Baumer工业相机通过使用BGAPI SDK进行开发时,在C++环境可以直接实现位深度为16的图像保存。
这里主要描述如何在C#的平台下通过BGAPI SDK直接实现Mono16图像格式的保存功能的核心代码
本文介绍使用BGAPI SDK对Baumer的工业相机进行开发时,直接实现Mono12或者Mono16图像格式的保存功能
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.IO; using CSCameraDemo.Properties; using System.Globalization; using WindowsFormsApplication1; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Threading; using System.Drawing.Imaging; using BGAPI2;
2:通过BGAPI SDK直接保存Mono12/16图像
SystemList Open a System Get the InterfaceList and fill it Open an Interface Get the DeviceList and fill it Open a Device void mDataStream_NewBufferEvent(object sender, BGAPI2.Events.NewBufferEventArgs mDSEvent) { try { BGAPI2.Buffer mBufferFilled = null; mBufferFilled = mDSEvent.BufferObj; if (mBufferFilled == null) { MessageBox.Show("Error: Buffer Timeout after 1000 ms!"); } else if (mBufferFilled.IsIncomplete == true) { //MessageBox.Show("Error: Image is incomplete!"); //queue buffer again mBufferFilled.QueueBuffer(); } else { #region//获取当前FrameID FrameIDInt = (int)mBufferFilled.FrameID; OnNotifySetFrameID(FrameIDInt.ToString()); #endregion //将相机内部图像内存数据转为bitmap数据 System.Drawing.Bitmap bitmap = new System.Drawing.Bitmap((int)mBufferFilled.Width, (int)mBufferFilled.Height, (int)mBufferFilled.Width, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed, (IntPtr)((ulong)mBufferFilled.MemPtr + mBufferFilled.ImageOffset)); #region//Mono图像数据转换。彩色图像数据转换于此不同 System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorPalette palette = bitmap.Palette; int nColors = 256; for (int ix = 0; ix < nColors; ix++) { uint Alpha = 0xFF; uint Intensity = (uint)(ix * 0xFF / (nColors - 1)); palette.Entries[ix] = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb((int)Alpha, (int)Intensity, (int)Intensity, (int)Intensity); } bitmap.Palette = palette; #endregion long currenttime = (long)mBufferFilled.Timestamp; DateTime sdasd = GetTime(currenttime, true); #region//回调函数保存图像功能 if (bSaveImg) { //使用bitmap自带函数保存 string strtime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmssfff"); string saveimagepath = pImgFileDir +"\\"+ strtime + ".jpg"; // bitmap.Save(saveimagepath, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp); //使用opencv进行保存图像 if (mBufferFilled.PixelFormat == "Mono8") { OpenCvSharp.Mat matgray = OpenCvSharp.Extensions.BitmapConverter.ToMat(bitmap);//用bitmap转换为mat matgray.SaveImage("opencv_image.png"); Cv2.ImWrite("opencvcv_image_Clone.png", matgray); Cv2.ImWrite(saveimagepath, matgray); } //将相机中原始图像数据通过BGAPI SDK直接保存为16位深度的图像 if (mBufferFilled.PixelFormat.Contains("Mono12")) { short[] mImageBuffer16Copy = new short[(uint)((uint)mBufferFilled.Width * (uint)mBufferFilled.Height * 1)]; Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)mBufferFilled.MemPtr, mImageBuffer16Copy, 0, (int)((int)mBufferFilled.Width * (int)mBufferFilled.Height * 1)); //convert Mono12 to Mono16 uint length = (uint)((uint)mBufferFilled.Width * (uint)mBufferFilled.Height) * 1; for (uint l = 0; l < length; l++) { mImageBuffer16Copy[l] = (short)(mImageBuffer16Copy[l] << 4); } saveimagepath = pImgFileDir + "\\" + strtime + "-Mono16.png"; saveMono16Tiff(saveimagepath , mImageBuffer16Copy, (int)mBufferFilled.Width, (int)mBufferFilled.Height * 1); } bSaveImg = false;//变量控制单次保存图像 } #endregion #region//bitmap的图像数据复制pBitmap Bitmap clonebitmap = (Bitmap)bitmap.Clone(); BitmapData data = clonebitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, clonebitmap.Width, clonebitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, clonebitmap.PixelFormat); clonebitmap.UnlockBits(data); pBitmap = clonebitmap; #endregion #region//将pBitmap图像数据显示在UI界面PictureBox控件上 prcSource.X = 0;prcSource.Y = 0; prcSource.Width = (int)mBufferFilled.Width;prcSource.Height = (int)mBufferFilled.Height; System.Drawing.Graphics graph = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromHwnd(pictureBoxA.Handle); graph.DrawImage(pBitmap, prcPBox, prcSource, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); #endregion clonebitmap.Dispose(); //清除临时变量clonebitmap所占内存空间 mBufferFilled.QueueBuffer(); } } catch (BGAPI2.Exceptions.IException ex) { { string str2; str2 = string.Format("ExceptionType:{0}! ErrorDescription:{1} in function:{2}", ex.GetType(), ex.GetErrorDescription(), ex.GetFunctionName()); MessageBox.Show(str2); } } return; }
3:使用BGAPI SDK的图像直接转换Mono12/16图像并保存的功能
下面为在在C#环境开启相机连接相机后通过BGAPI SDK直接实现Mono12或者Mono16图像格式保存的核心代码。
