解决requests.exceptions.MissingSchema: Invalid URL ‘xxx‘: No schema supplied. Perhaps you meant“xxx”

简介: 解决requests.exceptions.MissingSchema: Invalid URL ‘xxx‘: No schema supplied. Perhaps you meant“xxx”


import requests
a=requests.get(url="www.baidu.com")   #缺少协议,这样请求会报错
b=requests.get(url="http://www.baidu.com")   #加入协议后就能正确访问
监控 安全 网络安全
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【5月更文挑战第6天】Failed password for invalid user www from xx.xx.xx.xxx port xxxxx ssh2 问题处理
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缓存 JavaScript
报错:cannot read properties of undefined “reading url“
报错:cannot read properties of undefined “reading url“
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ebSocket connection to ‘wss://xxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/‘ failed:
ebSocket connection to ‘wss://xxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/‘ failed:
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【Java异常】feign.FeignException: status 400 reading xxx#xxxx(String); content:
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HttpMessageNotReadableException: Required request body is missing: xxx.controller.login(xxx)...
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HttpMessageNotReadableException: Required request body is missing: xxx.controller.login(xxx)...
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成功解决404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on the server. If yo
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