【High 翻天】Higer-order Networks with Battiston Federico (6)

简介: 同步是两个或两个以上耦合动力系统的出现顺序,常见于物理、生物和社会系统中。在网络同步中,图的每个节点都是一个动态系统,它的动态通过成对的相互作用受到相邻节点的影响。当相互作用使所有或宏观部分的扰动达到相干状态时,同步就发生了。



Phase oscillators

Kuramoto 模型及其高阶变形

Kuramoto 模型 是一个比较原始的模型。在该模型的动力学可描述为:$$\dot{\theta}_{i} = \omega_{i} + \frac{K_{1}}{N}\sum_{j = 1}^{N} \sin(\theta_{j} - \theta_{i}).$$ 其中,$\omega_{i}$ 表示服从某一分布的固有频率,$K_{1}$ 是耦合常数,$N$ 是振子个数,$\theta_{i} \in [0, 2 \pi]$ 表示相位。在这个系统中,有两种相反的驱动力在起作用:固有频率的非均匀性使得振子远离同步,而相互作用力又使得其趋于同步。通过 meanfield reduction approaches1 有效地将该模型简化为稳定的低维同步流形。事实上,该模型可以拓展到非全连接的状态,即 $$\dot{\theta}_{i} = \omega_{i} + \frac{K_{1}}{N}\sum_{j = 1}^{N} a_{i j} \sin(\theta_{j} - \theta_{i}).$$


模型描述 动力学表示
纯三体相互作用情形 $$\dot{\theta}_{i} = \omega_{i} + \frac{K_{2}}{N^{2}} \sum_{j = 1}^{N} \sum_{k = 1}^{N} \sin(\theta_{j} + \theta_{k} - 2 \theta_{i})$$
兼具二体三体相互作用情形 $$\dot{\theta}_{i} = \omega_{i} + \frac{K_{1}}{N}\sum_{j = 1}^{N} a_{i j} \sin(\theta_{j} - \theta_{i}) + \frac{K_{2}}{N^{2}} \sum_{j = 1}^{N} \sum_{k = 1}^{N} \sin(\theta_{j} - \theta_{i}) \cos(\theta_{k} - \theta_{i})$$




Ashwin, Bick, Rodrigues, and coworkers have produced a series of important contributions for phase reduction of populations of identical oscillators. They have suggested that interactions beyond
pairwise might be the only way to unfold some degeneracies and unlock nontrivial dynamics. Aswhin and Rodrigues have shown that the application of phase reduction to a systems of generic nonlinear identical systems with global symmetric coupling yields the Kuramoto-Sakaguchi at the lowest order, but at the next order, terms including 2-, 3-, and 4-body interactions naturally emerge.



  1. C. Bick, M. Goodfellow, C.R. Laing, E.A. Martens, Understanding the dynamics of biological and neural oscillator networks through exact mean-field reductions: A review, J. Math. Neurosci. 10 (1) (2020) 1--43.
机器学习/深度学习 人工智能 物联网
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【High 翻天】Higer-order Networks with Battiston Federico (8)
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【High 翻天】Higer-order Networks with Battiston Federico (8)