**** cannot be resolved to a type

简介: 这种错误很常见,90%的原因都是没有导入jar包,如果导入的jar包都正确,那么很有可能是一下两个原因导致的



项目指定的jdk为“jdk1.6.0_18”,而当前eclipse使用的是“jdk1.6.0_22”。需要在BuildPath | Libraries,中做简单调整。


如果还报这错。这时,需要操作一下 Project | Clean... ,问题即可解决。原因是,机制所致。因为某些特殊原因,eclipse没能自动编译源代码到build/classes(或其他classes目录),导致类型查找不到。  

XML C# 数据格式
C#报错 The ‘xmins‘ attribute is not supported in this context
System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaException:“The ‘xmins’ attribute is not supported in this context.”异常的解决百度翻译:System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaException:“此上下文中不支持”xmins“属性。”这是在使用System.Data.DataSet的ReadXml读取x...
80 0
C#报错 The ‘xmins‘ attribute is not supported in this context
Ubuntu Linux
progs/verifier_netfilter_retcode.c:42:1: error: unknown attribute 'btf_decl_tag' ignored
progs/verifier_netfilter_retcode.c:42:1: error: unknown attribute 'btf_decl_tag' ignored
存储 缓存 自然语言处理
“error“: { “root_cause“: [{ “type“: “circuit_breaking_exception“, “reason“: “[parent] D【已解决】
“error“: { “root_cause“: [{ “type“: “circuit_breaking_exception“, “reason“: “[parent] D【已解决】
57 1
【已解决】Error: Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function
Error: Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function
2579 0
【已解决】Error: Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function
JavaScript 程序员 Swift
The compiler is unable to type-check this expression in reasonable time; try breaking up the express
The compiler is unable to type-check this expression in reasonable time; try breaking up the express
88 0
Java 数据库连接 Redis
Bean method ‘redisConnectionFactory‘ not loaded because @ConditionalOnClass did not find required c
Bean method ‘redisConnectionFactory‘ not loaded because @ConditionalOnClass did not find required c
122 0
Unknown custom element: <add-employee> - did you register the component correctly? For red cursive c
原因: 1.组件名没写对(导入和注册不对应) 2.components少写了个s 3.组件命名最好是驼峰命名 4.导入时语法错误 5.代码中有两个components,后一个的值把前一个覆盖了 6.组件直接循环套用了
104 0
jstl错误:According to TLD or attribute directive in tag file, attribute value does not accept any expr
jstl错误:According to TLD or attribute directive in tag file, attribute value does not accept any expr
使用pageHelper报错 Type definition error: [simple type, classXXXX]
使用pageHelper报错 Type definition error: [simple type, classXXXX]

