
RDS MySQL Serverless 基础系列,0.5-2RCU 50GB
云数据库 RDS MySQL,集群系列 2核4GB
云数据库 RDS PostgreSQL,集群系列 2核4GB
简介: 网络运维之计算机端口







公认端口(Well Known Ports):从0到1023,它们紧密绑定(binding)于一些服务。通常这些端口的通讯明确表明了某种服务的协议,例如:80端口实际上总是HTTP通讯。
注册端口(Registered Ports):从1024到49151。它们松散地绑定于一些服务。也就是说有许多服务绑定于这些端口,这些端口同样用于许多其它目的。例如:许多系统处理动态端口从1024左右开始。
动态和/或私有端口(Dynamic and/or Private Ports):从49152到65535。理论上,不应为服务分配这些端口。实际上,机器通常从1024起分配动态端口。但也有例外:SUN的RPC端口从32768开始。





第一次握手:客户端向服务端发送连接请求报文段。该报文段中包含自身的数据通讯初始序号。请求发送后,客户端便进入 SYN-SENT 状态。
第二次握手:服务端收到连接请求报文段后,如果同意连接,则会发送一个应答,该应答中也会包含自身的数据通讯初始序号,发送完成后便进入 SYN-RECEIVED 状态。
第三次握手:当客户端收到连接同意的应答后,还要向服务端发送一个确认报文。客户端发完这个报文段后便进入 ESTABLISHED 状态,服务端收到这个应答后也进入 ESTABLISHED 状态,此时连接建立成功。


④SMTP:简单邮件传输协议Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (E-mail);
⑤HTTP:超文本传送协议 (WWW);

③QQ 文件传输、QQ语音、QQ视频




[root@tianyi ~]# cat -n /etc/services
 23    tcpmux          1/tcp                           # TCP port service multiplexer
    24    tcpmux          1/udp                           # TCP port service multiplexer
    25    rje             5/tcp                           # Remote Job Entry
    26    rje             5/udp                           # Remote Job Entry
    27    echo            7/tcp
    28    echo            7/udp
    29    discard         9/tcp           sink null
    30    discard         9/udp           sink null
    31    systat          11/tcp          users
    32    systat          11/udp          users
    33    daytime         13/tcp
    34    daytime         13/udp
    35    qotd            17/tcp          quote
    36    qotd            17/udp          quote
    37    chargen         19/tcp          ttytst source
    38    chargen         19/udp          ttytst source
    39    ftp-data        20/tcp
    40    ftp-data        20/udp
    41    # 21 is registered to ftp, but also used by fsp
    42    ftp             21/tcp
    43    ftp             21/udp          fsp fspd
    44    ssh             22/tcp                          # The Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol
    45    ssh             22/udp                          # The Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol
    46    telnet          23/tcp
    47    telnet          23/udp
    48    # 24 - private mail system
    49    lmtp            24/tcp                          # LMTP Mail Delivery
    50    lmtp            24/udp                          # LMTP Mail Delivery
    51    smtp            25/tcp          mail
    52    smtp            25/udp          mail
    53    time            37/tcp          timserver
    54    time            37/udp          timserver
    55    rlp             39/tcp          resource        # resource location
    56    rlp             39/udp          resource        # resource location
    57    nameserver      42/tcp          name            # IEN 116
    58    nameserver      42/udp          name            # IEN 116
    59    nicname         43/tcp          whois
    60    nicname         43/udp          whois
    61    tacacs          49/tcp                          # Login Host Protocol (TACACS)
    62    tacacs          49/udp                          # Login Host Protocol (TACACS)
    63    re-mail-ck      50/tcp                          # Remote Mail Checking Protocol
    64    re-mail-ck      50/udp                          # Remote Mail Checking Protocol
    65    domain          53/tcp                          # name-domain server
    66    domain          53/udp
    67    whois++         63/tcp          whoispp
    68    whois++         63/udp          whoispp
    69    bootps          67/tcp                          # BOOTP server
    70    bootps          67/udp
    71    bootpc          68/tcp          dhcpc           # BOOTP client
    72    bootpc          68/udp          dhcpc
    73    tftp            69/tcp
    74    tftp            69/udp
    75    gopher          70/tcp                          # Internet Gopher
    76    gopher          70/udp
    77    netrjs-1        71/tcp                          # Remote Job Service
    78    netrjs-1        71/udp                          # Remote Job Service
    79    netrjs-2        72/tcp                          # Remote Job Service
