二.SpringCloud源码剖析-Eureka Client 初始化过程
五.SpringCloud源码剖析-Eureka Client服务续约
六.SpringCloud源码剖析-Eureka Client取消注册
七.SpringCloud源码剖析-Eureka Server的自动配置
八.SpringCloud源码剖析-Eureka Server初始化流程
九.SpringCloud源码剖析-Eureka Server服务注册流程
十.SpringCloud源码剖析-Eureka Server服务续约
十一.SpringCloud源码剖析-Eureka Server服务注册表拉取
Eureka Server服务剔除
这一章我们来分析一下Eureka Server 的服务剔除,它是通过定时任务完成的,在EurekaBootStrap启动引导的initEurekaServerContext上下文初始化方法中,调用了这么一行代码registry.openForTraffic(applicationInfoManager, registryCount);在该方法中又调用了com.netflix.eureka.registry.AbstractInstanceRegistry#postInit方法来初始化服务剔除的定时任务
public abstract class AbstractInstanceRegistry implements InstanceRegistry {
protected void postInit() {
if (evictionTaskRef.get() != null) {
evictionTaskRef.set(new EvictionTask());
serverConfig.getEvictionIntervalTimerInMs(), //60s 逐出间隔计时器
/* visible for testing */
class EvictionTask extends TimerTask {
private final AtomicLong lastExecutionNanosRef = new AtomicLong(0l);
public void run() {
try {
long compensationTimeMs = getCompensationTimeMs();
logger.info("Running the evict task with compensationTime {}ms", compensationTimeMs);
} catch (Throwable e) {
logger.error("Could not run the evict task", e);
public void evict(long additionalLeaseMs) {
logger.debug("Running the evict task");
if (!isLeaseExpirationEnabled()) {
logger.debug("DS: lease expiration is currently disabled.");
// We collect first all expired items, to evict them in random order. For large eviction sets,
// if we do not that, we might wipe out whole apps before self preservation kicks in. By randomizing it,
// the impact should be evenly distributed across all applications.
List<Lease<InstanceInfo>> expiredLeases = new ArrayList<>();
for (Entry<String, Map<String, Lease<InstanceInfo>>> groupEntry : registry.entrySet()) {
Map<String, Lease<InstanceInfo>> leaseMap = groupEntry.getValue();
if (leaseMap != null) {
for (Entry<String, Lease<InstanceInfo>> leaseEntry : leaseMap.entrySet()) {
Lease<InstanceInfo> lease = leaseEntry.getValue();
//如果服务过期,就把服务添加到expiredLeases map中
if (lease.isExpired(additionalLeaseMs) && lease.getHolder() != null) {
// To compensate for GC pauses or drifting local time, we need to use current registry size as a base for
// triggering self-preservation. Without that we would wipe out full registry.
int registrySize = (int) getLocalRegistrySize();
//注册表中服务的续约阈值 = 注册大小 * 0.85
int registrySizeThreshold = (int) (registrySize * serverConfig.getRenewalPercentThreshold());
//驱逐极限 = 注册表大小 - 注册表续约阈值
int evictionLimit = registrySize - registrySizeThreshold;
//过期的服务数 和 evictionLimit 取最小 ,如果大于 0 说明需要有服务要剔除
int toEvict = Math.min(expiredLeases.size(), evictionLimit);
if (toEvict > 0) {
//剔除 toEvict 个
logger.info("Evicting {} items (expired={}, evictionLimit={})", toEvict, expiredLeases.size(), evictionLimit);
Random random = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
for (int i = 0; i < toEvict; i++) {
// Pick a random item (Knuth shuffle algorithm)
int next = i + random.nextInt(expiredLeases.size() - i);
Collections.swap(expiredLeases, i, next);
Lease<InstanceInfo> lease = expiredLeases.get(i);
String appName = lease.getHolder().getAppName();
String id = lease.getHolder().getId();
//expired Counter 过期计数增加
logger.warn("DS: Registry: expired lease for {}/{}", appName, id); //内部取消
internalCancel(appName, id, false);
- 1.判断是否开启过期驱逐
- 2.获取到所有的过期的服务,通过Lease.isExpired判断过期
- 3.计算一个驱逐极限值 :min( 过期数 ,注册表服务数 - 注册表服务数 * 0.85(续约阈值百分比) )
- 4.如果驱逐极限值 > 0 ,那就从过期的服务中随机驱逐 “驱逐极限”个服务
- 5.调用internalCancel方法消息服务
* Checks if the lease of a given {@link com.netflix.appinfo.InstanceInfo} has expired or not.
