上传苹果版本时错误解决办法:No suitable application records were found. Verify your bundle identifier

简介: 经过内测,今天构建了一个客户要求的新应用版本,上传到苹果应用商城。因为之前上传过多次(另外一个应用),觉得肯定会成功。结果……魔鬼定律现身,提示错误:


 No suitable application records were found. Verify your bundle identifier


 查到的结果都是提示什么plist、app id(bundle id)、发布证书、开发证书等等。吾反复检查了几次,都没问题。怎么办?想了想,老中可能没主意,那么老外有没有办法?于是硬着头皮看英文,看到stackoverflow的一个帖子:

 apple developer account->iTunes Connect->Click on My App->click on plus sign (+)->New App->And fill up the whole info and Choose Your Bundle Id for the app you are uploading now.

 什么意思?就是说,你申请了APP ID之后,上传之前,到苹果开发者账号里,先要新建这个ID对应的应用。这样上传的包才会知道存哪里。


解决App Installation failed, No code signature found.
解决App Installation failed, No code signature found.
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