    80    netrjs-2        72/udp                          # Remote Job Service
    81    netrjs-3        73/tcp                          # Remote Job Service
    82    netrjs-3        73/udp                          # Remote Job Service
    83    netrjs-4        74/tcp                          # Remote Job Service
    84    netrjs-4        74/udp                          # Remote Job Service
 85    finger          79/tcp
    86    finger          79/udp
    87    http            80/tcp          www www-http    # WorldWideWeb HTTP
    88    http            80/udp          www www-http    # HyperText Transfer Protocol
    89    http            80/sctp                         # HyperText Transfer Protocol
    90    kerberos        88/tcp          kerberos5 krb5  # Kerberos v5
    91    kerberos        88/udp          kerberos5 krb5  # Kerberos v5
    92    supdup          95/tcp
    93    supdup          95/udp
    94    hostname        101/tcp         hostnames       # usually from sri-nic
    95    hostname        101/udp         hostnames       # usually from sri-nic
    96    iso-tsap        102/tcp         tsap            # part of ISODE.
    97    csnet-ns        105/tcp         cso             # also used by CSO name server
    98    csnet-ns        105/udp         cso
    99    # unfortunately the poppassd (Eudora) uses a port which has already
   100    # been assigned to a different service. We list the poppassd as an
   101    # alias here. This should work for programs asking for this service.
   102    # (due to a bug in inetd the 3com-tsmux line is disabled)
   103    #3com-tsmux     106/tcp         poppassd
   104    #3com-tsmux     106/udp         poppassd
   105    rtelnet         107/tcp                         # Remote Telnet
   106    rtelnet         107/udp
   107    pop2            109/tcp         pop-2 postoffice        # POP version 2
   108    pop2            109/udp         pop-2
   109    pop3            110/tcp         pop-3           # POP version 3
   110    pop3            110/udp         pop-3
   111    sunrpc          111/tcp         portmapper rpcbind      # RPC 4.0 portmapper TCP
   112    sunrpc          111/udp         portmapper rpcbind      # RPC 4.0 portmapper UDP
   113    auth            113/tcp         authentication tap ident
   114    auth            113/udp         authentication tap ident
   115    sftp            115/tcp
   116    sftp            115/udp
   117    uucp-path       117/tcp
   118    uucp-path       117/udp
   119    nntp            119/tcp         readnews untp   # USENET News Transfer Protocol
   120    nntp            119/udp         readnews untp   # USENET News Transfer Protocol
   121    ntp             123/tcp
   122    ntp             123/udp                         # Network Time Protocol
   123    netbios-ns      137/tcp                         # NETBIOS Name Service
   124    netbios-ns      137/udp
   125    netbios-dgm     138/tcp                         # NETBIOS Datagram Service
   126    netbios-dgm     138/udp
   127    netbios-ssn     139/tcp                         # NETBIOS session service
   128    netbios-ssn     139/udp
   129    imap            143/tcp         imap2           # Interim Mail Access Proto v2
   130    imap            143/udp         imap2
   131    snmp            161/tcp                         # Simple Net Mgmt Proto
   132    snmp            161/udp                         # Simple Net Mgmt Proto
   133    snmptrap        162/tcp                         # SNMPTRAP
   134    snmptrap        162/udp         snmp-trap       # Traps for SNMP
   135    cmip-man        163/tcp                         # ISO mgmt over IP (CMOT)
   136    cmip-man        163/udp
   137    cmip-agent      164/tcp
   138    cmip-agent      164/udp
   139    mailq           174/tcp                         # MAILQ
   140    mailq           174/udp                         # MAILQ
   141    xdmcp           177/tcp                         # X Display Mgr. Control Proto
   142    xdmcp           177/udp
   143    nextstep        178/tcp         NeXTStep NextStep       # NeXTStep window
   144    nextstep        178/udp         NeXTStep NextStep       # server
   145    bgp             179/tcp                         # Border Gateway Proto.
