1. #include <iostream> 2. using namespace std; 3. class CAT 4. { public: 5. CAT(); 6. CAT(const CAT&); 7. ~CAT(); 8. int GetAge() const { return *itsAge; } 9. void SetAge(int age){ *itsAge=age; } 10. protected: 11. int* itsAge; 12. }; 13. CAT::CAT() 14. { itsAge=new int; 15. *itsAge =5; 16. } 17. CAT::CAT(const CAT& c) 18. { 19. itsAge = new int 20. ; 21. *itsAge= *(c.itsAge) 22. ; 23. } 24. CAT::~CAT() 25. { delete itsAge; }
1. #include < 2. iostream 3. > 4. using namespace std; 5. 6. class Point 7. { 8. private: 9. //访问权限设置,私有权限 10. int x;//横坐标 11. int y;//纵坐标 12. public: 13. //访问权限设置,公有权限 14. 15. //以下为构造函数,用参数a,b分别为横纵坐标进行初始化 16. 17. Point 18. (int a,int b) 19. { 20. 21. x=a 22. ; 23. 24. y=b 25. ; 26. } 27. 28. //以下为拷贝构造函数,借用对象a_point完成初始化 29. Point( 30. Point & 31. a_point) 32. { 33. x=a_point.x; 34. y=a_point.y; 35. } 36. 37. //以下为析构函数 38. 39. ~Point() 40. 41. { 42. cout<<"Deconstructed Point"; 43. print(); 44. } 45. 46. //以下为输出点的信息的函数,要求在一行中输出点的坐标信息,形如:(横坐标,纵坐标) 47. void print() 48. { 49. cout<< 50. "("< 51. <<endl; 52. } 53. }; 54. 55. 56. int main() 57. { 58. Point b_point(0,0); 59. b_point.print(); 60. int a,b; 61. 62. cin>>a>>b; 63. //从标准输入流中提取数值给a,b 64. Point c_point(a,b); 65. c_point.print(); 66. 67. return 0; 68. //主函数的返回语句 69. } 70. /*设输入为10 10,则本程序的运行结果为: 71. (0,0) 72. 73. (10,10) 74. 75. Deconstructed Point(10,10) 76. 77. Deconstructed Point(0,0) 78. 79. */
1. #include <iostream> 2. using namespace std; 3. class Box 4. { 5. public: 6. Box(int,int,int); 7. private: 8. int length; 9. int width; 10. int height; 11. }; 12. Box::Box(int len,int w,int h) 13. 14. { 15. length=len; 16. width=w; 17. height=h; 18. cout<<"The Box is created. Parm:length="<<length<<", width="<<width<<", height="<<height<<"."<<endl; 19. } 20. int main( ) 21. { 22. 23. Box Box(12,10,5); 24. 25. return 0; 26. }
6-1 创建CPU
分数 10
作者 杨军
单位 四川师范大学
定义一个CPU类,包含等级(Rank)、频率(frequency)、电压(voltage)等属性。其中,rank为枚举类型CPU__Rank,定义为enum CPU_Rank{P1=1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7},frequency为单位是MHz的整型数,voltage为浮点型的电压值。
/* 请在这里填写答案 */ int main() { CPU a(P6,3,300); cout<<"cpu a's parameter"<<endl; a.showinfo(); //显示性能参数 CPU b; cout<<"cpu b's parameter"<<endl; b.showinfo(); //显示性能参数 CPU c(a); cout<<"cpu c's parameter"<<endl; c.showinfo(); //显示性能参数 }
1. create a CPU! 2. cpu a's parameter 3. rank:6 4. frequency:3 5. voltage:300 6. create a CPU! 7. cpu b's parameter 8. rank:1 9. frequency:2 10. voltage:100 11. copy create a CPU! 12. cpu c's parameter 13. rank:6 14. frequency:3 15. voltage:300 16. destruct a CPU! 17. destruct a CPU! 18. destruct a CPU!
