/***************************************************************************** * Marker.cpp * Example_MarkerBasedAR ****************************************************************************** * by Khvedchenia Ievgen, 5th Dec 2012 * http://computer-vision-talks.com ****************************************************************************** * Ch2 of the book "Mastering OpenCV with Practical Computer Vision Projects" * Copyright Packt Publishing 2012. * http://www.packtpub.com/cool-projects-with-opencv/book *****************************************************************************/ #include "Marker.hpp" #include "DebugHelpers.hpp" Marker::Marker() : id(-1)// id初始化为-1 { } // 重载了‘<’运算符 bool operator<(const Marker &M1,const Marker&M2) { return M1.id<M2.id; } // 顺时针旋转标记矩阵 cv::Mat Marker::rotate(cv::Mat in) { cv::Mat out; in.copyTo(out); for (int i=0;i<in.rows;i++) { for (int j=0;j<in.cols;j++) { out.at<uchar>(i,j)=in.at<uchar>(in.cols-j-1,i); } } return out; } // 计算标记矩阵的海明距离 int Marker::hammDistMarker(cv::Mat bits) { // bits中的每一行,都要与ids中的所有行进行比较 int ids[4][5]= { // id的顺序无所谓 {1,0,0,0,0}, {1,0,1,1,1}, {0,1,0,0,1}, {0,1,1,1,0} }; int dist=0; // rows for (int y=0;y<5;y++) { int minSum=1e5; // hamming distance to each possible word for (int p=0;p<4;p++) { int sum=0; // 统计海明距离 // cols for (int x=0;x<5;x++) { sum += (bits.at<uchar>(y,x) == ids[p][x]) ? 0 : 1; } // 求bits中第y行与ids中第p行的最小距离 if (minSum>sum) minSum=sum; } // 计算bits中所有行的总距离 dist += minSum; } return dist; } // mat转id int Marker::mat2id(const cv::Mat &bits) { int val=0; for (int y=0;y<5;y++) { val<<=1;// val=val<<1 // 只有1和3位是有用的,其他3位(0 2 4)是校验位 if ( bits.at<uchar>(y,1)) val|=1; val<<=1; if ( bits.at<uchar>(y,3)) val|=1; } return val; } int Marker::getMarkerId(cv::Mat &markerImage,int &nRotations) { assert(markerImage.rows == markerImage.cols); assert(markerImage.type() == CV_8UC1); cv::Mat grey = markerImage; // Threshold image cv::threshold(grey, grey, 125, 255, cv::THRESH_BINARY | cv::THRESH_OTSU); #ifdef SHOW_DEBUG_IMAGES cv::showAndSave("Binary marker", grey); #endif //Markers are divided in 7x7 regions, of which the inner 5x5 belongs to marker info //the external border should be entirely black // 检测是否是标记的边界 int cellSize = markerImage.rows / 7; for (int y=0;y<7;y++) { int inc=6; if (y==0 || y==6) inc=1; //for first and last row, check the whole border for (int x=0;x<7;x+=inc) { int cellX = x * cellSize; int cellY = y * cellSize; // 在grey矩阵中取ROI矩阵 cv::Mat cell = grey(cv::Rect(cellX,cellY,cellSize,cellSize)); int nZ = cv::countNonZero(cell); if (nZ > (cellSize*cellSize) / 2) { return -1;//can not be a marker because the border element is not black! } } } cv::Mat bitMatrix = cv::Mat::zeros(5,5,CV_8UC1); //get information(for each inner square, determine if it is black or white) // 根据5*5的黑白格子元素来设置bitMatrix矩阵:白色=1 黑色=0 for (int y=0;y<5;y++) { for (int x=0;x<5;x++) { // 从5*5的第一个格子开始 int cellX = (x+1)*cellSize; int cellY = (y+1)*cellSize; // 在grey矩阵中取ROI矩阵 cv::Mat cell = grey(cv::Rect(cellX,cellY,cellSize,cellSize)); int nZ = cv::countNonZero(cell); if (nZ> (cellSize*cellSize) /2) bitMatrix.at<uchar>(y,x) = 1; } } //check all possible rotations cv::Mat rotations[4]; int distances[4]; rotations[0] = bitMatrix; distances[0] = hammDistMarker(rotations[0]); // 将第一个标记的海明距离作为最小距离 // 键值对里存的时 1.最小距离 2.对应标记的索引 std::pair<int,int> minDist(distances[0],0); for (int i=1; i<4; i++) { //get the hamming distance to the nearest possible word // 将其余的三种旋转可能标记的海明距离与最小距离进行比较ß rotations[i] = rotate(rotations[i-1]); distances[i] = hammDistMarker(rotations[i]); if (distances[i] < minDist.first) { minDist.first = distances[i]; minDist.second = i; } } // 保存识别出的标记的索引 nRotations = minDist.second; if (minDist.first == 0) { return mat2id(rotations[minDist.second]); } return -1; } void Marker::drawContour(cv::Mat& image, cv::Scalar color) const { float thickness = 2; cv::line(image, points[0], points[1], color, thickness, CV_AA); cv::line(image, points[1], points[2], color, thickness, CV_AA); cv::line(image, points[2], points[3], color, thickness, CV_AA); cv::line(image, points[3], points[0], color, thickness, CV_AA); }
bool isInto(cv::Mat &contour, std::vector<cv::Point2f> &b) { for (size_t i=0;i<b.size();i++) { // 检查指定的点和指定的多边形的相对位置关系(在多边形内、外、边上或顶点上) // 返回值:该点和多边形上最近的一条边有符号的距离(>0表示在内部,<0表示在外部,=0表示在边上) // 当最后一个参数值为0的时候,返回的距离只会是100或-100. if (cv::pointPolygonTest( contour,b[i],false)>0) return true; } return false; }