   146    bgp             179/udp
   147    bgp             179/sctp
   148    prospero        191/tcp                         # Cliff Neuman's Prospero
   149    prospero        191/udp
   150    irc             194/tcp                         # Internet Relay Chat
   151    irc             194/udp
   152    smux            199/tcp                         # SNMP Unix Multiplexer
   153    smux            199/udp
   154    at-rtmp         201/tcp                         # AppleTalk routing
   155    at-rtmp         201/udp
   156    at-nbp          202/tcp                         # AppleTalk name binding
   157    at-nbp          202/udp
   158    at-echo         204/tcp                         # AppleTalk echo
   159    at-echo         204/udp
   160    at-zis          206/tcp                         # AppleTalk zone information
   161    at-zis          206/udp
   162    qmtp            209/tcp                         # Quick Mail Transfer Protocol
   163    qmtp            209/udp                         # Quick Mail Transfer Protocol
   164    z39.50          210/tcp         z3950 z39-50 wais      # NISO Z39.50 database
   165    z39.50          210/udp         z3950 z39-50 wais
   166    ipx             213/tcp                         # IPX
   167    ipx             213/udp
   168    imap3           220/tcp                         # Interactive Mail Access
   169    imap3           220/udp                         # Protocol v3
   170    link            245/tcp         ttylink
   171    link            245/udp         ttylink
   172    gist            270/udp                         # Q-mode encapsulation for GIST messages
   173    fatserv         347/tcp                         # Fatmen Server
   174    fatserv         347/udp                         # Fatmen Server
   175    rsvp_tunnel     363/tcp         rsvp-tunnel
   176    rsvp_tunnel     363/udp         rsvp-tunnel
   177    odmr            366/tcp                         # odmr required by fetchmail
   178    odmr            366/udp                         # odmr required by fetchmail
   179    rpc2portmap     369/tcp
   180    rpc2portmap     369/udp                         # Coda portmapper
   181    codaauth2       370/tcp
   182    codaauth2       370/udp                         # Coda authentication server
   183    ulistproc       372/tcp         ulistserv       # UNIX Listserv
   184    ulistproc       372/udp         ulistserv
   185    ldap            389/tcp
   186    ldap            389/udp
   187    osb-sd          400/tcp                         # Oracle Secure Backup
   188    osb-sd          400/udp                         # Oracle Secure Backup
   189    svrloc          427/tcp                         # Server Location
   190    svrloc          427/udp                         # Server Location
   191    mobileip-agent  434/tcp
   192    mobileip-agent  434/udp
   193    mobilip-mn      435/tcp
   194    mobilip-mn      435/udp
   195    https           443/tcp                         # http protocol over TLS/SSL
196    https           443/udp                         # http protocol over TLS/SSL
   197    https           443/sctp                        # http protocol over TLS/SSL
   198    snpp            444/tcp                         # Simple Network Paging Protocol
   199    snpp            444/udp                         # Simple Network Paging Protocol
   200    microsoft-ds    445/tcp
   201    microsoft-ds    445/udp
   202    kpasswd         464/tcp         kpwd            # Kerberos "passwd"
   203    kpasswd         464/udp         kpwd            # Kerberos "passwd"
   204    photuris        468/tcp
   205    photuris        468/udp
   206    saft            487/tcp                         # Simple Asynchronous File Transfer
   207    saft            487/udp                         # Simple Asynchronous File Transfer
   208    gss-http        488/tcp
   209    gss-http        488/udp
   210    pim-rp-disc     496/tcp
   211    pim-rp-disc     496/udp
   212    isakmp          500/tcp
   213    isakmp          500/udp
   214    gdomap          538/tcp                         # GNUstep distributed objects
   215    gdomap          538/udp                         # GNUstep distributed objects
   216    iiop            535/tcp
   217    iiop            535/udp
   218    dhcpv6-client   546/tcp
   219    dhcpv6-client   546/udp
   220    dhcpv6-server   547/tcp
   221    dhcpv6-server   547/udp
   222    rtsp            554/tcp                         # Real Time Stream Control Protocol
   223    rtsp            554/udp                         # Real Time Stream Control Protocol
   224    nntps           563/tcp                         # NNTP over SSL
   225    nntps           563/udp                         # NNTP over SSL
