1.plt.plot() 画图函数
plt.plot(x,y,label, ls, linewidth, color,marker)
plt.legend()的作用:在plt.plot() 定义后plt.legend() 会显示该 label 的内容,否则会报error: No handles with labels found to put in legend. plt.xlabel(‘横坐标显示内容’,fontproperties=font_set) plt.ylabel(‘纵坐标显示内容/m’,fontproperties=font_set) 如果是中文必须设置字体,不然显示不出来
import csv import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties #设置宋体字体,不然中文字体无法正常显示 font_set = FontProperties(fname=r"c:\windows\fonts\simsun.ttc", size=20) # 读取csv数据 def readCsv(path): pose = [] with open(path) as f: f_csv = csv.reader(f) # headers = next(f_csv) for row in f_csv: p = [float(row[0]), float(row[1])] pose.append(p) return pose def drawPic(data): plt.figure(figsize=(13, 8)) color = ['black','red'] label = ["参考路径", 'PPO-PID'] linestyle = ['--', '-.'] linewidth = [2, 2] for j in range(len(data)): x = [] y = [] for p in data[j]: x.append(p[0]) y.append(p[1]) plt.plot(x,y,label=label[j], ls=linestyle[j], linewidth=linewidth[j], color=color[j]) plt.legend(prop={'family':'SimSun','size':15}) plt.xlabel('横向位置/m',fontproperties=font_set) plt.ylabel('纵向位置/m',fontproperties=font_set) # plt.axis('off') plt.show() path_name1 = 'H:/python-workspace/PPO-PyTorch-master/参考路径.csv' path_name2 = 'C:/Users/yangqiang/Documents/WeChat Files/wxid_7089350895312/FileStorage/File/2022-04/车体坐标 - 副本.csv' pose1 = readCsv(path_name1) pose2 = readCsv(path_name2) # 多条轨迹组成数据集 [pose1, pose2, pose3...] data = [pose1,pose2] drawPic(data)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # 各个点的经纬度及编号 l = [[120.7015202, 36.37423, 0], [120.7056165, 36.37248342, 4], [120.70691, 36.37579616, 3], [120.7031731, 36.37753964, 5], [120.7011609, 36.37905063, 10], [120.6973521, 36.37876006, 8], [120.6928965, 36.37800457, 6], [120.6943337, 36.37521499, 7], [120.6962022, 36.37643544, 9], [120.6987175, 36.37457569, 1], [120.6997954, 36.37591239, 2], [120.7015202, 36.37423, 0]] def drawPic(dots): plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) plt.xlim(120.692, 120.708, 0.002) # x轴的刻度范围 plt.ylim(36.372, 36.380, 0.001) # y轴的刻度范围 plt.xlabel('传感器经度', fontproperties="simhei") # x轴的标题 plt.ylabel('传感器纬度', fontproperties="simhei") # y轴的标题 # 绘制各个点及点所代表地点名称 for i in range(len(dots) - 1): plt.text(l[i][0], l[i][1], '传感器' + str(l[i][2]), color='#0085c3', fontproperties="simhei") plt.plot(l[i][0], l[i][1], 'o', color='#0085c3') # 连接各个点 for i in range(len(dots) - 1): start = (l[i][0], l[i + 1][0]) end = (l[i][1], l[i + 1][1]) plt.plot(start, end, color='#0085c3') plt.show() drawPic(l)