最近在学习一些verilog/system verilog for design的基础知识,觉得有些东西总结总结还是挺好的,毕竟好记性不如烂键盘;
verilog有1995和2001两个标准,之后便合入到system verilog标准中了,因此结合最近看的课总结一下语法的演进;
module | parameter | function | task | always @ |
assign | wire | reg | + = * / | % << >> |
$finish | $fopen | $fclose | $display | $write |
$monitor | `define | `ifdef `else `endif | `include | `timescale |
initial | disable | events | wait # | @ |
fork-join | intrger | real | time | packed array |
2D reg/memory |
感觉verilog-1995起点极高,for design已经基本覆盖常用的几句语法;但是for verification目测只能构造定向测试,还没有独立做随机环境的能力;
generate | localparam | constant function | @(*) | ANSI C style ports |
standard file I/O | $value$plusargs | `ifndef | `elsif | `line |
** | multi dimensional array | signed type | automatic |
显然2001的语法主要变化是代码风格的变化,C style接口风格、generate、多维阵列引入,这感觉就到了~~~不过对于verification貌似推进不大,憋大招中,毕竟马上就断更verilog标准了;
In many cases, however, the SystemVerilog source is preprocessed by some other tool, and the line and file
information of the original source file can be lost.
The `line compiler directive can be used to specify the original source code line number and file name.
For example:
`line 3 "orig.v" 2
// This line is line 3 of orig.v after exiting include file
SystemVerilog IEEE 1800 新增
interface | modport | program | virtual | import |
export | pure | context | DPI | package |
bind | logic | bit | byte | shortint |
longint | int | void | shortreal | packed |
unpacked | dynamic | queue | const | alias |
type | var | string | unique | priority |
do while | foreach | return | break | continue |
finial | iff | always_comb | always_latch | always_ff |
join_any | join_none | wait fork | rand randc | dist with |
constraint_mode | randsequence | semaphore | mailbox | assert |
assume | cover | property | sequence | within/... |
##N | clocking | covergroup | bins | cast |
class | new | statci | extend | super |
从system verilog标准开始,整体变化极大,system verilog作为verilog的超集,感觉上是想大幅提升RTL代码的抽象程度以及减少对底层的感知,引入interface/logic/var/always_comb/always_latch/always_ff/unique case/priority case以及结构体struct等一系列结构和语法,但是怎么说呢,个人觉得除了interface和packed struct能大幅增加代码的可阅读型以及减少代码量外,其他的语法感知不强;
但是对于验证维度来说,system verilog终于拯救了大家,oop曙光终将照耀大地~covergroup、assert、rand的引入逐步开始拓展出了随机验证,以至后面VMM/OVM/UVM的验证方法学。