_SHOT_MAKEFILE=external/webkit/Source/WebKit/android/benchmark/ make -C /home/yajun/Android/an403 all_modules
ONE_SHOT_MAKEFILE=external/webkit/Source/WebKit/android/benchmark/ make -C /home/yajun/Android/an403 all_modules
到后面怎么make 的?()
make -C /home/yajun/Android/an403 all_modules ONE_SHOT_MAKEFILE=external/webkit/Source/WebKit/android/benchmark/
接下来的执行会进入到 build/core/ 中,在这里会 include external/webkit/Source/WebKit/android/benchmark/
- 439 ifneq ($(ONE_SHOT_MAKEFILE),)
- 440 # We've probably been invoked by the "mm" shell function
- 441 # with a subdirectory's makefile.
- 442 include $(ONE_SHOT_MAKEFILE)
- 443 # Change CUSTOM_MODULES to include only modules that were
- 444 # defined by this makefile; this will install all of those
- 445 # modules as a side-effect. Do this after including ONE_SHOT_MAKEFILE
- 446 # so that the modules will be installed in the same place they
- 447 # would have been with a normal make.
- 448 CUSTOM_MODULES := $(sort $(call get-tagged-modules,$(ALL_MODULE_TAGS)))
- 449 FULL_BUILD :=
- 450 # Stub out the notice targets, which probably aren't defined
- 451 # when using ONE_SHOT_MAKEFILE.
- 452 NOTICE-HOST-%: ;
- 453 NOTICE-TARGET-%: ;
- 454
- 455 else # ONE_SHOT_MAKEFILE
- LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
- include $(CLEAR_VARS)
- main.cpp
- # Pull the webkit definitions from the base webkit makefile.
- LOCAL_MODULE := webcore_test
- LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional
这一段开始的地方会 include $(CLEAR_VARS), 我们可用在下面的地方找到
build/core/ $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/
它所做的事情是Clear out values of all variables used by rule templates.
- 。。。
- 。。。
- ifeq ($(strip $(LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS)),)
- endif
- ifeq ($(strip $(LOCAL_MODULE_SUFFIX)),)
- endif
- include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/
- $(linked_module): $(TARGET_CRTBEGIN_STATIC_O) $(all_objects) $(all_libraries) $(TARGET_CRTEND_O)
- $(transform-o-to-static-executable)
- else
- $(linked_module): $(TARGET_CRTBEGIN_DYNAMIC_O) $(all_objects) $(all_libraries) $(TARGET_CRTEND_O)
- $(transform-o-to-executable)
- endif
- $(linked_module): $(TARGET_CRTBEGIN_DYNAMIC_O) $(all_objects) $(all_libraries) $(TARGET_CRTEND_O)
- $(transform-o-to-executable)
- include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/
- $(warning "-------------------------------------------")
- $(warning "linked_modle=$(linked_module)")
- $(warning "all_objects=$(all_objects)")
- $(warning "all_libraries=$(all_libraries)")
- $(warning "transform-o-to-executable=$(transform-o-to-executable)")
- $(warning "--------------------------------------------")
可以然后就可以看出来这里做要 build 出来的是什么东西啦:
- build/core/ "-------------------------------------------"
- build/core/ "linked_modle=out/target/product/generic/obj/EXECUTABLES/webcore_test_intermediates/LINKED/webcore_test"
- build/core/ "TARGET_CRTBEGIN_DYNAMIC_O=out/target/product/generic/obj/lib/crtbegin_dynamic.o"
- build/core/ "all_objects= out/target/product/generic/obj/EXECUTABLES/webcore_test_intermediates/main.o "
- build/core/ "all_libraries=out/target/product/generic/obj/lib/ out/target/product/generic/obj/lib/ out/target/product/generic/obj/lib/ out/target/product/generic/obj/lib/ "
- build/core/ "TARGET_CRTEND_O=out/target/product/generic/obj/lib/crtend_android.o"
- build/core/ "transform-o-to-executable=@mkdir -p
- @echo "target Executable: ()"
- -nostdlib -Bdynamic -Wl,-T,build/core/armelf.x -Wl,-dynamic-linker,/system/bin/linker -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,-z,nocopyreloc -o -Lout/target/product/generic/obj/lib -Wl,-rpath-link=out/target/product/generic/obj/lib out/target/product/generic/obj/lib/crtbegin_dynamic.o -Wl,-z,noexecstack -Wl,--icf=safe -Wl,--fix-cortex-a8 prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.x/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-linux-androideabi/4.4.3/armv7-a/libgcc.a out/target/product/generic/obj/lib/crtend_android.o"
- build/core/ "--------------------------------------------"
我们现看一下上面第八行的 做了什么事情:
include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/