Web Service依赖的jar包介绍

简介: This directory includes the CXF jar, the CXF manifest jar, the required dependencies, and many optional dependencies. The "modules" directory contains the cxf.jar split up into smaller pieces if

This directory includes the CXF jar, the CXF manifest jar, the required
dependencies, and many optional dependencies. The "modules" directory
contains the cxf.jar split up into smaller pieces if you wish to use only
specific parts of CXF.

The 'manifest jar' is a jar containing only a MANIFEST.MF with a classpath
that calls in all the other jar.

Jars marked with a [6] at the end are optional for Java 6 (update 4 or
later is supported) as the functionality provided by those jars are
provided in the JDK.

Some users may prefer to use axis2-saaj.jar rather than saaj-impl.jar. Both are

The following jars are required for all CXF usage:
- cxf.jar
- commons-logging.jar
- geronimo-activation.jar (Or the Sun equivalent) [6]
- geronimo-annotation.jar (Or the Sun equivalent) [6]
- geronimo-javamail.jar (Or the Sun equivalent) [6]
  (MAY be able to remove javamail if you don't use any MTOM/SAAJ type things)
- geronimo-stax-api.jar (Or the Sun equivalent) [6]
- neethi.jar
- jaxb-api.jar  [6]
- jaxb-impl.jar (this is a [6] for normal runtime, but is required for
                 tooling and the dynamic clients)
- XmlSchema.jar
- woodstox-core-asl.jar  [6] or another StAX implementation
- stax2-api-3.0.1.jar [6] for woodstox above
- wsdl4j.jar

The following jars are required for XML catalog support:
- xml-resolver.jar

For Java2WSDL and WSDL2Java:
- The above jars
- jaxb-xjc.jar
- velocity.jar
- commons-collections.jar
- commons-lang.jar
- cxf-xjc*.jar (optional, these are xjc extensions for providing enhanced
        JAXB code generation)

For JAX-WS support:
- geronimo-ws-metadata.jar [6]
- geronimo-jaxws_2.2_spec-1.0.jar (Or the Sun equivalent) [6]
- saaj-api.jar [6]
- saaj-impl.jar [6]
- asm.jar (semi-optional, helps with performance of wrapper types and is
        required when adding JAXB annotations onto the SEI methods and

For XML Configuration support:
- aopalliance.jar
- spring-beans.jar
- spring-context.jar
- spring-core.jar
- spring.web.jar
- FastInfoset.jar

For standalone HTTP support:
- geronimo-servlet.jar
- jetty-*.jar
- sl4j.jar & sl4j-jdk14.jar (optional - but improves logging)
For Aegis support:
- jdom.jar (optional, if you want to map xsd:anyType to JDOM)

For XmlBeans databinding support:
- xmlbeans.jar

For WS-Security support:
- bcprov-jdk15.jar
- xalan.jar
- serializer.jar
- wss4j.jar
- xmlsec.jar

For SAML support in WS-Security
- joda-time.jar
- opensaml.jar
- openws.jar
- xmltooling.jar

For HTTP Binding support:
- jra.jar
- jettison.jar (Needed for JSON services only)

For JAX-RS support:
- abdera*  (optional: for AtomPub support, but also needed for the
            Management log browser console)
- commons-codec.jar (Needed for Abdera)
- jaxen.jar (Needed for Abdera)
- axiom* (Needed for Abdera)
- jsr311-api.jar
- jettison.jar (Needed for JSON services only)

For JMS transport
- geronimo-jms.jar (Or the Sun equivalent)
- spring-jms.jar
- spring-tx.jar

For CORBA support:
- antlr.jar

For JavaScript functionality:
- js.jar

For schema validation with the Aegis data binding.

 - msv-core.jar (version 2010.1)
 - xsdlib:jar (version 2010.1)
 - isorelax.jar (version 20030108)
 - relaxngDatatype.jar (version 20020414)


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