


 * The SBX dboard
class sbx_xcvr : public xcvr_dboard_base{
    sbx_xcvr(ctor_args_t args);


    uhd::dict<std::string, double> _tx_gains, _rx_gains;
    double       _rx_lo_freq, _tx_lo_freq;
    std::string  _tx_ant, _rx_ant;
    bool _rx_lo_lock_cache, _tx_lo_lock_cache;

    void set_rx_ant(const std::string &ant);
    void set_tx_ant(const std::string &ant);
    double set_rx_gain(double gain, const std::string &name);
    double set_tx_gain(double gain, const std::string &name);

    void update_atr(void);

     * Set the LO frequency for the particular dboard unit.
     * \param unit which unit rx or tx
     * \param target_freq the desired frequency in Hz
     * \return the actual frequency in Hz
    virtual double set_lo_freq(dboard_iface::unit_t unit, double target_freq);

     * Get the lock detect status of the LO.
     * \param unit which unit rx or tx
     * \return true for locked
    sensor_value_t get_locked(dboard_iface::unit_t unit);

     * Flash the LEDs
    void flash_leds(void);

     * Version-agnostic ABC that wraps version-specific implementations of the
     * WBX base daughterboard.
     * This class is an abstract base class, and thus is impossible to
     * instantiate.
    class sbx_versionx {
        sbx_versionx() {}
        ~sbx_versionx(void) {}

        virtual double set_lo_freq(dboard_iface::unit_t unit, double target_freq) = 0;

     * Version 3 of the SBX Daughterboard
    class sbx_version3 : public sbx_versionx {
        sbx_version3(sbx_xcvr *_self_sbx_xcvr);

        double set_lo_freq(dboard_iface::unit_t unit, double target_freq);

        /*! This is the registered instance of the wrapper class, sbx_base. */
        sbx_xcvr *self_base;

     * Version 4 of the SBX Daughterboard
     * The only difference in the fourth revision is the ADF4351 vs the ADF4350.
    class sbx_version4 : public sbx_versionx {
        sbx_version4(sbx_xcvr *_self_sbx_xcvr);

        double set_lo_freq(dboard_iface::unit_t unit, double target_freq);

        /*! This is the registered instance of the wrapper class, sbx_base. */
        sbx_xcvr *self_base;

     * CBX daughterboard
     * The only driver difference between SBX and CBX is the MAX2870 vs. ADF435x.
     * There is also no LO filter switching required, but the GPIO is left blank
     * so we don't worry about it.
    class cbx : public sbx_versionx {
        cbx(sbx_xcvr *_self_sbx_xcvr);

        double set_lo_freq(dboard_iface::unit_t unit, double target_freq);

        /*! This is the registered instance of the wrapper class, sbx_base. */
        sbx_xcvr *self_base;

     * Frequency range of the daughterboard; this is set in the constructor
     * to correspond either to SBX or CBX.
    freq_range_t freq_range;

     * Handle to the version-specific implementation of the SBX.
     * Since many of this class's functions are dependent on the version of the
     * SBX board, this class will instantiate an object of the appropriate
     * sbx_version* subclass, and invoke any relevant functions through that
     * object.  This pointer is set to the proper object at construction time.
    typedef boost::shared_ptr<sbx_versionx> sbx_versionx_sptr;
    sbx_versionx_sptr db_actual;

// Common IO Pins
#define LO_LPF_EN       (1 << 15)

// TX IO Pins
#define TRSW            (1 << 14)               // 0 = TX, 1 = RX
#define TX_LED_TXRX     (1 << 7)                // LED for TX Antenna Selection TX/RX
#define TX_LED_LD       (1 << 6)                // LED for TX Lock Detect
#define DIS_POWER_TX    (1 << 5)                // on UNIT_TX, 0 powers up TX
#define TX_ENABLE       (1 << 4)                // on UNIT_TX, 0 disables TX Mixer

// RX IO Pins
#define LNASW           (1 << 14)               // 0 = TX/RX, 1 = RX2
#define RX_LED_RX1RX2   (1 << 7)                // LED for RX Antenna Selection RX1/RX2
#define RX_LED_LD       (1 << 6)                // LED for RX Lock Detect
#define DIS_POWER_RX    (1 << 5)                // on UNIT_RX, 0 powers up RX
#define RX_DISABLE      (1 << 4)                // on UNIT_RX, 1 disables RX Mixer and Baseband

// TX Attenuator Pins
#define TX_ATTN_SHIFT   8                       // lsb of TX Attenuator Control
#define TX_ATTN_MASK    (63 << TX_ATTN_SHIFT)   // valid bits of TX Attenuator Control

// Mixer functions
#define TX_MIXER_DIS    0

#define RX_MIXER_ENB    (ADF435X_PDBRF)
#define RX_MIXER_DIS    0

// Pin functions
#define TX_LED_IO       (TX_LED_TXRX|TX_LED_LD)     // LED gpio lines, pull down for LED

#define RX_LED_IO       (RX_LED_RX1RX2|RX_LED_LD)   // LED gpio lines, pull down for LED

// Power functions
#define TX_POWER_UP     (ADF435X_CE)

#define RX_POWER_UP     (ADF435X_CE)