1. #include<iostream> 2. using namespace std; 3. class CPU 4. { 5. int frequency; 6. float voltage; 7. int rank; 8. public: 9. CPU() 10. { 11. rank=1; 12. frequency=2; 13. voltage=100; 14. cout<<"create a CPU!"<<endl; 15. } 16. CPU(int r,int f,float v) 17. { 18. rank=r; 19. frequency=f; 20. voltage=v; 21. cout<<"create a CPU!"<<endl; 22. } 23. CPU(CPU &a) 24. { 25. rank=a.rank; 26. frequency=a.frequency; 27. voltage=a.voltage; 28. cout<<"copy create a CPU!"<<endl; 29. } 30. ~CPU() 31. { 32. cout<<"destruct a CPU!"<<endl; 33. } 34. void showinfo() 35. { 36. cout<<"rank:"<<rank<<endl; 37. cout<<"frequency:"<<frequency<<endl; 38. cout<<"voltage:"<<voltage<<endl; 39. } 40. }; 41. #define PI 1 42. #define P2 2 43. #define P3 3 44. #define P4 4 45. #define P5 5 46. #define P6 6
6-2 创建计算机
分数 10
作者 杨军
单位 四川师范大学
/* 请在这里填写答案 */ 在这里给出函数被调用进行测试的例子。例如: int main() { COMPUTER cpt1(6,4.0,200,60,32); //测试带参数构造 cout<<"cpt1's parameter:"<<endl; cpt1.showinfo(); cout<<"------------------------------"<<endl; COMPUTER cpt2; //测试不带参数构造 cout<<"cpt2's parameter:"<<endl; cpt2.showinfo(); cout<<"------------------------------"<<endl; COMPUTER cpt3(cpt1); //测试复制构造 cout<<"cpt3's parameter:"<<endl; cpt3.showinfo(); cout<<"------------------------------"<<endl; }
1. create a CPU! 2. create a RAM! 3. create a CDROM! 4. create a COMPUTER with para! 5. cpt1's parameter: 6. cpu parameter: 7. rank:6 8. frequency:4 9. voltage:200 10. ram parameter: 11. volumn:60 GB 12. cdrom parameter: 13. speed:32 14. ------------------------------ 15. create a CPU! 16. create a RAM! 17. create a CDROM! 18. no para to create a COMPUTER! 19. cpt2's parameter: 20. cpu parameter: 21. rank:1 22. frequency:2 23. voltage:100 24. ram parameter: 25. volumn:1 GB 26. cdrom parameter: 27. speed:16 28. ------------------------------ 29. create a CPU by copy! 30. create a RAM by copy! 31. create a CDROM by copy! 32. create a COMPUTER by copy! 33. cpt3's parameter: 34. cpu parameter: 35. rank:6 36. frequency:4 37. voltage:200 38. ram parameter: 39. volumn:60 GB 40. cdrom parameter: 41. speed:32 42. ------------------------------ 43. destruct a COMPUTER! 44. destruct a CDROM! 45. desturct a RAM! 46. desturct a CPU! 47. destruct a COMPUTER! 48. destruct a CDROM! 49. desturct a RAM! 50. desturct a CPU! 51. destruct a COMPUTER! 52. destruct a CDROM! 53. desturct a RAM! 54. desturct a CPU!
1. #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2. using namespace std; 3. class CPU 4. { 5. int rank; 6. double frequency; 7. int voltage; 8. public: 9. CPU(int R,double F,int V) 10. { 11. rank=R; 12. frequency=F; 13. voltage=V; 14. cout<<"create a CPU!"<<endl; 15. } 16. CPU(CPU &cpu) 17. { 18. rank=cpu.rank; 19. frequency=cpu.frequency; 20. voltage=cpu.voltage; 21. cout<<"create a CPU by copy!"<<endl; 22. } 23. void showinfo() 24. { 25. cout<<"cpu parameter:"<<endl; 26. cout<<"rank:"<<rank<<endl; 27. cout<<"frequency:"<<frequency<<endl; 28. cout<<"voltage:"<<voltage<<endl; 29. } 30. ~CPU() 31. { 32. cout<<"desturct a CPU!"<<endl; 33. } 34. }; 35. class RAM 36. { 37. int volumn; 38. public: 39. RAM(int V) 40. { 41. volumn=V; 42. cout<<"create a RAM!"<<endl; 43. } 44. RAM(RAM &ram) 45. { 46. volumn=ram.volumn; 47. cout<<"create a RAM by copy!"<<endl; 48. } 49. void showinfo() 50. { 51. cout<<"ram parameter:"<<endl; 52. cout<<"volumn:"<<volumn<<" GB"<<endl; 53. } 54. ~RAM() 55. { 56. cout<<"desturct a RAM!"<<endl; 57. } 58. }; 59. class CDROM 60. { 61. int speed; 62. public: 63. CDROM(int S) 64. { 65. speed=S; 66. cout<<"create a CDROM!"