1. junit的运行流程
2. junit的主要类的具体分析。
/** * Created by xiang.wei on 2018/3/21 * * @author xiang.wei */ public class Calculator { public int add(int a, int b) { return a + b; } public int subtract(int a, int b) { return a - b; } public int multiply(int a, int b) { return a * b; } public int divide(int a, int b) { return a / b; } }
import junit.framework.Assert; import junit.framework.TestCase; /** * Created by xiang.wei on 2018/3/21 * * @author xiang.wei */ public class CalculatorTest extends TestCase { @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { System.out.println("测试开始"); } public void testAdd() { Calculator calculator = new Calculator(); int result = calculator.add(1, 2); // 判断方法的返回结果 Assert.assertEquals(3, result);// 第一个参数是期望值,第二个参数是要验证的值 } public void testSubtract() { Calculator calculator = new Calculator(); int result = calculator.subtract(1, 2); // 判断方法的返回结果 Assert.assertEquals(-1, result);// 第一个参数是期望值,第二个参数是要验证的值 } public void testMultiply() { Calculator calculator = new Calculator(); int result = calculator.multiply(2, 3); // 判断方法的返回结果 Assert.assertEquals(6, result);// 第一个参数是期望值,第二个参数是要验证的值 } public void testDivide() { Calculator calculator = new Calculator(); int result = calculator.divide(12, 3); // 判断方法的返回结果 Assert.assertEquals(4, result);// 第一个参数是期望值,第二个参数是要验证的值 } public void testFail(){ fail("失败测试"); } @Override public void tearDown() throws Exception { System.out.println("测试结束"); } }
1. 测试用例
public void testAdd() { Calculator calculator = new Calculator(); int result = calculator.add(1, 2); // 判断方法的返回结果 Assert.assertEquals(3, result);// 第一个参数是期望值,第二个参数是要验证的值 }
入口程序 TestRunner类的doRun方法
public TestResult doRun(Test suite, boolean wait) { TestResult result= createTestResult(); //添加抽象观察者 result.addListener(fPrinter); long startTime= System.currentTimeMillis(); //执行测试用例 suite.run(result); long endTime= System.currentTimeMillis(); long runTime= endTime-startTime; //打印结果 fPrinter.print(result, runTime); pause(wait); return result; }
TestCase 类的run方法
public abstract class TestCase extends Assert implements Test{ public void run(TestResult result) { result.run(this); } }
protected void run(final TestCase test) { startTest(test); Protectable p= new Protectable() { public void protect() throws Throwable { //具体运行测试用例,此处调用了TestCase类里的方法 test.runBare(); } }; runProtected(test, p); endTest(test); } // 一个测试用例开始前设置一些信息 public void startTest(Test test) { final int count= test.countTestCases(); synchronized(this) { fRunTests+= count; } for (Enumeration e= cloneListeners().elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { ((TestListener)e.nextElement()).startTest(test); } }
PS: 具体执行测试用例的方法:
public abstract class TestCase extends Assert implements Test { public void runBare() throws Throwable { setUp(); try { runTest(); } finally { tearDown(); } } /** * Override to run the test and assert its state. * @exception Throwable if any exception is thrown */ protected void runTest() throws Throwable { assertNotNull(fName); Method runMethod= null; try { // use getMethod to get all public inherited // methods. getDeclaredMethods returns all // methods of this class but excludes the // inherited ones. runMethod= getClass().getMethod(fName, null); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { fail("Method \""+fName+"\" not found"); } if (!Modifier.isPublic(runMethod.getModifiers())) { fail("Method \""+fName+"\" should be public"); } try { runMethod.invoke(this, new Class[0]); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { e.fillInStackTrace(); throw e.getTargetException(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.fillInStackTrace(); throw e; } } }
synchronized void print(TestResult result, long runTime) { printHeader(runTime); printErrors(result); printFailures(result); printFooter(result); }