1 简介
高分辨率的影像能更详细地表示景物的细节信息,在诸多领域 (如计算机视觉、遥感、医学等 )有着广泛的应用。目前,高分辨率影像主要通过改进高精度的光 学 器 件 及 传 感 器 等 硬 件 设 备 来 获 得。然而,高精度硬件设备代价昂贵,人们往往希望在付出较低经济代价的前提下获得较高分辨率的影像。另外,由于传感器散粒噪声的影响,通过改进硬件设备性能的途径 并 不 能 无 限 制 地 提 高 获 取 影 像 的 分 辨率,而是有一个技术极限,当前的影像传感器技术已经较为接近这个技术极限。于是,通过软件途径来得到高分辨率影像的超分辨率 (SR)重建技术已经成为人们广泛研究的热点。
2 部分代码
function out = deconvtv(g, H, mu, opts)%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% out = deconvtvl1(g, H, mu, opts)% deconvolves image g by solving the following TV minimization problem%% min mu || Hf - g ||_1 + ||f||_TV% min mu/2 || Hf - g ||^2 + ||f||_TV%% where ||f||_TV = sum_{x,y,t} sqrt( a||Dxf||^2 + b||Dyf||^2 + c||Dtf||^2),% Dxf = f(x+1,y, t) - f(x,y,t)% Dyf = f(x,y+1, t) - f(x,y,t)% Dtf = f(x,y, t+1) - f(x,y,t)%% Input: g - the observed image, can be gray scale, color, or images% H - point spread function% mu - regularization parameter% opts.method - either 'l1' or {'l2'}% opts.rho_r - initial penalty parameter for ||u-Df|| {2}% opts.rho_o - initial penalty parameter for ||Hf-g-r|| {50}% opts.beta - regularization parameter [a b c] for weighted TV norm {[1 1 0]}% opts.gamma - update constant for rho_r {2}% opts.max_itr - maximum iteration {20}% opts.alpha - constant that determines constraint violation {0.7}% opts.tol - tolerance level on relative change {1e-3}% opts.print - print screen option {false}% opts.f - initial f {g}% opts.y1 - initial y1 {0}% opts.y2 - initial y2 {0}% opts.y3 - initial y3 {0}% opts.z - initial z {0}% ** default values of opts are given in { }.%% Output: out.f - output images% out.itr - total number of iterations elapsed% out.relchg - final relative change% out.Df1 - Dxf, f is the output images% out.Df2 - Dyf, f is the output images% out.Df3 - Dtf, f is the output images% out.y1 - Lagrange multiplier for Df1% out.y2 - Lagrange multiplier for Df2% out.y3 - Lagrange multiplier for Df3% out.rho_r - final penalty parameter% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%path(path,genpath(pwd));if nargin<3 error('not enough inputs, try again \n');elseif nargin==3 opts = [];endif ~isnumeric(mu) error('mu must be a numeric value! \n');end[rows,cols,frames] = size(g);memory_condition = memory;max_array_memory = memory_condition.MaxPossibleArrayBytes/16;if rows*cols*frames>0.1*max_array_memory fprintf('Warning: possible memory issue \n'); reply = input('Do you want to continue? [y/n]: ', 's'); if isequal(reply, 'n') out.f = 0; return endendif ~isfield(opts,'method') method = 'l2';else method = opts.method;endswitch method case 'l2' out = deconvtvl2(g,H,mu,opts); case 'l1' out = deconvtvl1(g,H,mu,opts); otherwise error('unknown method \n');end
3 仿真结果
4 参考文献
[1]沈焕锋, 李平湘, 张良培. 一种基于正则化技术的超分辨影像重建方法[J]. 中国图象图形学报:A辑, 2005, 10(4):5.