访谈是工作赢或输的地方。简历 - 尤其是强大的简历 - 将确保您踏上门,但要确保在面试中确保您需要发光的位置,这意味着要做好准备。准备让你看起来知识渊博,轻松,这是人们通常在工作同事中所珍视的两个特征。
为了在面试过程中为您提供额外的优势,在BiZZdesign,我们准备了100个问题,帮助您完成企业架构师角色访谈。其中一些针对初级企业架构师,另一些针对更有经验的专业人士 - 他们将共同为您提供一个非常好的想法。不用多说,以下是企业架构工作面试的100个问题:
- How easy to you find it to think in terms of the big picture and can you give me an example of you drawing upon this quality at work?
- Why do you see yourself as a good fit for our company?
- How do you go about improving your professional network?
- Have you dealt with organizations that had a siloed structure before, and how did you deal with it?
- What was the most successful initiative you ever took part in and how would you describe your contribution to it?
- How do you balance your relationship with different stakeholder groups, especially ones that challenge your ideas?
- How would you assess your leadership skills?
- What is the role of architecture in an Agile environment?
- Do you have any experience working with security architecture frameworks, and if so, which ones?
- Where do you see yourself a decade from now career-wise?
- Do you have any experience with data management standards and practices?
- Do you have any experience in negotiating service-level agreements with vendors?
- Have you ever failed to successfully deliver a project, and if so what have you learned from the experience?
- Where do you think enterprise architecture is headed as a field?
- What does a successful first year establishing an EA practice look like to you?
- What qualities do you look for in fellow architects?
- Can you provide a brief definition of enterprise architecture?
- In your experience, what stakeholder groups would be involved in the Enterprise Architecture lifecycle?
- In simple terms, what is an architectural pattern?
- How do you evolve the enterprise architecture of a company that functions in a volatile environment?
- Can you name some recent tech developments that are, in your opinion, important for EA professionals to be aware of?
- What is your view on the role of EA in strategic decision making?
- Do you have any examples of you collaborating with teams across the wider organization?
- What is your experience in dealing with high-level business stakeholders?
- How do you go about obtaining buy-in from management?
- How does enterprise architecture support business goals and strategy?
- Can you briefly describe a mature enterprise architecture practice?
- Do you have any experience working in an Agile environment?
- How would you describe your approach to finding key value-add business activities?
- Do you have experience building architectural roadmaps?
- What was the most difficult project you ever participated in and how did you rise to the challenge?
- How comfortable would you be appraising an EA practice’s maturity?
- How do you ensure a solution is in alignment with the architecture?
- What tools have you used so far in your career?
- Do you have any experience setting up an architecture governance function?
- Can you think of a situation when you were proud of your approach to solving a problem?
- How do you ensure business stakeholders’ requirements are observed?
- What metrics would you use to prove the EA practice has a positive effect on the business?
- Can you give an example in which you evangelized architectures and strategies to executives?
- What are some business goals that your contributed towards and how did you achieve that?
- Are you certified in the latest version of the ArchiMate standard?
- Do you enjoy participating in defining the business strategy?
- How do you go about highlighting areas of weakness or mistakes in your colleagues’ work?
- How can architecture contribute to DevOps?
- Have you carried out risk impact analyses before?
- How do you respond when a colleague corrects you, and should junior architects be able to correct senior staff?
- How do you encourage cross-departmental collaboration?
- Can you provide a brief overview of TOGAF?
- What is your experience with Agile methods and frameworks?
- How does an enterprise architecture practice differ in different organizational cultures?
- Can you give an example of successfully implementing a solution that minimized costs for the business?
- Can you briefly define ITSM?
- How would you position business architecture relative to enterprise architecture?
- Do you have experience introducing a new standard to the EA department?
- Have you ever guided an organization out of a crisis using architecture?
- Can you briefly define Application Portfolio Management?
- What technology trends are you currently most interested in?
- How do you maintain your skills and stay current with IT trends?
- Do you have experience working with a modeling tool?
- Can you describe how you leveraged workflows in a previous position to increase your work output?
- What are some stakeholder groups that you’ve interacted with outside the EA department while delivering a project?
- What EA framework are you most experienced with?
- Do you have experience working with an ArchiMate-certified tool?
- Are you certified in the latest version of TOGAF?
- Can you describe the most mature EA practice you’ve worked in?
- What can architects do to maximize the value they bring in an Agile environment?
- How would you go about elevating an organization’s EA maturity?
- What does “Just in time, just enough” architecture mean?
- What is your opinion on microservices?
- Do you have experience with application cloud migrations?
- Have you had any experience with capability-based planning in previous roles?
- What is ArchiMate?
- Can you provide some examples of how you have previously helped to identify security threats and then delivered controls to mitigate these?
- Do you have experience with Service-Oriented Architecture?
- What aspects would you take into account in assessing EA maturity?
- What experience do you have using ArchiMate?
- Can you name some examples of Personally Identifiable Information?
- Do you have any experience working with ITIL?
- Can you briefly define business architecture?
- Have you ever worked on improving an organization’s customer experience via architecture?
- Can you briefly define security architecture?
- Do you have any experience mentoring junior architects?
- Do you know what the GDPR is?
- Can you explain the difference between object-oriented and aspect-oriented design?
- What is the most comprehensive technology architecture upgrade program you have taken part in and how did you contribute to its success?
- Can you describe your experience with customer journey mapping?
- Have you ever witnessed a security breach first hand, and if so what did the experience teach you?
- What are some aspects that you would change about how enterprise architects do their job?
- Do you think there is a “most important” architectural layer?
- Can you share an example of a successful APM practice you were a part of and describe your role in its success?
- What is the role of reference architectures?
- For what purposes would you use the ArchiMate, BPMN or UML modelling languages, respectively, and how would you relate them?
- What are, in your opinion, the most important predictors for success during a project?
- Are you able to briefly describe the role of a solution architect during the software development life cycle?
- What are the best aspects of your job?
- Have you ever participated in the implementation of an Internet-of-Things project?
- Have you ever run scenario analyses to guide investment decisions?
- Do you have any experience implementing a GDPR compliance program?
- Which architectural views in TOGAF do you consider especially relevant in a low-maturity practice?
- Can you provide an example of how you successfully adjusted after the objectives of a project unexpectedly changed?