   226    whoami          565/tcp
   227    whoami          565/udp
   228    submission      587/tcp         msa             # mail message submission
   229    submission      587/udp         msa             # mail message submission
   230    npmp-local      610/tcp         dqs313_qmaster  # npmp-local / DQS
   231    npmp-local      610/udp         dqs313_qmaster  # npmp-local / DQS
   232    npmp-gui        611/tcp         dqs313_execd    # npmp-gui / DQS
   233    npmp-gui        611/udp         dqs313_execd    # npmp-gui / DQS
   234    hmmp-ind        612/tcp         dqs313_intercell # HMMP Indication / DQS
   235    hmmp-ind        612/udp         dqs313_intercell # HMMP Indication / DQS
   236    ipp             631/tcp                         # Internet Printing Protocol
   237    ipp             631/udp                         # Internet Printing Protocol
   238    ldaps           636/tcp                         # LDAP over SSL
   239    ldaps           636/udp                         # LDAP over SSL
   240    acap            674/tcp
   241    acap            674/udp
   242    ha-cluster      694/tcp                         # Heartbeat HA-cluster
   243    ha-cluster      694/udp                         # Heartbeat HA-cluster
   244    kerberos-adm    749/tcp                         # Kerberos `kadmin' (v5)
   245    kerberos-adm    749/udp                         # kerberos administration
   246    kerberos-iv     750/udp         kerberos4 kerberos-sec kdc loadav
   247    kerberos-iv     750/tcp         kerberos4 kerberos-sec kdc rfile
   248    webster         765/tcp                         # Network dictionary
   249    webster         765/udp
   250    phonebook       767/tcp                         # Network phonebook
   251    phonebook       767/udp
   252    rsync           873/tcp                         # rsync
   253    rsync           873/udp                         # rsync
   254    #rquotad unreserved in IANA!
   255    rquotad         875/tcp                         # rquota daemon
   256    #rquotad unreserved in IANA!
   257    rquotad         875/udp                         # rquota daemon
   258    telnets         992/tcp
   259    telnets         992/udp
   260    imaps           993/tcp                         # IMAP over SSL
   261    imaps           993/udp                         # IMAP over SSL
   262    pop3s           995/tcp                         # POP-3 over SSL
   263    pop3s           995/udp                         # POP-3 over SSL
   265    #
   266    # UNIX specific services
   267    #
   268    exec            512/tcp
   269    biff            512/udp         comsat
   270    login           513/tcp
   271    who             513/udp         whod
   272    shell           514/tcp         cmd             # no passwords used
   273    syslog          514/udp
   274    printer         515/tcp         spooler         # line printer spooler
   275    printer         515/udp         spooler         # line printer spooler
   276    talk            517/udp
 277    ntalk           518/udp
   278    utime           519/tcp         unixtime
   279    utime           519/udp         unixtime
   280    efs             520/tcp
   281    router          520/udp         route routed    # RIP
   282    ripng           521/tcp
   283    ripng           521/udp
   284    timed           525/tcp         timeserver
   285    timed           525/udp         timeserver
   286    tempo           526/tcp         newdate
   287    courier         530/tcp         rpc
   288    conference      531/tcp         chat
   289    netnews         532/tcp
   290    netwall         533/udp                         # -for emergency broadcasts
   291    uucp            540/tcp         uucpd           # uucp daemon
   292    klogin          543/tcp                         # Kerberized `rlogin' (v5)
   293    kshell          544/tcp         krcmd           # Kerberized `rsh' (v5)
   294    afpovertcp      548/tcp                         # AFP over TCP
   295    afpovertcp      548/udp                         # AFP over TCP
   296    remotefs        556/tcp         rfs_server rfs  # Brunhoff remote filesystem
   298    #
   299    # From ``PORT NUMBERS'':
   300    #
   302    #>
   303    #>The Registered Ports are listed by the IANA and on most systems can be
   304    #>used by ordinary user processes or programs executed by ordinary
   305    #>users.
   306    #>
   307    #>Ports are used in the TCP [RFC793] to name the ends of logical
   308    #>connections which carry long term conversations.  For the purpose of
   309    #>providing services to unknown callers, a service contact port is
   310    #>defined.  This list specifies the port used by the server process as
   311    #>its contact port.