public static void saveMono16Tiff(string fileName, short[] shortarray, int imagewidth, int imageheight) { FileStream FileST = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create); // Create the writer for data. BinaryWriter binWriter = new BinaryWriter(FileST); // Write data to ushort data16 = 0; uint data32 = 0; uint sizeX = (uint)imagewidth; uint sizeY = (uint)imageheight; int imagelength2 = imagewidth * imageheight; // TIFF identifier and count of directory entries //================================================ data16 = 0x4949; // identifier "II" for little-endian byte order binWriter.Write(data16); data16 = 42; // tiff identifier 42 binWriter.Write(data16); data32 = 8; // offset for the first IFD binWriter.Write(data32); data16 = 12; // number of directory entries binWriter.Write(data16); // 1. entry: ImageWidth (number of columns) //========================================== data16 = 0x100; // tag: 100.H binWriter.Write(data16); data16 = 4; // type: LONG binWriter.Write(data16); data32 = 1; // count: 1 binWriter.Write(data32); data32 = sizeX; // value: horizontal image size binWriter.Write(data32); // 2. entry: ImageLength (number of rows) //======================================= data16 = 0x101; // tag: 101.H binWriter.Write(data16); data16 = 4; // type: LONG binWriter.Write(data16); data32 = 1; // count: 1 binWriter.Write(data32); data32 = sizeY; // value: horizontal image size binWriter.Write(data32); // 3. entry: BitsPerSample //========================= data16 = 0x102; // tag: 102.H binWriter.Write(data16); data16 = 3; // type: SHORT binWriter.Write(data16); data32 = 1; // count: 1 == SamplesPerPixel Mono16 binWriter.Write(data32); data32 = 16; // SamplesPerPixel == 1 => value: 16 (16 bps => NOT BASELINE!) binWriter.Write(data32); // 4. entry: Compression //======================= data16 = 0x103; // tag: 103.H binWriter.Write(data16); data16 = 3; // type: SHORT binWriter.Write(data16); data32 = 1; // count: 1 binWriter.Write(data32); data32 = 1; // value: 1 (no compression) binWriter.Write(data32); // 5. entry: PhotometricInterpretation //====================================== data16 = 0x106; // tag: 106.H binWriter.Write(data16); data16 = 3; // type: SHORT binWriter.Write(data16); data32 = 1; // count: 1 binWriter.Write(data32); data32 = 1; // SamplesPerPixel == 1 => value: 1 (BlackIsZero) binWriter.Write(data32); // 6. entry: StripOffsets //======================== data16 = 0x111; // tag: 111.H binWriter.Write(data16); data16 = 4; // type: LONG binWriter.Write(data16); data32 = 1; // count: 1 == StripsPerImage binWriter.Write(data32); data32 = 174; // value = 8 + 2 + 12*12 + 4 + 8 + 8 = 174 binWriter.Write(data32); // 7. entry: SamplesPerPixel //=========================== data16 = 0x115; // tag: 115.H binWriter.Write(data16); data16 = 3; // type: SHORT binWriter.Write(data16); data32 = 1; // count: 1 binWriter.Write(data32); ; data32 = 1; // SamplesPerPixel == 1 Mono16 binWriter.Write(data32); // 8. entry: RowsPerStrip //======================== data16 = 0x116; // tag: 116.H binWriter.Write(data16); data16 = 4; // type: LONG binWriter.Write(data16); data32 = 1; // count: 1 binWriter.Write(data32); data32 = sizeY; // value: vertical image size (one strip only) binWriter.Write(data32); // 9. entry: StripByteCounts (For each strip, the number of bytes in the strip after compression.) //================================================================================================ data16 = 0x117; // tag: 117.H binWriter.Write(data16); data16 = 4; // type: LONG binWriter.Write(data16); data32 = 1; // count: 1 == StripsPerImage binWriter.Write(data32); data32 = 2 * 1 * sizeX * sizeY; // value = 2* 1 * SizeX * SizeY binWriter.Write(data32); // 10. entry: XResolution (The number of pixels per ResolutionUnit in the ImageWidth direction.) //================================================================================================ data16 = 0x11A; // tag: 11A.H binWriter.Write(data16); data16 = 5; // type: RATIONAL binWriter.Write(data16); data32 = 1; // count: 1 binWriter.Write(data32); data32 = 158; // offset to value = 8 + (2 + 12*12 + 4) = 158 binWriter.Write(data32); // 11. entry: YResolution (The number of pixels per ResolutionUnit in the ImageLength direction.) //================================================================================================ data16 = 0x11B; // tag: 11B.H binWriter.Write(data16); data16 = 5; // type: RATIONAL binWriter.Write(data16); data32 = 1; // count: 1 binWriter.Write(data32); data32 = 166; // offset to value = 8 + (2 + 12*12 + 4) + 8 = 166 binWriter.Write(data32); // 12. entry: ResolutionUnit (The unit of measurement for XResolution and YResolution.) //===================================================================================== data16 = 0x128; // tag: 128.H binWriter.Write(data16); data16 = 3; // type: SHORT binWriter.Write(data16); data32 = 1; // count: 1 binWriter.Write(data32); data32 = 2; // value: 2 (Inch) => dpi binWriter.Write(data32); data32 = 0; // offset of next IFD: none binWriter.Write(data32); // write IFD values longer than 4 byte //====================================== data32 = 72; // XResolution numerator: 72 => 72 dpi (a common value..) binWriter.Write(data32); data32 = 1; // XResolution denominator: 1 binWriter.Write(data32); data32 = 72; // YResolution numerator: 72 => 72 dpi (a common value..) binWriter.Write(data32); data32 = 1; // YResolution denominator: 1 binWriter.Write(data32); // end of header save to file // save image data (converted from Mono12 to Mono16) to file for (int i = 0; i < imagelength2; i++) { data16 = (ushort)shortarray[i]; binWriter.Write(data16); } // close file binWriter.Close(); FileST.Close(); return; } // end of saveMono16Tiff()