【SICP练习】135 练习3.66




Exercise 3.66. Examine the stream (pairs integers integers). Can you make any general comments about the order in which the pairs are placed into the stream? For example, about how many pairs precede the pair (1,100)? the pair (99,100)? the pair (100,100)? (If you can make precise mathematical statements here, all the better. But feel free to give more qualitative answers if you find yourself getting bogged down.)


1) m = n
2) m < n
(m,n)=2^m*(n-1) + 2^(m-1)-2



(define (stream-take-while pred? stream)
    (if (stream-null? stream)
        (if (pred? (stream-car stream))
            (cons-stream (stream-car stream)
                         (stream-take-while pred? (stream-cdr stream)))

(define before-1-100 (stream->list
                    (lambda (pair)
                            (not (equal? pair '(1 100))))
                   (pairs integers integers))))

;Value: before-1-100


;Value 13: ((1 1) (1 2) (2 2) (1 3) (2 3) (1 4) (3 3) (1 5) (2 4) (1 6) (3 4) (1 7) (2 5) (1 8) (4 4) (1 9) (2 6) (1 10) (3 5) (1 11) (2 7) (1 12) (4 5) (1 13) (2 8) (1 14) (3 6) (1 15) (2 9) (1 16) (5 5) (1 17) (2 10) (1 18) (3 7) (1 19) (2 11) (1 20) (4 6) (1 21) (2 12) (1 22) (3 8) (1 23) (2 13) (1 24) (5 6) (1 25) (2 14) (1 26) (3 9) (1 27) (2 15) (1 28) (4 7) (1 29) (2 16) (1 30) (3 10) (1 31) (2 17) (1 32) (6 6) (1 33) (2 18) (1 34) (3 11) (1 35) (2 19) (1 36) (4 8) (1 37) (2 20) (1 38) (3 12) (1 39) (2 21) (1 40) (5 7) (1 41) (2 22) (1 42) (3 13) (1 43) (2 23) (1 44) (4 9) (1 45) (2 24) (1 46) (3 14) (1 47) (2 25) (1 48) (6 7) (1 49) (2 26) (1 50) (3 15) (1 51) (2 27) (1 52) (4 10) (1 53) (2 28) (1 54) (3 16) (1 55) (2 29) (1 56) (5 8) (1 57) (2 30) (1 58) (3 17) (1 59) (2 31) (1 60) (4 11) (1 61) (2 32) (1 62) (3 18) (1 63) (2 33) (1 64) (7 7) (1 65) (2 34) (1 66) (3 19) (1 67) (2 35) (1 68) (4 12) (1 69) (2 36) (1 70) (3 20) (1 71) (2 37) (1 72) (5 9) (1 73) (2 38) (1 74) (3 21) (1 75) (2 39) (1 76) (4 13) (1 77) (2 40) (1 78) (3 22) (1 79) (2 41) (1 80) (6 8) (1 81) (2 42) (1 82) (3 23) (1 83) (2 43) (1 84) (4 14) (1 85) (2 44) (1 86) (3 24) (1 87) (2 45) (1 88) (5 10) (1 89) (2 46) (1 90) (3 25) (1 91) (2 47) (1 92) (4 15) (1 93) (2 48) (1 94) (3 26) (1 95) (2 49) (1 96) (7 8) (1 97) (2 50) (1 98) (3 27) (1 99) (2 51))

(length before-1-100)

;Value: 197


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【SICP练习】145 练习4.1
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【SICP练习】146 练习4.2
版权声明:转载请联系本人,感谢配合!本站地址:http://blog.csdn.net/nomasp https://blog.csdn.net/NoMasp/article/details/44729521 练习4-2 原文 Exercise 4.
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