   312    #>
   313    #>The IANA registers uses of these ports as a convienence to the
   314    #>community.
   315    #
   316    socks           1080/tcp                        # socks proxy server
   317    socks           1080/udp                        # socks proxy server
   319    # Port 1236 is registered as `bvcontrol', but is also used by the
   320    # Gracilis Packeten remote config server.  The official name is listed as
   321    # the primary name, with the unregistered name as an alias.
   322    bvcontrol       1236/tcp        rmtcfg          # Daniel J. Walsh, Gracilis Packeten remote config server
   323    bvcontrol       1236/udp                        # Daniel J. Walsh
   325    h323hostcallsc  1300/tcp                        # H.323 Secure Call Control
   326    h323hostcallsc  1300/udp                        # H.323 Secure Call Control
   327    ms-sql-s        1433/tcp                        # Microsoft-SQL-Server
   328    ms-sql-s        1433/udp                        # Microsoft-SQL-Server
   329    ms-sql-m        1434/tcp                        # Microsoft-SQL-Monitor
   330    ms-sql-m        1434/udp                        # Microsoft-SQL-Monitor
   331    ica             1494/tcp                        # Citrix ICA Client
   332    ica             1494/udp                        # Citrix ICA Client
   333    wins            1512/tcp                        # Microsoft's Windows Internet Name Service
   334    wins            1512/udp                        # Microsoft's Windows Internet Name Service
   335    ingreslock      1524/tcp
   336    ingreslock      1524/udp
   337    prospero-np     1525/tcp        orasrv          # Prospero non-privileged/oracle
   338    prospero-np     1525/udp        orasrv
   339    datametrics     1645/tcp        old-radius sightline    # datametrics / old radius entry
   340    datametrics     1645/udp        old-radius sightline    # datametrics / old radius entry
   341    sa-msg-port     1646/tcp        old-radacct     # sa-msg-port / old radacct entry
   342    sa-msg-port     1646/udp        old-radacct     # sa-msg-port / old radacct entry
   343    kermit          1649/tcp
   344    kermit          1649/udp
   345    l2tp            1701/tcp        l2f
   346    l2tp            1701/udp        l2f
   347    h323gatedisc    1718/tcp
   348    h323gatedisc    1718/udp
   349    h323gatestat    1719/tcp
350    h323gatestat    1719/udp
   351    h323hostcall    1720/tcp
   352    h323hostcall    1720/udp
   353    h323hostcall    1720/sctp                       # H.323 Call Control
   354    tftp-mcast      1758/tcp
   355    tftp-mcast      1758/udp
   356    mtftp           1759/udp        spss-lm
   357    vdab            1775/tcp                        # data interchange between visual processing containers
   358    hello           1789/tcp
   359    hello           1789/udp
   360    radius          1812/tcp                        # Radius
   361    radius          1812/udp                        # Radius
   362    radius-acct     1813/tcp        radacct         # Radius Accounting
   363    radius-acct     1813/udp        radacct         # Radius Accounting
   364    mtp             1911/tcp                        #
   365    mtp             1911/udp                        #
   366    hsrp            1985/tcp                        # Cisco Hot Standby Router Protocol
   367    hsrp            1985/udp                        # Cisco Hot Standby Router Protocol
   368    licensedaemon   1986/tcp
   369    licensedaemon   1986/udp
   370    gdp-port        1997/tcp                        # Cisco Gateway Discovery Protocol
   371    gdp-port        1997/udp                        # Cisco Gateway Discovery Protocol
   372    sieve-filter    2000/tcp        cisco-sccp      # Sieve Mail Filter Daemon
   373    sieve-filter    2000/udp        cisco-sccp      # Sieve Mail Filter Daemon
   374    nfs             2049/tcp        nfsd shilp      # Network File System
   375    nfs             2049/udp        nfsd shilp      # Network File System
   376    nfs             2049/sctp       nfsd shilp      # Network File System
   377    zephyr-srv      2102/tcp                        # Zephyr server
   378    zephyr-srv      2102/udp                        # Zephyr server
   379    zephyr-clt      2103/tcp                        # Zephyr serv-hm connection
   380    zephyr-clt      2103/udp                        # Zephyr serv-hm connection
   381    zephyr-hm       2104/tcp                        # Zephyr hostmanager
   382    zephyr-hm       2104/udp                        # Zephyr hostmanager
   383    cvspserver      2401/tcp                        # CVS client/server operations
   384    cvspserver      2401/udp                        # CVS client/server operations
   385    venus           2430/tcp                        # codacon port
   386    venus           2430/udp                        # Venus callback/wbc interface
   387    venus-se        2431/tcp                        # tcp side effects
   388    venus-se        2431/udp                        # udp sftp side effect
   389    codasrv         2432/tcp                        # not used
     390    codasrv         2432/udp                        # server port
   391    codasrv-se      2433/tcp                        # tcp side effects
   392    codasrv-se      2433/udp                        # udp sftp side effectQ
   394    # Ports numbered 2600 through 2606 are used by the zebra package without
   395    # being registred.  The primary names are the registered names, and the
   396    # unregistered names used by zebra are listed as aliases.
