
简介: SQL基础知识


  1. DDL - 数据定义语言:create / drop / alter
  2. DML - 数据操作语言:insert / delete / update / select
  3. DCL - 数据控制语言:grant / revoke


drop database if exists school;
create database school default charset utf8;
use school;
create table tb_student
stuid int not null comment '学号',
stuname varchar(20) not null comment '姓名',
stusex bit default 1 comment '性别',
stubirth date comment '生日',
primary key(stuid)
foreign key (collid) references tb_college (collid)
alter table tb_student add column stuaddr varchar(255);
alter table tb_student change column stuaddr stuaddr varchar(511);
alter table tb_student drop column stuaddr;
insert into tb_student values(1001,'张三',1,'1982-1-2','广东广州');
insert into tb_student(stuid,stuname) values(1002,'李四');
insert into tb_student(stuid,stuname,stusex) 
delete from tb_student where stuid=1001;
delete from tb_student where stusex=0;
update tb_student set stuaddr='广东广州' where stuid in (1002,1003);
update tb_student set stuaddr='广东广州' where stuid between 1002 and 1003;
update tb_student set stubirth='1991-10-2',stuaddr='北京' where stuname='张博';
select * from tb_student
select stuname as 姓名, 
case stusex when 1 then '男' else '女' end as 性别 from tb_student
select stuname,stubirth from tb_student where stusex=0
select * from tb_student where stubirth>='2020-1-1' and stubirth<='2022-3-1'
select * from tb_student where stubirth between '2020-1-1' and '2022-3-1'
select stuname,stusex from tb_student where stuname like '李%'
select stuname,stusex from tb_student where stuname like '李_'
select stuname,stusex from tb_student where stuname like '李__'
select stuname,stusex from tb_student where stuname like '%李%' or stuname like '%张%'
select * from tb_student where stuaddr is null;
select * from tb_student where stuaddr is not null;
select distinct stuaddr from tb_student where stuaddr is not null
select stuname,stubirth from tb_student where stusex=1 order by stubirth 
select stuname,stubirth from tb_student where stusex=1 order by stubirth desc
select stuname,year(now()-year(stubirth)) as 年龄 from tb_student where stusex=1 order by stubirth desc
select min(stubirth) from tb_student
select max(stubirth) from tb_student
select count(stuid) from tb_student
select stusex,count(stusex) from tb_student group by stusex
select stusex,min(stubirth) from tb_student group by stusex


create table tb_college
colid int auto_increment comment '编号',
colname varchar(31) not null comment '名称',
website varchar(1023) comment '网址',
primary key(colid)
insert into tb_college (colname) values ('计算机学院'),('外国语言学院'),('经济管理学院');
alter table tb_student add column colid int;
alter table tb_student add constraint fk_student_colid foreign key(colid) references tb_college(colid);
update tb_student set colid=1 where stuid between 1001 and 1002;
update tb_student set colid=2 where stuid in(1003,1004);
update tb_student set colid=3 where stuid=1005;


create table tb_teacher
teaid int not null comment '工号',
teaname varchar(20) not null comment '姓名',
teatitle varchar(10) default '助教' comment '职称',
collid int not null comment '所属学院',
primary key(teaid),
foreign key(collid) references tb_college(collid)


create table tb_course
couid int not null comment '编号',
couname varchar(50) not null comment '名称',
coucredit int not null comment '学分',
teaid int not null comment '授课老师',
primary key (couid),
foreign key (teaid) references tb_teacher(teaid)
insert into tb_course values
select couname,coucredit from tb_course
select couname as 课程名称,coucredit as 学分 from tb_course


create table tb_score
scid int auto_increment comment '选课记录编号',
stuid int not null comment '选课学生',
couid int not null comment '所选课程',
scdate datetime comment '选课时间日期',
scmark decimal(4,1) comment '考试成绩',
primary key(scid),
foreign key(stuid) references tb_student(stuid),
foreign key(couid) references tb_course(couid)
insert into tb_score values
alter table tb_score add constraint uni_score_stuid_couid unique(stuid,couid);
select distinct scdate from tb_score

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这是0xThrL的GD师傅在学习SQL注入时候写的笔记 ,也是希望可以帮助到大家,有什么问题希望各位师傅可以指出。
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一、术语关键词(Lexis)关键词是一组预定义的单词,为系统内置,区别于变量(Variable)。语法(Syntax)关键词、变量的摆放顺序语义(Semantics)由关键词和语法共同表达出的含义,即语言的含义。在编程语言中,通常不考虑修辞等语用信息。词法分析给定一段文本,建立文本中的单词和关键词/变量之间的映射的过程。产生符号表(Token List)图 1.1 词法分析示意图语法分析将词法分析
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