<div class="section sec1" style="background-image:url(./images/9.png);background-size: contain;background-color: #D5C1D7 !important;height: 100vh;"> </div> <div class="section sec2"> 2 </div> ......
<script> //$(function(){ var pageSlider = PageSlider.case(); //}); //a标签无法触发跳转的问题用以下代码 $(".to-form-link>a").on('touchend', function () { location.replace($(this).attr("href")); }); </script> <script> if (!(/msie [6|7|8|9]/i.test(navigator.userAgent))) { new WOW().init(); }; </script>
<div class="wow slideInLeft" ></div>
<span class="wow lightSpeedIn" data-wow-delay="2.3s" data-wow-duration="1s"></span>
/* * pageSlider - Zepto plugin for mobile single page sliding * * Copyright (c) 2015 Frans Lee dmon@foxmail.com * * Licensed under the MIT license: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * * Version: 1.0 * */ ;(function($, window, document, undefined) { 'use strict'; /** * Instantiate parameters * * @constructor */ function funwow(){ var wow = new WOW({ boxClass: 'wow', animateClass: 'animation', offset: 0, //距可视窗口执行动画的距离 mobile: true, live: true, }); console.log(wow); wow.init(); } function PageSlider(optOrIndex){ this.inited = false, this.startY = 0, this.distance = 0, this.timer = null, this.nextPageTop = 0, this.prevPageTop = 0, this.index = 0, this.curPagePos = 0, this.nextPagePos = 0, this.pageHeight = 0, this.prevPagePos = 0; var sec1 = document.querySelector('.sec1') this.opt = { startPage: 1, range: 10, duration: 300, loop: false, elastic: true, translate3d: true, callback:{ 1:function(){ funwow() document.querySelector('.sec1_img4').style.display = 'block'; }, 2:function(){ funwow() }, } }; this.init(optOrIndex); }; /** * Set translate/translate3d according to the option * * @param {Number|String} offsetY Vertical Offset * @returns {String} translate/translate3d */ PageSlider.prototype.motion = function(offsetY){ if (this.opt.translate3d) { return 'translate3d(0,' + offsetY + 'px,0)'; } else { return 'translate(0,' + offsetY + 'px)'; } }; /** * Show the specified page * * @param {Number} index The target page number * @param {string} direction The direction of the sliding,'next' or 'prev' */ PageSlider.prototype.showSec = function(index, direction) { if ($('.current').length) $('.current,.next,.prev').css({ '-webkit-transition': null, '-webkit-transform': null }).removeClass('current prev next'); var cur, next, prev; var totalSec = $('.section').length; if (direction == 'next') { cur = index == totalSec ? 1 : (index + 1); next = cur == totalSec ? (this.opt.loop ? 1 : 0) : (cur + 1); prev = index; } else if (direction == 'prev') { cur = index == 1 ? totalSec : (index - 1); next = index; prev = cur == 1 ? (this.opt.loop ? totalSec : 0) : (cur - 1); } else { cur = index; next = index == totalSec ? (this.opt.loop ? 1 : 0) : (index + 1); prev = index == 1 ? (this.opt.loop ? totalSec : 0) : (index - 1); } var $curSec = $('.sec' + cur); var $nextSec = $('.sec' + next); var $prevSec = $('.sec' + prev); $curSec.addClass('current'); this.pageHeight = $('.current').height(); $nextSec.addClass('next').css('-webkit-transform', this.motion(this.pageHeight)); $prevSec.addClass('prev').css('-webkit-transform', this.motion(-this.pageHeight)); $curSec.addClass('ani').siblings('.section').removeClass('ani'); //执行回调 typeof(this.opt.callback[cur])=='function' && this.opt.callback[cur](); }; /** * Touch start event handler */ PageSlider.prototype.touchStartHandler = function(event) { var that = event.data.that; if(that.timer){ return; } that.index = $('.section').index($(this)) + 1; var touch = event.touches[0]; that.distance = 0; that.startY = touch.clientY; that.curPagePos = $(this).offset().top; that.nextPagePos = $('.next').length && $('.next').offset().top; that.prevPagePos = $('.prev').length && $('.prev').offset().top; $(this).off('touchmove').on('touchmove', { 'that': that }, that.touchMoveHandler); $(this).off('touchend').on('touchend', { 'that': that }, that.touchEndHandler); }; /** * Touch move event handler */ PageSlider.prototype.touchMoveHandler = function(event) { var that = event.data.that; if(that.timer){ return; } var touch = event.touches[0]; that.distance = touch.clientY - that.startY; if (Math.abs(that.distance) < 5) { return; }; if (!that.opt.elastic && ((that.index === 1 && that.distance > 0) || (that.index === $('.section').length && that.distance < 0))) { return; } that.curPageTop = that.curPagePos + that.distance; that.nextPageTop = that.nextPagePos + that.distance; that.prevPageTop = that.prevPagePos + that.distance; $(this).css('-webkit-transform', that.motion(that.curPageTop)); $('.next').css('-webkit-transform', that.motion(that.nextPageTop)); $('.prev').css('-webkit-transform', that.motion(that.prevPageTop)); }; /** * Touch end event handler */ PageSlider.prototype.touchEndHandler = function(event) { var that = event.data.that; if(that.timer){ return; } $('.current,.next,.prev').css('-webkit-transition', '-webkit-transform ' + that.opt.duration + 'ms linear'); if ((that.distance < -that.opt.range && $('.next').length) || (that.distance > that.opt.range && $('.prev').length)) { var next = !!(that.distance < -that.opt.range); $(this).css('-webkit-transform', that.motion((next ? (-$(this).height()) : $(this).height()))); $(next ? '.next' : '.prev').css('-webkit-transform', that.motion(0)); that.timer = setTimeout(function() { that.showSec(that.index, next ? 'next' : 'prev'); clearTimeout(that.timer); that.timer = null; }, that.opt.duration + 5); } else { $(this).css('-webkit-transform', that.motion(0)); $('.prev').css('-webkit-transform', that.motion(-that.pageHeight)); $('.next').css('-webkit-transform', that.motion(that.pageHeight)); that.timer = setTimeout(function() { $('.current,.next,.prev').css({ '-webkit-transition': null }); clearTimeout(that.timer); that.timer = null; }, that.opt.duration + 5); } }; /** * Sliding to the target page * * @param {Number} index The target page number */ PageSlider.prototype.go = function(index){ this.init(index); }; /** * PageSlider initializer * * @param {Object|Number} optOrIndex Settings or page number */ PageSlider.prototype.init = function(optOrIndex){ var that = this; if (typeof(optOrIndex) == 'object') { $.extend(true, that.opt, optOrIndex); that.inited = false; } else { optOrIndex && (that.opt.startPage = optOrIndex); } if (!that.inited) { $('.section').off('touchstart').on('touchstart', { 'that': that }, that.touchStartHandler); that.showSec(that.opt.startPage); that.inited = true; } else { that.showSec(that.opt.startPage) } $(window).on('onorientationchange' in window ? 'orientationchange':'resize',function(){ that.go(that.index+1); }); }; /** * To generate an instance of object * * @param {Object|Number} optOrIndex Settings or page number */ PageSlider.case = function(optOrIndex) { return new PageSlider(optOrIndex); }; if (typeof define === 'function' && typeof define.amd === 'object' && define.amd) { define(function() { return PageSlider; }); } else if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) { module.exports = PageSlider.case; module.exports.PageSlider = PageSlider; } else { window.PageSlider = PageSlider; } })(window.Zepto, window, document); ```js ine.amd === 'object' && define.amd) { define(function() { return PageSlider; }); } else if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) { module.exports = PageSlider.case; module.exports.PageSlider = PageSlider; } else { window.PageSlider = PageSlider; } })(window.Zepto, window, document); 97