【解决方案 二十三】带单位的数值转大写人民币金额

简介: 【解决方案 二十三】带单位的数值转大写人民币金额

最近接到一个任务,要去把普通的数值带着单位转大写人民币金额,例如:5.2 万元 转为大写:伍万贰仟元,这其中可以拆解为两个任务,一个是数值转人民币大写,还有一个就是把单位体现进来,为了解耦合,我决定把逻辑分为两部分处理:

  • 只进行数值转大写人民币,不关心单位
  • 拿到数值后*单位,然后进行冗余0的去除,再调用数值转大写人民币方法


MoneyConvert 全部代码实现类

package com.example.springboot.service;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
 * 金额转换
public class MoneyConvert {
     * 整数部分单位
    static String[] cashUnitLeft = {"元", "拾", "佰", "仟", "万", "拾", "佰", "仟", "亿", "拾", "佰", "仟", "万"};
     * 小数部分单位
    static String[] cashUnitRight = {"角", "分", "厘"};
     * 大写数字
    static String[] upperNumber = {"零", "壹", "贰", "弎", "肆", "伍", "陆", "柒", "捌", "玖"};
     * 移除所有BigDecimal的废弃补0
     * @param money the money
     * @return the big decimal
    public static BigDecimal removeAmtLastZero(BigDecimal money) {
        String strMoney = money.toString();
        if (strMoney.indexOf('.') != -1) {
            String[] arr = strMoney.split("\\.");
            String strDecimals = arr[1];
            List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
            boolean isCanAdd = false;
            for (int i = strDecimals.length() - 1; i > -1; i--) {
                String ss = String.valueOf(strDecimals.charAt(i));
                if (!ss.equals("0")) {
                    isCanAdd = true;
                if (!ss.equals("0") || isCanAdd) {
            StringBuilder strZero = new StringBuilder();
            for (int i = list.size() - 1; i > -1; i--) {
            strMoney = String.format("%s.%s", arr[0], strZero);
        return new BigDecimal(strMoney);
     * 金额转换
     * @param money the money
     * @return the string
    public static String convert(BigDecimal money) {
        String moneyString = money.toString();
        try {
            if (moneyString.contains(".")) {                        //把数值分为整数型和带小数的数值分开处理。
                String left = moneyString.substring(0, moneyString.indexOf("."));
                String right = moneyString.substring(moneyString.indexOf(".") + 1);
                return convertLeft(left) + convertRight(right);
            } else {
                return convertLeft(moneyString);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            return null;
     * 整数部分金额转换
     * @param left the money
     * @return the string
    private static String convertLeft(String left) {
        int length = left.length();
        if (length <= 4) {
            if (length == 1 && Integer.parseInt(left) == 0) {
                return "零元";
            return convertPart(left, length);
        } else if (length <= 8) {
            String part1 = left.substring(0, length - 4);
            String part2 = left.substring(length - 4, length);
            String result1 = convertPart(part1, length);
            String result2 = convertPart(part2, 4);
            return result1 + result2;
        } else if (length <= 12) {
            String part1 = left.substring(0, length - 8);            //截取单位为'亿'部分数值。
            String part2 = left.substring(length - 8, length - 4);    //截取单位为'万'部分数值。
            String part3 = left.substring(length - 4, length);        //截取单位为'元'部分数值。
            String result1 = convertPart(part1, length);            //转换单位为'亿'部分数值。
            String result2 = convertPart(part2, 8);                    //转换单位为'万'部分数值。
            String result3 = convertPart(part3, 4);                    //转换单位为'元'部分数值。
            String result = result1 + result2 + result3;
            return result;
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("超出转换数值范围!");
     * 小部分金额转换
     * @param right the money
     * @return the string
    private static String convertRight(String right) {
        String result = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < right.length(); i++) {
            String detail = right.substring(i, i + 1);
            int value = Integer.parseInt(detail);
            String number = upperNumber[value];
            String unit = cashUnitRight[i];
            result = result.concat(number).concat(unit);
        result = result.replaceAll("零角", "").replaceAll("零分", "").replaceAll("零厘", "");
        return result;
     * 具体金额转换
     * @param part     the money
     * @param position the money
     * @return the string
    private static String convertPart(String part, int position) {
        String result = "";
        if (part.equals("0000") && position == 8) {
            return "";
        for (int i = 0; i < part.length(); i++) {
            int value = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(part.charAt(i)));
            String number = upperNumber[value];
            String unit = cashUnitLeft[position - 1 - i];
            result = result.concat(number).concat(unit);
        result = result.replaceAll("零仟", "零").replaceAll("零佰", "零")
                .replaceAll("零拾", "零").replaceAll("零零", "零")
                .replaceAll("零零", "零").replaceAll("零亿", "亿")
                .replaceAll("零万", "万").replaceAll("零元", "元");
        return result;


package com.example.springboot;
import com.example.springboot.service.MoneyConvert;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
 * * @Name MoneyConvertTest
 * * @Description
 * * @author tianmaolin
 * * @Date 2022/2/25
public class MoneyConvertTest {
    public void moneyConvertTest() {
        //1 准备数据,金额值以及金额单位,金额单位为万时,值为10000
        BigDecimal money_one = new BigDecimal("0.2343678");
        BigDecimal money_two = new BigDecimal("5.2");
        BigDecimal money_three = new BigDecimal("500.00000");
        BigDecimal unit = new BigDecimal("10000");
        //2 数字转大写人民币前进行预处理
        System.out.println("Before convert:" + money_one + "," + money_two + "," + money_three);
        System.out.println("Before convert with unit:" + money_one.multiply(unit) + "," + money_two.multiply(unit) + "," + money_three.multiply(unit));
        System.out.println("Before convert with unit remove 0:" + MoneyConvert.removeAmtLastZero(money_one.multiply(unit)) + "," + MoneyConvert.removeAmtLastZero(money_two.multiply(unit)) + "," + MoneyConvert.removeAmtLastZero(money_three.multiply(unit)));
        //2 金额转写逻辑
        String result_one = MoneyConvert.convert(MoneyConvert.removeAmtLastZero(money_one.multiply(unit)));
        String result_two = MoneyConvert.convert(MoneyConvert.removeAmtLastZero(money_two.multiply(unit)));
        String result_three = MoneyConvert.convert(MoneyConvert.removeAmtLastZero(money_three.multiply(unit)));
        System.out.println("After convert result_one:" + result_one);
        System.out.println("After convert result_two:" + result_two);
        System.out.println("After convert result_three:" + result_three);


Before convert:0.2343678,5.2,500.00000
Before convert with unit:2343.6780000,52000.0,5000000.00000
Before convert with unit remove 0:2343.678,52000,5000000
After convert result_one:贰仟弎佰肆拾弎元陆角柒分捌厘
After convert result_two:伍万贰仟元
After convert result_three:伍佰万元

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原文:c#金额转换成中文大写金额 2018-08-24 转别人 c#金额转换成中文大写金额 /// /// 金额转换成中文大写金额 /// /// eg:10.
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