// Antenna constants
#define ANT_TX          TRSW                    //the tx line is transmitting
#define ANT_RX          0                       //the tx line is receiving
#define ANT_TXRX        0                       //the rx line is on txrx
#define ANT_RX2         LNASW                   //the rx line in on rx2
#define ANT_XX          LNASW                   //dont care how the antenna is set
 * The SBX dboard constants
static const freq_range_t sbx_freq_range(400e6, 4.4e9);
static const freq_range_t cbx_freq_range(1200e6, 6.0e9);

static const freq_range_t sbx_tx_lo_2dbm = list_of
    (range_t(0.35e9, 0.37e9))

static const freq_range_t sbx_enable_tx_lo_filter = list_of
    (range_t(0.4e9, 1.5e9))

static const freq_range_t sbx_enable_rx_lo_filter = list_of
    (range_t(0.4e9, 1.5e9))

static const std::vector<std::string> sbx_tx_antennas = list_of("TX/RX")("CAL");

static const std::vector<std::string> sbx_rx_antennas = list_of("TX/RX")("RX2")("CAL");

static const uhd::dict<std::string, gain_range_t> sbx_tx_gain_ranges = map_list_of
    ("PGA0", gain_range_t(0, 31.5, double(0.5)))

static const uhd::dict<std::string, gain_range_t> sbx_rx_gain_ranges = map_list_of
    ("PGA0", gain_range_t(0, 31.5, double(0.5)))

 * Antenna Handling
void sbx_xcvr::update_atr(void){
    //calculate atr pins
    int rx_pga0_iobits = rx_pga0_gain_to_iobits(_rx_gains["PGA0"]);
    int tx_pga0_iobits = tx_pga0_gain_to_iobits(_tx_gains["PGA0"]);
    int rx_lo_lpf_en = (_rx_lo_freq == sbx_enable_rx_lo_filter.clip(_rx_lo_freq)) ? LO_LPF_EN : 0;
    int tx_lo_lpf_en = (_tx_lo_freq == sbx_enable_tx_lo_filter.clip(_tx_lo_freq)) ? LO_LPF_EN : 0;
    int rx_ld_led = _rx_lo_lock_cache ? 0 : RX_LED_LD;
    int tx_ld_led = _tx_lo_lock_cache ? 0 : TX_LED_LD;
    int rx_ant_led = _rx_ant == "TX/RX" ? RX_LED_RX1RX2 : 0;
    int tx_ant_led = _tx_ant == "TX/RX" ? 0 : TX_LED_TXRX;

    //setup the tx atr (this does not change with antenna)
    this->get_iface()->set_atr_reg(dboard_iface::UNIT_TX, \
            dboard_iface::ATR_REG_IDLE, 0 | tx_lo_lpf_en \
            | tx_ld_led | tx_ant_led | TX_POWER_UP | ANT_XX | TX_MIXER_DIS);

    //setup the rx atr (this does not change with antenna)
    this->get_iface()->set_atr_reg(dboard_iface::UNIT_RX, \
            dboard_iface::ATR_REG_IDLE, rx_pga0_iobits | rx_lo_lpf_en \
            | rx_ld_led | rx_ant_led | RX_POWER_UP | ANT_XX | RX_MIXER_DIS);

    //set the RX atr regs that change with antenna setting
    this->get_iface()->set_atr_reg(dboard_iface::UNIT_RX, \
            dboard_iface::ATR_REG_RX_ONLY, rx_pga0_iobits | rx_lo_lpf_en \
            | rx_ld_led | rx_ant_led | RX_POWER_UP | RX_MIXER_ENB \
            | ((_rx_ant != "RX2")? ANT_TXRX : ANT_RX2));
    this->get_iface()->set_atr_reg(dboard_iface::UNIT_RX, \
            dboard_iface::ATR_REG_TX_ONLY, rx_pga0_iobits | rx_lo_lpf_en \
            | rx_ld_led | rx_ant_led | RX_POWER_UP | RX_MIXER_DIS \
            | ((_rx_ant == "CAL")? ANT_TXRX : ANT_RX2));
    this->get_iface()->set_atr_reg(dboard_iface::UNIT_RX, \
            dboard_iface::ATR_REG_FULL_DUPLEX, rx_pga0_iobits | rx_lo_lpf_en \
            | rx_ld_led | rx_ant_led | RX_POWER_UP | RX_MIXER_ENB \
            | ((_rx_ant == "CAL")? ANT_TXRX : ANT_RX2));

    //set the TX atr regs that change with antenna setting
    this->get_iface()->set_atr_reg(dboard_iface::UNIT_TX, \
            dboard_iface::ATR_REG_RX_ONLY, 0 | tx_lo_lpf_en \
            | tx_ld_led | tx_ant_led | TX_POWER_UP | TX_MIXER_DIS \
            | ((_rx_ant != "RX2")? ANT_RX : ANT_TX));
    this->get_iface()->set_atr_reg(dboard_iface::UNIT_TX, \
            dboard_iface::ATR_REG_TX_ONLY, tx_pga0_iobits | tx_lo_lpf_en \
            | tx_ld_led | tx_ant_led | TX_POWER_UP | TX_MIXER_ENB \
            | ((_tx_ant == "CAL")? ANT_RX : ANT_TX));
    this->get_iface()->set_atr_reg(dboard_iface::UNIT_TX, \
            dboard_iface::ATR_REG_FULL_DUPLEX, tx_pga0_iobits | tx_lo_lpf_en \
            | tx_ld_led | tx_ant_led | TX_POWER_UP | TX_MIXER_ENB \
            | ((_tx_ant == "CAL")? ANT_RX : ANT_TX));

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