SVN更新有问题 svn The working copy at‘ ‘ is too old

简介: SVN更新有问题 svn The working copy at‘ ‘ is too old

原因:在svn是低版本时候checkout的项目 之后 我进行了升级了svn版本 然后 我再更新项目就出现如上问题



upgraded 向上提升

控制台输出:The working copy needs to be upgraded 就对了

存储 Linux
linux上SVN出现 "Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'svn://xx.xx.xx.xx/xxx' 和 No repository ...
centos上安装了svn, 有时候会不知道什么原因出现客户端小乌龟无法连接或无法提交等情况
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解决 idea中SVN一直 looking for xxx working copy root 或者performing vcs refresh
解决 idea中SVN一直 looking for xxx working copy root 或者performing vcs refresh
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存储 XML 数据格式
【SVN异常】svn: E175003: The server at ‘!/%23MyRepo/‘ does not support the HTTP/
【SVN异常】svn: E175003: The server at ‘!/%23MyRepo/‘ does not support the HTTP/
373 0
SVN报错:cannot overwrite the existing versioned item at
SVN报错:cannot overwrite the existing versioned item at
108 0
svn更新出现跳过revert复原到仓库出现异常Try 'svn revert --depth infinity' instead
svn更新出现跳过revert复原到仓库出现异常Try 'svn revert --depth infinity' instead
442 0
Intellij Idea 使用SVN更新到指定版本
Intellij Idea 使用SVN更新到指定版本
585 0
Intellij Idea 使用SVN更新到指定版本
Linux Windows
SVN更新被Locked,Can't open file 'folder/.svn/tmp/text-base/file.svn-base'
SVN更新被Locked,Can't open file 'folder/.svn/tmp/text-base/file.svn-base'
189 0
SVN更新被Locked,Can't open file 'folder/.svn/tmp/text-base/file.svn-base'
数据可视化 数据库管理
SVN更新Cleanup提示database is locked
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SVN更新Cleanup提示database is locked
svn提交更新代码提示Please execute the 'Cleanup' command 的解决办法
svn提交更新代码提示Please execute the 'Cleanup' command 的解决办法