   397    hpstgmgr        2600/tcp        zebrasrv        # HPSTGMGR
   398    hpstgmgr        2600/udp                        # HPSTGMGR
   399    discp-client    2601/tcp        zebra           # discp client
   400    discp-client    2601/udp                        # discp client
   401    discp-server    2602/tcp        ripd            # discp server
   402    discp-server    2602/udp                        # discp server
   403    servicemeter    2603/tcp        ripngd          # Service Meter
   404    servicemeter    2603/udp                        # Service Meter
   405    nsc-ccs         2604/tcp        ospfd           # NSC CCS
   406    nsc-ccs         2604/udp                        # NSC CCS
   407    nsc-posa        2605/tcp        bgpd            # NSC POSA
   408    nsc-posa        2605/udp                        # NSC POSA
   409    netmon          2606/tcp        ospf6d          # Dell Netmon
   410    netmon          2606/udp                        # Dell Netmon
   411    dict            2628/tcp                        # RFC 2229
   412    dict            2628/udp                        # RFC 2229
   413    corbaloc        2809/tcp                        # CORBA naming service locator
   414    icpv2           3130/tcp                        # Internet Cache Protocol V2 (Squid)
   415    icpv2           3130/udp                        # Internet Cache Protocol V2 (Squid)
   416    mysql           3306/tcp                        # MySQL
   417    mysql           3306/udp                        # MySQL
   418    trnsprntproxy   3346/tcp                        # Trnsprnt Proxy
   419    trnsprntproxy   3346/udp                        # Trnsprnt Proxy
   420    pxe             4011/udp        altserviceboot  # PXE server
   421    fud             4201/udp                        # Cyrus IMAP FUD Daemon
   422    rwhois          4321/tcp                        # Remote Who Is
   423    rwhois          4321/udp                        # Remote Who Is
   424    krb524          4444/tcp        nv-video        # Kerberos 5 to 4 ticket xlator
   425    krb524          4444/udp        nv-video        # Kerberos 5 to 4 ticket xlator
   426    rfe             5002/tcp                        # Radio Free Ethernet
   427    rfe             5002/udp                        # Actually uses UDP only
   428    cfengine        5308/tcp                        # CFengine
   429    cfengine        5308/udp                        # CFengine
   430    cvsup           5999/tcp        CVSup           # CVSup file transfer/John Polstra/FreeBSD



[root@tianyi ~]# netstat -tunlp
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name    
tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      1252/sshd           
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      18644/zabbix_agentd 
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      18642/zabbix_server 
tcp6       0      0 :::21                   :::*                    LISTEN      945/vsftpd          
tcp6       0      0 :::22                   :::*                    LISTEN      1252/sshd           
tcp6       0      0 :::10050                :::*                    LISTEN      18644/zabbix_agentd 
tcp6       0      0 :::10051                :::*                    LISTEN      18642/zabbix_server 
tcp6       0      0 :::33060                :::*                    LISTEN      18552/mysqld        
tcp6       0      0 :::3306                 :::*                    LISTEN      18552/mysqld        
