进入机房到结账这儿增加了一个新控件SSTab,工程——部件——Microsoft Tabbed Dialog Control 6.0
充值:联系recharge_info表中此操作员充值 且未结账的卡
退卡:联系cancelcard_info表中此操作员退的卡 且 未结账的卡
临时用户:student_info表中此操作员 type为临时用户 未结账 未退卡的卡
充值金额:recharge_info 表中金额总数
退卡金额:cancelcard_info 表中金额总数
Dim txtSQL, Msgtext As String Dim mrc_stu As ADODB.Recordset '购卡 售卡数 Dim mrc_re As ADODB.Recordset '充值 Dim mrc_cc As ADODB.Recordset '退卡 Dim mrc_stut As ADODB.Recordset '临时用户 Dim mrc As ADODB.Recordset '退卡金额 Dim mrc1 As ADODB.Recordset '退卡张数 Dim mrc2 As ADODB.Recordset '充值金额 Dim mrc3 As ADODB.Recordset '临时金额 '购卡 With myflexgrid1 txtSQL = "select * from student_info where userid='" & Trim(txtUserID.Text) & "'" Set mrc_stu = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, Msgtext) .Rows = 1 .CellAlignment = 4 .TextMatrix(0, 0) = "学号" .TextMatrix(0, 1) = "卡号" .TextMatrix(0, 2) = "日期" .TextMatrix(0, 3) = "时间" .TextMatrix(0, 4) = "金额" Do While Not mrc_stu.EOF .Rows = .Rows + 1 .CellAlignment = 4 .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 0) = Trim(mrc_stu.Fields(1)) .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 1) = Trim(mrc_stu.Fields(0)) .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 2) = Trim(mrc_stu!Date) .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 3) = Trim(mrc_stu!Time) .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 4) = Trim(mrc_stu!cash) mrc_stu.MoveNext Loop End With '充值 With myflexgrid2 .Rows = 1 .CellAlignment = 4 .TextMatrix(0, 0) = "学号" .TextMatrix(0, 1) = "卡号" .TextMatrix(0, 2) = "充值金额" .TextMatrix(0, 3) = "日期" .TextMatrix(0, 4) = "时间" txtSQL = "select * from recharge_info where userid='" & Trim(txtUserID.Text) & "' and status='未结账'" Set mrc_re = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, Msgtext) Do While Not mrc_re.EOF .Rows = .Rows + 1 .CellAlignment = 4 .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 0) = Trim(mrc_re!studentno) .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 1) = Trim(mrc_re!cardno) .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 2) = Trim(mrc_re!addmoney) .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 3) = Trim(mrc_re!Date) .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 4) = Trim(mrc_re!Time) mrc_re.MoveNext Loop End With '退卡 With myflexgrid3 .Rows = 1 .CellAlignment = 4 .TextMatrix(0, 0) = "学号" .TextMatrix(0, 1) = "卡号" .TextMatrix(0, 2) = "日期" .TextMatrix(0, 3) = "时间" .TextMatrix(0, 4) = "退卡金额" txtSQL = "select * from cancelcard_info where userid='" & Trim(txtUserID.Text) & "' and status='未结账'" Set mrc_cc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, Msgtext) Do While Not mrc_cc.EOF .Rows = .Rows + 1 .CellAlignment = 4 .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 0) = Trim(mrc_cc!studentno) .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 1) = Trim(mrc_cc!cardno) .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 2) = Trim(mrc_cc!Date) .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 3) = Trim(mrc_cc!Time) .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 4) = Trim(mrc_cc.Fields(2)) mrc_cc.MoveNext Loop End With '临时用户 With myflexgrid4 .Rows = 1 .CellAlignment = 4 .TextMatrix(0, 0) = "学号" .TextMatrix(0, 1) = "卡号" .TextMatrix(0, 2) = "日期" .TextMatrix(0, 3) = "时间" txtSQL = "select * from student_info where userid='" & Trim(txtUserID.Text) & "' and type='临时用户' and ischeck='未结账'" Set mrc_stut = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, Msgtext) Do While Not mrc_stut.EOF .Rows = .Rows + 1 .CellAlignment = 4 .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 0) = Trim(mrc_stut!studentno) .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 1) = Trim(mrc_stut.Fields(0)) .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 2) = Trim(mrc_stut!Date) .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 3) = Trim(mrc_stut!Time) mrc_stut.MoveNext Loop End With mrc_stut.Close mrc_re.Close mrc_cc.Close '售卡数 If mrc_stu.RecordCount = 0 Then txtOutCard.Text = 0 Else txtOutCard.Text = mrc_stu.RecordCount End If '退卡金额 txtSQL = "select sum(cancelcash) from cancelcard_info where userid='" & Trim(txtUserID.Text) & "' and status='未结账'" Set mrc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, Msgtext) If IsNull(Trim(mrc.Fields(0))) Then txtOffCardMoney.Text = "0" Else txtOffCardMoney.Text = Val(mrc.Fields(0)) End If '退卡张数 txtSQL = "select * from cancelcard_info where userid='" & Trim(txtUserID.Text) & "' and status='未结账'" Set mrc1 = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, Msgtext) If mrc1.RecordCount = 0 Then txtOffCard.Text = 0 Else txtOffCard.Text = mrc1.RecordCount End If '总售卡数=售卡数-退卡数 txtALLOutCard.Text = txtOutCard.Text - txtOffCard.Text '充值金额 txtSQL = "select sum(addmoney) from recharge_info where userid='" & Trim(txtUserID.Text) & "' and status='未结账'" Set mrc2 = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, Msgtext) If IsNull(Trim(mrc.Fields(0))) Then txtRechargeMoney.Text = "0" Else txtRechargeMoney.Text = Val(mrc2.Fields(0)) End If '应收金额=充值金额-退卡金额 txtGetMoney.Text = txtRechargeMoney.Text - txtOffCard.Text '临时应收金额 txtSQL = "select sum(cash) from student_info where userid='" & Trim(txtUserID.Text) & "'and type='临时用户' and ischeck='未结账'" Set mrc3 = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, Msgtext) If IsNull(Trim(mrc.Fields(0))) Then txtTMPMoney.Text = "0" Else txtTMPMoney.Text = Val(mrc3.Fields(0)) End If