* Note that due to renew() doing the 'wrong" thing and setting lastUpdateTimestamp to +duration more than
* what it should be, the expiry will actually be 2 * duration. This is a minor bug and should only affect
* instances that ungracefully shutdown. Due to possible wide ranging impact to existing usage, this will
* not be fixed.
* @param additionalLeaseMs any additional lease time to add to the lease evaluation in ms.
public boolean isExpired(long additionalLeaseMs) {
return (evictionTimestamp > 0 || System.currentTimeMillis() > (lastUpdateTimestamp + duration + additionalLeaseMs));
这里给的过期计算方式是: evictionTimestamp (剔除时间戳) > 0 || 最后更新时间戳 + 租期(90s) + 补偿时间 。
但是有意思的是这个方法上的注释说了一个问题:它说由于renew()做了“错误”的事情,将lastUpdateTimestamp设置为+duration,超过了它应该的值,因此到期实际上是2 duration,这个是个小问题,没有什么影响就没做修改。意思是renew方法中的lastUpdateTimestamp时间 不应该 + duration租期时间,这超过了它应该的值,因此到期实际上是2 duration
public void renew() {
lastUpdateTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() + duration;
* {@link #cancel(String, String, boolean)} method is overridden by {@link PeerAwareInstanceRegistry}, so each
* cancel request is replicated to the peers. This is however not desired for expires which would be counted
* in the remote peers as valid cancellations, so self preservation mode would not kick-in.
protected boolean internalCancel(String appName, String id, boolean isReplication) {
try {
Map<String, Lease<InstanceInfo>> gMap = registry.get(appName);
Lease<InstanceInfo> leaseToCancel = null;
if (gMap != null) {
leaseToCancel = gMap.remove(id);
synchronized (recentCanceledQueue) {
recentCanceledQueue.add(new Pair<Long, String>(System.currentTimeMillis(), appName + "(" + id + ")"));
//overriddenInstanceStatusMap 服务状态map中移除当前服务
InstanceStatus instanceStatus = overriddenInstanceStatusMap.remove(id);
if (instanceStatus != null) {
logger.debug("Removed instance id {} from the overridden map which has value {}", id, instanceStatus.name());
if (leaseToCancel == null) {
logger.warn("DS: Registry: cancel failed because Lease is not registered for: {}/{}", appName, id);
return false;
} else {
InstanceInfo instanceInfo = leaseToCancel.getHolder();
String vip = null;
String svip = null;
if (instanceInfo != null) {
recentlyChangedQueue.add(new RecentlyChangedItem(leaseToCancel));
vip = instanceInfo.getVIPAddress();
svip = instanceInfo.getSecureVipAddress();
invalidateCache(appName, vip, svip);
logger.info("Cancelled instance {}/{} (replication={})", appName, id, isReplication);
return true;
} finally {
- 1.从registry中移除服务,
- 2.从overriddenInstanceStatusMap状态map中移除服务状态
- 3.添加到最近取消队列
- 4.调用Lease.cancel方法,将租约对象中的逐出时间修改为当前时间
- 5.修改服务的InstanceInfo的状态为DELETE
- 6.添加到最近修改队列
- 7.更新服务最后修改时间
- 8.使ReponseCache缓存无效