EMQ 2.2-rc.1 版本正式发布。新增HTTP管理API监听器,修复涂鸦上报的session注册race condition问题。其他更新:
- Add a new listener for HTTP REST API (emqttd#1094)
- Fix the race condition issue caused by unregister_session/1 (emqttd#1096)
- Fix the issue that we cannot remove a down node from the cluster (emqttd#1100)
- Passed org.eclipse.paho.mqtt_sn.testing/interoperability tests (emq_sn#29)
- Fixed the issue that send http request and return non-200 status code, but AUTH/ACL result is denied (emq-auth-http#33)
- Fixed the issue that fail to stop listener (emq_stomp#24)
- Support using systemctl to manage emqttd service on CentOS
- Source code (zip)
- Source code (tar.gz)
文章转载自 开源中国社区[https://www.oschina.net]