Web 前端框架 Angular.js v1.6.0 发布了。该版本合并了之前 1.6.0 候选版本中显示的所有更改。
ngModelOptions: 允许选项从祖先继承 ngModelOptions (296cfc, #10922)
$compile: 默认设置 preAssignBindingsEnabled 为 false (bcd0d4, #15352)
implement jqLite(f) as an alias to jqLite(document).ready(f) (369fb7)
don't throw for elements with missing getAttribute (4e6c14)
don't remove a boolean attribute for .attr(attrName, '') (3faf45)
remove the attribute for .attr(attribute, null) (4e3624)
return [] for .val() on <select multiple> with no selection (d882fd)
camelCase keys in jqLite#data (fc0c11, #15126)
align jqLite camelCasing logic with JQuery (73050c, #7744)
删除弃用的回调方法: success()/error() (b54a39)
JSONP 回调必须由 jsonpCallbackParam 配置置顶 (fb6634, #15161, #11352)
JSONP 请求现在需要一个可信的资源 URL (6476af, #11352)
select: 通过使用 ngValue 支持任何类型的值添加(f02b70, #9842)
add support for binding to inputtype=range
add support for step to inputtype=number
allow ngTrim to work for inputtype=radio
$interpolate: use custom toString() function if present (a5fd2e, #7317, #11406)
allow ngView to be included in an asynchronously loaded template (c13c66, #1213)
implement resolveRedirectTo (e98656, #5150)
$q: report promises with non rejection callback (c9dffd, #13653, #7992)
$location: default hashPrefix to '!' (aa077e, #13812)
文章转载自 开源中国社区[http://www.oschina.net]