bwa mem比对出现:skip orientation RF as there are not enough pairs
This is normal. The Illumina reads orientation is FR. You got majority FR and skipped other three.
mapping生成sam文件时出现[mem_sam_pe] paired reads have different names错误
方法一(这种方法我在使用后依旧报错): in1=read1.fq in2=read2.fq out1=renamed1.fq out2=renamed2.fq #To install this package with conda run one of the following: conda install -c bioconda bbmap 对于多个fq文件,可以用以下命令: while read line do nohup in=${line}_R1.fq in2=${line}_R2.fq out=${line} out2=${line} & done < name.txt #####其中,name.txt指的是包含sample名字文件
方法二 使用repair.sh进行修复:(使用这种方法后fastq文件变小,可能是合并部分文件造成的。
此外, fastq.gz也可以,另外就是记得输出文件要和源文件命名不同,以防覆盖。
while read line do nohup in=${line}_R1.fastq in2=${line}_R2.fastq out=${line} out2=${line} & done < name.txt