<<endl; 67. } 68. CDROM(CDROM &cdrom) 69. { 70. speed=cdrom.speed; 71. cout<<"create a CDROM by copy!"<<endl; 72. } 73. void showinfo() 74. { 75. cout<<"cdrom parameter:"<<endl; 76. cout<<"speed:"<<speed<<endl; 77. } 78. ~CDROM() 79. { 80. cout<<"destruct a CDROM!"<<endl; 81. } 82. }; 83. class COMPUTER 84. { 85. CPU cpu; 86. RAM ram; 87. CDROM cdrom; 88. public: 89. COMPUTER():cpu(1,2,100),ram(1),cdrom(16) 90. { 91. cout<<"no para to create a COMPUTER!"<<endl; 92. } 93. COMPUTER(int rank,double frequency,int voltage,int volumn,int speed):cpu(rank,frequency,voltage),ram(volumn),cdrom(speed) 94. { 95. cout<<"create a COMPUTER with para!"<<endl; 96. } 97. COMPUTER(COMPUTER &computer):cpu(computer.cpu),ram(computer.ram),cdrom(computer.cdrom) 98. { 99. cout<<"create a COMPUTER by copy!"<<endl; 100. } 101. void showinfo() 102. { 103. cpu.showinfo(); 104. ram.showinfo(); 105. cdrom.showinfo(); 106. } 107. ~COMPUTER() 108. { 109. cout<<"destruct a COMPUTER!"<<endl; 110. } 111. };
6-3 复数类
分数 20
作者 杨军
单位 四川师范大学
- 已知一个名为Complex的复数类,这个类包含:
(1)私有成员:实部、虚部,且均为int 型
/* 请在这里填写答案 */ int main(){ int x,y; cin>>x>>y; Complex c0(x,y); Complex c1(c0); cout<<"c1 is: "; c1.Display(); cin>>x>>y; Complex c2(x,y); cout<<"c2 is: "; c2.Display(); Complex c3; c3 = AddComplex(c1,c2); cout<<"c3 is: "; c3.Display(); return 0; }
1. 2 -3 2. 3 4
1. c1 is: 2-3i 2. c2 is: 3+4i 3. c3 is: 5+1i
1. #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2. using namespace std; 3. class Complex 4. { 5. public: 6. int real; 7. int imag; 8. Complex(int r,int i) 9. { 10. real=r; 11. imag=i; 12. } 13. Complex(const Complex &c) 14. { 15. real=c.real; 16. imag=c.imag; 17. } 18. void Display() 19. { 20. if(imag>0) 21. { 22. cout<<real<<"+"<<imag<<"i"<<endl; 23. } 24. else 25. { 26. cout<<real<<imag<<"i"<<endl; 27. } 28. } 29. Complex(const Complex& c1,const Complex& c2) 30. { 31. real=c1.real+c2.real; 32. imag=c1.imag+c2.imag; 33. } 34. Complex() 35. { 36. real; 37. imag; 38. } 39. }; 40. Complex AddComplex(Complex c1,Complex c2) 41. { 42. Complex c; 43. c.real=c1.real+c2.real; 44. c.imag=c1.imag+c2.imag; 45. return c; 46. }
6-4 定义Date类
分数 10
作者 范鹏程
单位 内蒙古师范大学
main( ) 函数定义如下
int main() { Date d1(3,25,2019); Date d2(3,30); Date d3(10); Date d4; d1.display(); d2.display(); d3.display(); d4.display(); return 0; } /* 请在这里填写答案 */
1. 3/25/2019 2. 3/30/2019 3. 10/1/2019 4. 1/1/2019
1. #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2. using namespace std; 3. class Date 4. { 5. private: 6. int year; 7. int month; 8. int day; 9. public: 10. Date(int d=1,int m=1,int y=2019) 11. { 12. day=d; 13. month=m; 14. year=y; 15. }; 16. void display() 17. { 18. cout<<day<<"/"<<month<<"/"<<year<<endl; 19. } 20. };
6-5 学生类的构造与析构
分数 10
作者 范鹏程
单位 内蒙古师范大学
/* 请在这里填写答案 */ int main() {Student stud1(10010,"Wang_li",'f'); stud1.display(); Student stud2(10011,"Zhang_fun",'m'); stud2.display(); return 0; }
1. Constructor called. 2. num:10010 3. name:Wang_li 4. sex:f 5. 6. Constructor called. 7. num:10011 8. name:Zhang_fun 9. sex:m 10. 11. Destructor called. 12. Destructor called.
1. #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2. using namespace std; 3. class Student 4. { 5. private: 6. int number; 7. string name; 8. char sex; 9. public: 10. Student(int num,string n,char s) 11. { 12. cout<<"Constructor called."<<endl; 13. number=num; 14. name=n; 15. sex=s; 16. } 17. void display() 18. { 19. cout<<"num:"<<number<<endl; 20. cout<<"name:"<<name<<endl; 21. cout<<"sex:"<<sex<<endl; 22. cout<<endl; 23. } 24. ~Student() 25. { 26. cout<<"Destructor called."<<endl; 27. } 28. };