tcp6       0      0 :::80                   :::*                    LISTEN      18728/httpd         
udp        0      0*                           1338/NetworkManager 
[root@tianyi ~]# netstat -tunlp |grep http
tcp6       0      0 :::80                   :::*                    LISTEN      18728/httpd  


[root@control ~]# grep -w https /etc/services 
https           443/tcp                         # http protocol over TLS/SSL
https           443/udp                         # http protocol over TLS/SSL
https           443/sctp                        # http protocol over TLS/SSL
oob-ws-https    664/tcp                 # DMTF out-of-band secure web services management protocol
llsurfup-https  1184/tcp                # LL Surfup HTTPS
llsurfup-https  1184/udp                # LL Surfup HTTPS
compaq-https    2381/tcp                # Compaq HTTPS
compaq-https    2381/udp                # Compaq HTTPS
wap-push-https  4036/tcp                # WAP Push OTA-HTTP secure
wap-push-https  4036/udp                # WAP Push OTA-HTTP secure
appserv-https   4849/tcp                # App Server - Admin HTTPS
appserv-https   4849/udp                # App Server - Admin HTTPS
wbem-https      5989/tcp                # WBEM CIM-XML (HTTPS)
wbem-https      5989/udp                # WBEM CIM-XML (HTTPS)
wbem-exp-https  5990/tcp                # WBEM Export HTTPS
wbem-exp-https  5990/udp                # WBEM Export HTTPS
sun-sr-https    6443/tcp                # Service Registry Default HTTPS Domain
sun-sr-https    6443/udp                # Service Registry Default HTTPS Domain
plysrv-https    6771/tcp                # PolyServe https
plysrv-https    6771/udp                # PolyServe https
smc-https       6789/tcp                # SMC-HTTPS
smc-https       6789/udp                # SMC-HTTPS
oracleas-https  7443/tcp                # Oracle Application Server HTTPS
oracleas-https  7443/udp                # Oracle Application Server HTTPS
sun-user-https  7677/tcp                # Sun App Server - HTTPS
sun-user-https  7677/udp                # Sun App Server - HTTPS
pcsync-https    8443/tcp                # PCsync HTTPS
pcsync-https    8443/udp                # PCsync HTTPS
https-wmap      8991/tcp                # webmail HTTPS service
https-wmap      8991/udp                # webmail HTTPS service
armcenterhttps  9295/tcp                # ARMCenter https Service
armcenterhttps  9295/udp                # ARMCenter https Service
tungsten-https  9443/tcp                # WSO2 Tungsten HTTPS
tungsten-https  9443/udp                # WSO2 Tungsten HTTPS
amt-soap-https  16993/tcp               # Intel(R) AMT SOAP/HTTPS
amt-soap-https  16993/udp               # Intel(R) AMT SOAP/HTTPS
commtact-https  20003/tcp               # Commtact HTTPS
commtact-https  20003/udp               # Commtact HTTPS
开始实验后,系统会自动创建一台自建MySQL的 源数据库 ECS 实例和一台 目标数据库 RDS。
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运维 安全 应用服务中间件
存储 监控 安全
15 1
容器 Docker 存储
监控 网络协议 Linux
在Linux中,如何实时抓取并显示当前系统中tcp 80 端口的网络数据信息?
在Linux中,如何实时抓取并显示当前系统中tcp 80 端口的网络数据信息?
网络协议 Linux
人工智能 运维 物联网
网络协议 Windows
JSON 安全 网络协议
【Azure Policy】添加策略用于审计Azure 网络安全组(NSG)规则 -- 只能特定的IP地址允许3389/22端口访问
为了确保Azure虚拟机资源的安全管理,只有指定IP地址才能通过RDP/SSH远程访问。解决方案包括使用Azure Policy服务扫描所有网络安全组(NSG),检查入站规则中的3389和22端口,并验证源地址是否在允许的IP列表中。不符合条件的NSG规则将被标记为非合规。通过编写特定的Policy Rule并定义允许的IP地址参数,实现集中管控和合规性检查。
安全 网络安全
【Azure 环境】当本地网络通过ER专线与Azure云上多个虚拟网络打通,如何通过特定的网络策略来限制本地部分网段访问云上虚拟机22端口?
【Azure 环境】当本地网络通过ER专线与Azure云上多个虚拟网络打通,如何通过特定的网络策略来限制本地部分网段访问云上虚拟机22端口?