刘金玉的零基础VB教程072期:贪吃蛇游戏开发第八节 总结 补充从尾部开始变长

简介: 刘金玉的零基础VB教程072期:贪吃蛇游戏开发第八节 总结 补充从尾部开始变长


贪吃蛇游戏开发第八节 总结 补充从尾部开始变长



Redim preserve











Private Type Color
    R As Integer
    G As Integer
    B As Integer
End Type
Private Type Food
    X As Single
    Y As Single
    C As Color
End Type
Private Type Node '每一节蛇身
    D As Integer '37左38上39右40下
    X As Single 'left
    Y As Single 'top
    C As Color '表示蛇身颜色
End Type
Dim W As Integer '每一节蛇身宽度
Dim sno() As Node '声明一条蛇,是动态数组
Dim currentDirect As Integer '代表蛇运动的当前方向
Dim n As Long '代表蛇身结点数
Private WithEvents timer1 As Timer
Private WithEvents lblscore As Label '自定义一个标签控件记录分数
Private WithEvents lblinfo As Label '定义信息说明,例如用于按下空格键暂停与开始
Dim score As Long
Dim goods As Food
Function init()
WindowState = 2 '窗体最大化
AutoRedraw = True '自动重绘
W = 200
currentDirect = 39 '默认向右运动
n = 5
ReDim sno(n) As Node
Dim R%, G%, B%
R = Int(Rnd * 256)
G = Int(Rnd * 256)
B = Int(Rnd * 256)
Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To UBound(sno) Step 1
    sno(i).D = currentDirect
    sno(i).X = ScaleWidth / 2 + i * W
    sno(i).Y = ScaleHeight / 2
    sno(i).C.R = R
    sno(i).C.G = G
    sno(i).C.B = B
Next i
Call rndFood
End Function
Function rndFood()
goods.X = Int(Rnd * (ScaleWidth - W))
goods.Y = Int(Rnd * (ScaleHeight - W))
goods.C.R = Int(Rnd * 256)
goods.C.G = Int(Rnd * 256)
goods.C.B = Int(Rnd * 256)
End Function
Function drawFood()
Line (goods.X, goods.Y)-(goods.X + W, goods.Y + W), RGB(goods.C.R, goods.C.G, goods.C.B), BF
End Function
Function drawSnake()
Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To UBound(sno) Step 1
    Line (sno(i).X, sno(i).Y)-(sno(i).X + W, sno(i).Y + W), RGB(sno(i).C.R, sno(i).C.G, sno(i).C.B), BF
Next i
End Function
Private Sub Form_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 32 And timer1.Enabled = True Then '暂停游戏
    timer1.Enabled = False
    lblinfo.Visible = True
Else '开始游戏
    timer1.Enabled = True
    lblinfo.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
If Abs(currentDirect - KeyCode) <> 2 And Abs(currentDirect - KeyCode) < 4 Then currentDirect = KeyCode
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Call init
Call drawSnake
Set timer1 = Controls.Add("vb.timer", "timer1")
timer1.Interval = 100
timer1.Enabled = True
Set lblscore = Controls.Add("vb.label", "lblscore")
lblscore.AutoSize = True
lblscore.BackStyle = vbTransparent
lblscore.Caption = "得分:" & score
lblscore.Move 100, 100
lblscore.Visible = True
Set lblinfo = Controls.Add("vb.label", "lblinfo")
lblinfo.AutoSize = True
lblinfo.BackStyle = vbTransparent
lblinfo.Caption = "暂停,按空格键开始"
lblinfo.FontSize = 20
lblinfo.Move ScaleWidth / 2 - lblinfo.Width / 2, ScaleHeight / 2 - lblinfo.Height
lblinfo.Visible = False
End Sub
Function sport()
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To UBound(sno) Step 1
    sno(i - 1) = sno(i)
Next i
If currentDirect = 37 Then
    sno(UBound(sno)).X = sno(UBound(sno)).X - W
ElseIf currentDirect = 38 Then
    sno(UBound(sno)).Y = sno(UBound(sno)).Y - W
ElseIf currentDirect = 39 Then
    sno(UBound(sno)).X = sno(UBound(sno)).X + W
ElseIf currentDirect = 40 Then
    sno(UBound(sno)).Y = sno(UBound(sno)).Y + W
End If
End Function
Private Sub timer1_Timer()
Call sport
Call drawSnake
If isCrashWall Then
    If MsgBox("GAME OVER !是否重新开始?", vbYesNo, "游戏结束") = vbYes Then
        Call init
    End If
End If
Call drawFood
If isEatFood Then
    n = n + 1
    score = score + 1
    lblscore.Caption = "得分:" & score
    ReDim Preserve sno(n)
    'sno(n).D = currentDirect
    'sno(n).C.R = goods.C.R
    'sno(n).C.G = goods.C.G
    'sno(n).C.B = goods.C.B
    'If currentDirect = 37 Then
    '    sno(n).X = sno(n - 1).X - W
    '    sno(n).Y = sno(n - 1).Y
    'ElseIf currentDirect = 39 Then
    '    sno(n).X = sno(n - 1).X + W
    '    sno(n).Y = sno(n - 1).Y
    'ElseIf currentDirect = 38 Then
    '    sno(n).X = sno(n - 1).X
    '    sno(n).Y = sno(n - 1).Y - W
    'ElseIf currentDirect = 40 Then
    '    sno(n).X = sno(n - 1).X
    '    sno(n).Y = sno(n - 1).Y + W
    'End If
    '移动数据,往后 一格
    Dim i As Long
    For i = n To 1 Step -1
        sno(i) = sno(i - 1)
    Next i
    If currentDirect = 37 Then
        sno(0).X = sno(0).X + W
        sno(0).Y = sno(0).Y
    ElseIf currentDirect = 39 Then
        sno(0).X = sno(0).X - W
        sno(0).Y = sno(0).Y
    ElseIf currentDirect = 38 Then
        sno(0).X = sno(0).X
        sno(0).Y = sno(0).Y + W
    ElseIf currentDirect = 40 Then
        sno(0).X = sno(0).X
        sno(0).Y = sno(0).Y - W
    End If
    sno(n).C.R = goods.C.R
    sno(n).C.G = goods.C.G
    sno(n).C.B = goods.C.B
    Call rndFood
End If
End Sub
Function isCrashWall() As Boolean
isCrashWall = False
If sno(UBound(sno)).X + W > ScaleWidth _
  Or sno(UBound(sno)).X < 0 _
  Or sno(UBound(sno)).Y < 0 _
  Or sno(UBound(sno)).Y + W > ScaleHeight Then
    isCrashWall = True '撞到了
End If
End Function
Function isEatFood()
isEatFood = False
If sno(UBound(sno)).X + W > goods.X _
   And sno(UBound(sno)).X < goods.X + W _
   And sno(UBound(sno)).Y + W > goods.Y _
   And sno(UBound(sno)).Y < goods.Y + W Then
    isEatFood = True
End If
End Function
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