解决办法:Could not find bison

简介: 解决办法:Could not find bison
装R包(package)error:(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)installation of package had non-zero exit status]
装R包(package)error:(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)installation of package had non-zero exit status]
dpkg:错误:正在解析文件 '/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0014' 第 0 行附近:在字段名 #padding 中有换行符问题的解决方法
dpkg:错误:正在解析文件 '/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0014' 第 0 行附近:在字段名 #padding 中有换行符问题的解决方法
690 0
dpkg:错误:正在解析文件 '/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0014' 第 0 行附近:在字段名 #padding 中有换行符问题的解决方法
开发工具 git
编译pluma:configure.ac:229: error: required file ‘pluma/mate-submodules/Makefile.in‘ not found
编译pluma:configure.ac:229: error: required file ‘pluma/mate-submodules/Makefile.in‘ not found
131 0
解决办法:.No package ‘freetype2‘ found
解决办法:.No package ‘freetype2‘ found
377 0
编译器 C语言
CodeBlocks出现Can‘t find compiler executable in your search path for GNU GCC Compier错误
CodeBlocks出现Can‘t find compiler executable in your search path for GNU GCC Compier错误
490 0
CodeBlocks出现Can‘t find compiler executable in your search path for GNU GCC Compier错误
编译OpenJDK8:configure: could not find or use freetype at location
编译OpenJDK8:configure: could not find or use freetype at location
169 0
编译OpenJDK8:configure: error: Could not find all X11 headers
编译OpenJDK8:configure: error: Could not find all X11 headers
165 0
Shell Linux
1399 0