Gin 学习之自定义服务器配置信息

简介: Gin 学习之自定义服务器配置信息



Gin 框架通过调用 Default 函数,返回一个 *gin.Engine,然后调用 Run 方法构建一个服务器。

func gin.Default() *gin.Engine

Run 方法:

func (engine *Engine) Run(addr ...string) (err error) {
  defer func() { debugPrintError(err) }()
  address := resolveAddress(addr)
  debugPrint("Listening and serving HTTP on %s\n", address)
  err = http.ListenAndServe(address, engine)

细心的读者朋友可能已经注意到 Run 方法只能接收一个地址,无法设置服务器的其他配置信息。

通过查看 Run 方法的代码,可以发现 Run 方法实际上是封装了标准库net/http 的 ListenAndServe 函数。

我们接着查看 ListenAndServe 函数的代码:

func ListenAndServe(addr string, handler Handler) error {
  server := &Server{Addr: addr, Handler: handler}
  return server.ListenAndServe()

通过查看 ListenAndServe 函数的代码,可以发现 ListenAndServe 函数实际上是定义了一个 Server 结构的变量,并调用其 ListenAndServe 方法。



根据 Part 01 的内容铺垫,如果我们想要自定义服务器的配置信息,就需要我们通过定义一个 Server 结构的变量,使用 Server 结构的 ListenAndServe 方法构建服务器。因为 Server 结构包含更多关于服务器配置信息的字段。

Server 结构体的代码:

Server struct {
    // Addr optionally specifies the TCP address for the server to listen on,
    // in the form "host:port". If empty, ":http" (port 80) is used.
    // The service names are defined in RFC 6335 and assigned by IANA.
    // See net.Dial for details of the address format.
    Addr string
    Handler Handler // handler to invoke, http.DefaultServeMux if nil
    // TLSConfig optionally provides a TLS configuration for use
    // by ServeTLS and ListenAndServeTLS. Note that this value is
    // cloned by ServeTLS and ListenAndServeTLS, so it's not
    // possible to modify the configuration with methods like
    // tls.Config.SetSessionTicketKeys. To use
    // SetSessionTicketKeys, use Server.Serve with a TLS Listener
    // instead.
    TLSConfig *tls.Config
    // ReadTimeout is the maximum duration for reading the entire
    // request, including the body.
    // Because ReadTimeout does not let Handlers make per-request
    // decisions on each request body's acceptable deadline or
    // upload rate, most users will prefer to use
    // ReadHeaderTimeout. It is valid to use them both.
    ReadTimeout time.Duration
    // ReadHeaderTimeout is the amount of time allowed to read
    // request headers. The connection's read deadline is reset
    // after reading the headers and the Handler can decide what
    // is considered too slow for the body. If ReadHeaderTimeout
    // is zero, the value of ReadTimeout is used. If both are
    // zero, there is no timeout.
    ReadHeaderTimeout time.Duration
    // WriteTimeout is the maximum duration before timing out
    // writes of the response. It is reset whenever a new
    // request's header is read. Like ReadTimeout, it does not
    // let Handlers make decisions on a per-request basis.
    WriteTimeout time.Duration
    // IdleTimeout is the maximum amount of time to wait for the
    // next request when keep-alives are enabled. If IdleTimeout
    // is zero, the value of ReadTimeout is used. If both are
    // zero, there is no timeout.
    IdleTimeout time.Duration
    // MaxHeaderBytes controls the maximum number of bytes the
    // server will read parsing the request header's keys and
    // values, including the request line. It does not limit the
    // size of the request body.
    // If zero, DefaultMaxHeaderBytes is used.
    MaxHeaderBytes int
    // TLSNextProto optionally specifies a function to take over
    // ownership of the provided TLS connection when an ALPN
    // protocol upgrade has occurred. The map key is the protocol
    // name negotiated. The Handler argument should be used to
    // handle HTTP requests and will initialize the Request's TLS
    // and RemoteAddr if not already set. The connection is
    // automatically closed when the function returns.
    // If TLSNextProto is not nil, HTTP/2 support is not enabled
    // automatically.
    TLSNextProto map[string]func(*Server, *tls.Conn, Handler)
    // ConnState specifies an optional callback function that is
    // called when a client connection changes state. See the
    // ConnState type and associated constants for details.
    ConnState func(net.Conn, ConnState)
    // ErrorLog specifies an optional logger for errors accepting
    // connections, unexpected behavior from handlers, and
    // underlying FileSystem errors.
    // If nil, logging is done via the log package's standard logger.
    ErrorLog *log.Logger
    // BaseContext optionally specifies a function that returns
    // the base context for incoming requests on this server.
    // The provided Listener is the specific Listener that's
    // about to start accepting requests.
    // If BaseContext is nil, the default is context.Background().
    // If non-nil, it must return a non-nil context.
    BaseContext func(net.Listener) context.Context
    // ConnContext optionally specifies a function that modifies
    // the context used for a new connection c. The provided ctx
    // is derived from the base context and has a ServerContextKey
    // value.
    ConnContext func(ctx context.Context, c net.Conn) context.Context
    inShutdown atomicBool // true when when server is in shutdown
    disableKeepAlives int32     // accessed atomically.
    nextProtoOnce     sync.Once // guards setupHTTP2_* init
    nextProtoErr      error     // result of http2.ConfigureServer if used
    mu         sync.Mutex
    listeners  map[*net.Listener]struct{}
    activeConn map[*conn]struct{}
    doneChan   chan struct{}
    onShutdown []func()

通过 Server 结构体的字段,可以设置更多的服务器配置信息,实现我们构建自定义服务器的需求。

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